Dwarf-clustered Film- Moss.
C R YP TO G AM IA Musci.
Gen. Char. Mouth of the capsule much contracted,
naked, at first closed by the upper portion of the
internal membrane. Calyptra dimidiate.
Spec. Char. Stems short, branched. Leaves nearly
erect,linear, with involute margins, crisped when
dry. Fruit-stalk very short. Capsule oblong
ovate ; lid conical acuminate.
Syn. Hymenostomum obliquum. Bridel, Br. Un. v.
2. 75.
O n the borders of the Pool at Mere, Cheshire, abundantly,
Sept. 1834.
Growing in broad and rather dense patches. Stems occasionally
much branched, branches very short. Leaves very
closelyresemblingthoseof H.microstomum, linear-subulate,
entire, with involute margins, nerved to the summit. Peri-
chsetial leaves longer than the rest. Fruit-stalks mostly
solitary, sometimes in pairs, at the ends of the branches,
extremely short, scarcely rising above the leaves: hence
this moss may at first sight be easily mistaken for a Phascum.
Capsule subcylindrical, sometimes bent, the mouth much
contracted, and completely closed by the sporular or internal
membrane, composed at its inner edge of 16 cells. Annulus
none. Lid conico-rostrate. Calyptra dimidiate.
The writer of this article is indebted to his friend, W.