PRUNUS Cerasus.
Morello Cherry-tree.
IC OSANDRIA Monogynia.
G en. Char. Calyx inferior, 5-cleft. Petals 5.
Stone of the drupe with slightly prominent seams.
S pec. Char. Fruticose, stoloniferous. Leaves broadly
ovato-Janceolate, firm, glabrous, not drooping.
, Umbels few-flowered, mostly scattered, erect or
patent (not lax). Inner scales of the flower-buds
leafy. Sepals obtuse. Petals firm, widely spreading.
S ÿn. Prunus Cerasus. Linn, et pier. auct. europ.
(excl. syn. script, anglican.). Willd. Sp. PI. v.
2. 991. Wahlenb. Upsal. 164. Lejeune Flore
de Spa, v. 1. 222. Revue de la Flore de Spa,
92. Mert. und Koch Deuts. FI. v. 3. 408. (descript.
aptiss.,). Koch Syn. FI. Germ, et Helv.
206. Pollich Palat. v. 2. 27 (bona). Leers
Herborn. (ed. 2.) 116.
P. acida vel austera. Ehrh. (teste TPahlenb. et fide
spec, upsaliensis ab Ehrharto ipso in herb, ami-
ciss. Bentham cum nost. vectianis comparati.
P. caproniana. Gaud. Helv. v. 3. 307 (optima).
Cerasus acida. Endl. Poson. 468.
C. austera. Leight. FI. of Shrops. add. 524.
C. vulgaris, Moench Method. 672.
JL HAT the elegant shrub before us is what Linnaeus and
most if not all of the continental authors understood by his