RANUNCULUS ophioglossifolius.
Broad-leaved Spear-wort.
POL YA N D R I J Polygynia.
Gen. Char. Calyx of 5, rarely 3 leaves. Petals 5
or more,, with a nectariferous pore at the base.
Pericarps without awns.
Spec. Char. Stem erect, many-flowered, hollow.
Lower leaves stalked, cordate-ovate; upper ones
oblong, sessile. Peduncles opposite to the leaves.
Carpels obliquely ovate, with a short rostrum,
Syn. Ranunculus ophioglossifolius. Vill. FI. Delph.
v. 4. 731. t. 49. De Cand. Syst. v. 1. 249.
Prod. v. 1. 43. Bot. Gall. 13. Host. FI. Aust.
v. 2. 107. Reich. FI. Excurs. no. 4613. Lois.
FI. Gall. v. 1. 394. St. Aman. FI. Agen. 225.
Koch, Syn. 15.
R. ophioglossoides. TVilld. Sp. PI. v. 2. 1310.
Smith, in Rees. Cycl. no. 10.
T h i s very interesting addition to the Flora of the Channel
Islands has only been noticed in one place, namely, St.
Peter’s Marsh, Jersey, where it occurs in the greatest profusion.
It appears to prefer growing in spots which are
just covered with water. Our specimens were gathered
on the western side, on the 6th of June, 1838.
Root formed of long branched fibres spreading in whorls
from the lower joints of the stem. Stem erect, cylindrical,
hollow, smooth, branched above, brittle. Leaves oblong ;
the upper ones elongated and sessile; the intermediate
somewhat stalked, with along sheathing base, minutely and