except that the fertile cell by projecting beyond the barren
ones forms to it something of a border. . The channel in
front is broader, deeper, and more open than in F. Auricula.
In this genus the position of the fruit is such as to throw
the back against one branch of the dichotomous panicle and
the front towards the other, not one side towards each, as
appears to be the case in the Caryophylleae. There are two
empty cells with a fine rib or nerve on each. The projection
of the fertile cell forms a small tooth at the extremity
of the fruit, but there is nothing which can be called a calyx.
These particulars are amply sufficient to distinguish this
plant from F. Auricula, while the total want of the corky
mass at the back of the seeds readily separates it from F.
olitoria, which in habit it closely resembles.—J . W.