SCIRPUS pangens.
Sharp Club-rush.
T R IA N D R IA Monogynia.
Gen. Chau. Glumes imbricated in many rows.
Hypogynous setae 6, rarely fewer, persistent.
Style 2—3 fid, its base not inflated, deciduous.
Caryopsis flat on one side, convex on the other.
Spec. Char. Stem triquetrous. Spikes 1—3, sessile,
lateral. Glumes smooth, pointed, emarginate,
slightly fringed; lobes acute. Stigmas 2. Apex of
the anthers subulate and ciliated. Root creeping,
Syn. Scirpus pungens. Vahl. En. v. 2. 255. Dietr.
Sp. PI. v. 2.175. Bert. FI. Ital. v. 1.295. Kunth,
Cyper. 162.
S. Rothii. “ Hoppe in Sturm. Germ. 36.” Gaud.
FI. Helv.v. 1.124. Bluff, et Fingerh. ed. 2 .v .\. 87.
S. tenuifolius. DeCand. FI. Fr. v. 5. 300. Bot.
Gall. 487.
S. triqueter /3. Sm. Eng. FI. v. 1. 60.
Heleogiton pungens. Reich. FI. Excurs. no. 538.
Juncus acutus maritimus caule triquetro, rigido,
mucrone pungente. Dill, in Raii Syn. 429.
XVOOT creeping extensively. Stems triquetrous, from
a few inches to a foot and a half in height, rigid, acute,
with 1—4 leaves at its base, which are narrow, keeled,
terminated by a long triquetrous point, sheathing, and
usually much shorter than the stem. Spikes lateral, sessile,
ovate, 1—3, collected into a roundish head, rarely
solitary. Glumes reddish, ovate, concave, smooth, bifid,
with a short strong awn-like point between them, the lobes