L I N ARIA Pelisseriana.
Upright Purple Toadflax.
D ID Y N A M IA Angiospermia.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-partite. Corolla personate,
spurred at the base, its mouth closed by a projecting
palate. Capsule ventricose, 2-celIed,
opening by valves or teeth.
Spec. Char. Leaves linear ; the lower ones 3 or 4 in
a whorl ; the upper alternate ; on the sterile
branches ternate, lanceolate or ovate. Flowers
shortly racemed. Peduncles about as long as the
bracteas. Sepals linear, acute, twice as long as
the capsule. Seeds nearly flat, with a fringed
margin, smooth externally, minutely tubercu-
lated within.
Syn. Linaria Pelisseriana. De Cand. FI. Fr. v. 3.
589. Bot. Gall. 345. Sebast. et Mauri, 203.
Lois. FI. Gall, v . 2. 31. Reich. FI. Excurs. 375.
Koch, Syn. 522.
Antirrhinum Pelisserianum. Linn. Sp. PI. 855.
FI. Grrec. t. 591.
R o o t subfusiform, fibrous, annual, bearing from one
to four or five erect round slightly branched stems, from 6
inches to a foot and a half high, and producing also a few
slender prostrate barren stems. Leaves linear, acute,
slightly fleshy, channeled, attenuated below, alternate,