ARENAR1A norvegica.
Norwegian Sandwort.
B ECANDR IA Trigynia.
N at. Ord. Caryophyllacece.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-leaved. Petals 5, entire. Capsule
1-celled, many-seeded.
Spec. Char. Stems cæspitose, as well as the terminal
or axillary peduncles, slightly downy. Stipules
none. Leaves spathulate-obovate, bluntly pointed,
fleshy, nerveless, imbricated in four row's. Calyx-
leaves shorter than the corolla, bluntly pointed,
obscurely 3-5 nerved, as well as the leaves, sub-
glabrous. Capsule 6-7-valved.
Syn. Arenaria norvegica, Gunnerus FI. Norveg.
No. 1100. t. 9 ./. 7-9. FI. Dan. t. 1269.
A. multicaulis. TFulf. in Jacq. Collect, v. I. 248.
t. 17. ƒ. 1. fVilld. Sp. PI. v. 2. 719. DeCand.
Flor. Franc, v. 4.783. Suter FI. Helvet.v.l.26b.
A. ciliata /3. fVilld. Sp. PI. v. 2. 719. Pers. Synops.
v. 1. 502. Wahl. Veget. et Climat. Helv. Sept.
85. Ejusd. FI. Suecic. 283. De Cand. Bot. Gal.
86. Reichenb. FI. Germ. Excurs. v. 2. 791.
X\;O O T annual, fibrous. Stem much branched, procumbent,
sometimes rooting, caespitose, 1 to 3 inches high,
slightly downy, covered towards the root with the withered
bases of the leaves. Leaves opposite, decussating, rather
crowded, longer than the internodes, fleshy, nerveless, glabrous,
spathulate-obovate, bluntly pointed, without stipules.