Leoatyorci peA x-oults.
jOa.y /f* 7f?.3f.
LECANORA pezizoides.
Flat-shielded Brown Scaly Lecanora.
Gen. Char. Scutellce sessile, with a margin of the
same substance as the thallus.
Spec. Char. Thallus of minute, lobed, convex, confluent,
greyish-brown scales. Scutellae flattish,
sinuated ; margins slightly elevated, narrow, cre-
nulate. Disk yellowish-brown.
S y n . Lecanora brunnea. Ach. Lieh. Unit'. 419. Syn.
Parmelia brunnea. Ach. Meth. 186. Fries, Lieh.
Eur. Reform. 93.
Lichen pezizoides. Web. Spic. Goett. 200. Dicks.
Crypt, fase. 1. 10. t. 2 ./. 4. With. ed. 3. v. 4. 21.
L. brunneus. Swartz, Nov. Act. Ups. v. 4. 247 ?
Ach. Prod. 49. Wahl. FI. Lapp. 420.
Patellaria nebulosa. Hoffm. PI. Lieh. v. 2. fuse.
355. t. 4 0 ./. 1. fide Ach.*
]W[oUNTAINOUS districts of England, Scotland, and
Ireland produce this beautiful but ill understood Lichen.
It grows in mossy spots, on the ground and on rocks, and
sometimes on rotten wood. The specimen figured at a was
sent from Bantry by Miss Hutchins ; that at b from Hol-
wick Scar, Yorkshire, by Mr. W. Robertson.
Thallus in irregular and, often, interrupted patches, composed
of minute tartareous convex scales, bluish-green
within, externally unpolished, and of a greyish-brown varying
in intensity,f which are more or less confluent, and
form a very uneven crust. When most distinct, they are
• Hoffmann himself declares it a variety of this species, under his Psora
coronatam PI. Lich.v. 3.fasc. 2. p. 3. The figure might have inclined us
to reter it rather to Lecidea coronata,
f Probably greenish when the plant is living, in which state we have not
at present an opportunity of seeing it.