PEDIA carinata.
Boat-seeded, Corn Salad.
T R IA N D R IA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Corolla superior, 5 cleft, gibbous at the
base. Fruit one-seeded, without a feathery
Spec. Char. Barren cells 2, contiguous in their
whole length. Fruit oblong, boat-shaped, with
a simple blunt crown. Flowers in heads. Upper
leaves sometimes toothed at the base.
Svn. Fedia carinata. Woods in Tr. of Linn. Soc.
v. 17. 430. t. 21. f . 26, 27. Hooker Brit. Flora
in addit. to v. 1. ed. 3. Mertens Koch, Deut.
FI. v. 1. 399. Reich. Ic. t. 61.
Valerianella carinata. Loisel. Not. 149. De Cand.
Prod. v. 4. 629. Dietrich in Sp. PL ed. 6. v. 2.
T h e Lamb’s Lettuce of the gardens seems very often to
belong to this species ; and perhaps our specimens, which
were gathered by Mr. Forster at Marden Ash, near Ongar
in Essex, may have escaped originally from cultivation.
Mr. Leighton has found it in Long Lane Quarry near
Cheney Longville in Shropshire, and Mr. Babington has
lately detected the species in the Isle of Jersey. It is
very abundant in Normandy, where it may be found early
in May, occupying the places taken by F. olitoria a little
later in the season.
Root slender, annual. Stem dichotomous almost from
the base, erect, angular. The angles furnished more or less
with deflexed hairs or points, especially towards the base.
Leaves fringed with minute teeth, the lower somewhat
spatulate, quite entire, the upper oblong, occasionally with
a few blunt teeth. Upper bracteae spreading, blunt ciliate,
not scariose at the tip. Flowers bluish, crowded into heads.
Fruit oblong, in shape much resembling a grain of wheat,