This species is found on the continent of Europe from
the Alps to Lapland, in Arctic America, and on the Rocky
Mountains. It was discovered in 1836 at the head of Glen
Callater in Scotland, by Mr. Dickie and Mr. Templeton.
A specimen “ ex alpinis Norvegice” from Wahlenberg in
Sir W. J . Hooker’s herbarium has the fruit rough at the
edges. The specimens from the Rocky Mountains are
large, with more numerous flowers; but I observe a European
specimen in the herbarium of Mr. Jos. Woods of
equal size, and Wahlenberg speaks of this species being the
largest of its congeners. C. altenuata, 22. Brown in Franklin's
Nar. App. p. 750., an authentic specimen of which I
find in Sir W. J . Hooker’s herbarium, is a laxer plant
with long leaves. It is in a very young state, but agrees,
I think, essentially with the character of this species.— F.
B oott, M.D.