Lax-floivered Persicaria.
Gen. Char. Calyx of 5 persistent segments. Co-
rolla none. Stamens 5-8. Styles 2-8. Fruit,
a one-seeded compressed or trigonous nut, with
a lateral embryo, and the cotyledons linear-
Spec. Char. Leaves lanceolate. Ochreae funnel-
shaped, with adpressed hairs and long cilia,
without glands. Spikes erect, interrupted, lax,
thickened upwards. Calyx without glands. Fruit
lenticular or triquetrous. Flowers 5-androus,
usually digynous.
Svn. Polygonum mite, " Schrank Baier Fl. v. 1.
668.” Mey. Chlor. Hanov. 475. Koch *Syn. 618.
Hooker Brit. FI. ed. 4. 164. (not Pers.)
P. laxiflorum, Weihe Bot. Zeit. 1826. 746. Mert.
und Koch. Deuts. Fl. v. 3. 55. Reich. Fl. Ex-
curs. 571. Wimm, und Gr ah. Fl. Siles. v. 1.
381. Bluff, und Fingerh. ed. 2. v. l .pt . 2. 28.
P. Braunii, Bluff, und Fingerh. ed. 1. 509. Spenn.
Fl. Frib. 0.2. 308.
P. Hydropiper, var. Curt. Fl. Lond.
I t gives us much pleasure to introduce a fifth new British
species of Polygonum into the present volume of this
Supplement, and we cannot refrain from remarking how
strong a proof this is of the necessity which exists of studying
with greater care the more neglected genera contained
in our native Flora.