SPARTINA alterniflora.
Alternate-flowered Cord-grass.
T R IA N U R IA Digynia.
Gen. Char. " Spike compound. Calyx of two opposite
lanceolate, compressed, unequal, acuminate
valves, one-flowered. Corolla of two compressed
rather unequal lanceolate valves. Styles
united (or cohering) half-way up. Seed free.”
Smith. Hooker.
Spec. Char. Spikes numerous, coarctate ; flowers
glabrous ; larger calyx-glume with strong lateral
nerves. Leaves continuous with the sheaths,
longer than, or equal to, the flower-spikes, dilated
at the base; lower ones persistent. Rachis
much produced beyond the terminal floret of each
partial spike into a flexuose awn-like point.
Syn. “ Spartina alterniflora. Loisel. FI. Gall. v. 2.
719. (1817.)
“ S. glabra. Mühl. Gram. 54. (1817.)
“ S. laevigata. Link Jahrbuch.v. 3. 92. (after 1820.)
“ Dactylis maritima. Walter. Carol. 77. (fide
Mühl.”) Bigelow, Hooker, loc. infra cit*. FI.
Boston. 25. (descr. bona.)
j ? H E present species of Spartina, well known as a native
of North America, was detected many years ago on the
banks of the Adour near Bayonne, and in 1836, in the utmost
profusion, on the vast mud banks of the Itchen and
* For a more detailed account of the history and uses of Sp. alterniflora,
see a paper on this subject by myself in the Companion to the Botanical
Magazine, v. 2. p. 254.