ALLIUM ambiguum.
Bulb-bearing rose-coloured Garlic
H E X A N D R IA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Perianth free, petaloid, 6-sepalled,
persistent. Stigma simple. Capsule triquetrous,
three-celled, mostly three-seeded. Inflorescence
terminal, umbellate, furnished with a
2-leaved spatha.
Spec. Char. Scape naked. Leaves linear, acute,
channelled. Umbel loose, bulbiferous. Spatha
turbinate, short, 3—4-lobed. Sepals oval-oblong,
obtuse, slightly notched, and somewhat conni-
vent. Stamens simple about half the length of the
Sun. Allium ambiguum. Sm. Prodr. FI. Grcec. v.
227. FI. Grcec. t. 327. G. Don in Wern. Mem.
v. 5. 75.
A. incarnatum. Horn. Hort.Hafn. 323. Spreng.
Syst. v. 2. 35.
A. Tenorii. Spreng. Syst. v. 2. 35.
A. cirrhosum. Ranch. Nomencl. 74.
A.roseum (3. Bot. Mag. t. 978. Guss. Prodr.
FI. Sic. v. 1.400.
Moly angustifolium campanulatum, flore roseo, nodosum.
Cupan. Panph. v. 2. t. 219.
M.angustifolium, foliiscontortis. Tourn. Inst. 385.
M. angustifolium, foliis reflexis. Bauh. Pin. 76.
Mor. Hist. v. 2. Sect. 4. t 16./. 11.
M. serpentinum. Ger. 185. Park. Parad. 142.
Lob. Icon. t. 160.
J.^HIS pretty species of Allium is added to our Flora on
the authority of John Alexander Hankey, Esq., who discovered
it in June of the present year (1837), growing in