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(3.) S o n punti/orm é c ., <L-c.
( e.) Soi'i involúcrate, i. e., with inferior indusia.
( h .j Special indusmm, more or less adherent to, and connivant with the margin o f the frond, forming an entire or 2-val 'id cup ;
sori, therefore, within a marginal cup.
(a.) Indusium cup-shaped, refiexed.
D e n n s tæ d t i a . Bernhardi. Schrad. Journ. 1800, ii. 124., f. 1 ., f 8.
(Dicksonia, Kaulfuss. Presl. ;—Sitoboliuui, Desvaux ;—Patania, Presl. ;—Sitolobium, J . Sm, ;—Adectiun, Link. ;—Deparia',
sp, Hookei' ;—Polypodii, sp. A u c t.;—Cyatheæ, sp. A u ct.;—Trichomanes, A u ct.;—Nephrodii, sp. Auct.)
Sori iuvohicrately-indusiate, globose, marginal reflexed, the receptacles small, punctiform terminal; Indusium, cnpuliforni or
pateriform, sub-membranaceous, the special and accessory valves nearly equal, and coalescing into an almost entire, rarely sub-bilabiate
reflexed cup. Veins piunate from a central costa, venules sunple or forked free.
Fronds herbaceous, bi-pimiate or .decompound, the sori exerted -withiii the cup-shaped involucriform indusia, and reflexed.
Ehizome creeping. This genus differs from Dicksoma in a cup-shaped entire, instead of a 2-valved indusium. (Aloore.)
1. Dennstoedtia deltoidea. (Moore.) Stipes 6-8 inches long, a little rough, glossy brown, fronds deltoid-ovate, 1 foot long,
quadripinnate, pinnules oblong-cuneate, pinnatifid, the segments linear obtuse few on a winged rachis, sori terminal upon the shoi-ter
segments, rachises (the main one zigzag) costæ, and frond (in a slight degree) liairy. Hook. Davallia deltoidea. Hook. Sp. F il. i. 80.
Ceylon. (C. P. 1397.)
N o t e .— Jlr. Moore enumerates two other species from Ceylon, viz., D. flaccida and scalra. Mr. Thwaites says he does not
know them unless they are forms of the above, nor does he know anything of Dicksonia Zeylanica, (Sw.), unless it is also the same a.s
Dennstoedtia deltoidea.
C y a th e a . (See page 19.)
Cyathea sinuata. (Hook, et Grev.) Caudex 1 inch in diameter, fronds simple, lanceolate, very much elongated, sinuate at the
margin, veins pinnate, veinlets soriferous near the middle, involucre globose or slightly depressed, bursting very irregularly at the top, so
.13 to become cup-sbaped with a very uneven margin, receptacle globose. Hook. Sp. Fil. i, 15.
Ceylon. (C. P. 3052.)
2. Cyathea Hookeri. (Thw.) Caudex elongate, about 1^ inch in diameter, stipites sparingly niuricated at the base and furnished
with rather rigid setosely acuminated scales, fronds 3 feet or more long, narrow, lanceolate acuminate, pinnate, pinnatifid at the apex,
pinnæ lanceolate, sub-entire or crenately lobate, aud broadly truncate a t the base, shortly petiolate, superior sessile, inferior gradually
smaller, costa beneath sparingly paleaceous, veins pinnate, indusium globose, bursting irregularly. Thw. En. PI. Ceylon, part V.
Ceylon; Singhe-Eajah Forest. (C. P. 3722)
3. Cyathea Walhera. (Hook.) Unarmed, stipes and main racbis mahogany coloured-fronds bi-pinnate, pimndes thick, firni,
very coriaceous, deeply pinnatifid, pinnate below, segments and ultimate pinnules (the latter contracted a t the baso) oblong, very obtuse,
entire or slightly crenate, often scaly, (scales deciduous) on the costa beneath, veins copious, sunk, forked a t the very base, often again
about half way up, sori occupying the lowest fork close to, almost upon the costa, involucres large, opaque, bursting, as it were, on tlio
superior side, only refiexed upon the costa, and partially covering the sorus in the form of a broad bifid hood. Hook. Sp. Fil. i. 21,
Amphicosraia Walker®. Moore. Mr. Moore place,s tbis plant in tbe genus Amphicosmia, distinguisbed from Cyathea by tbe iiivolucre.s
being half cup-shaped ; but Mr. Thwaites, who has noticed living specimens, informs me that the involucre is very variable, and ranges
between Cyathea and true Alsophila.
Ceylon. (C. P. 1398, 1399, and 3053.)
T ric h om a n e s . (See page 2.)
1. Trichomanes proliferum. (Blume.) Caudex creeping, downy much entangled, stipes elongated bearing frouds which are
proliferous from the axils, and which are subreniform or cordate, deeply divided palmate or almost digitate, the segments linear and
often again divided obtuse, involucres sub-cylindrical and quite sunk, the mouth more or less spreading, obscurely 2-hpped, receptacles
Ceylon. (C. P. 3329.)
I have lately found tbis species abundant on the Western slopes of the Nilgiris, 3,000 feet elevation.
2. Trichomanes glauco-fuscum. (Hook.) Fronds rather tall, oblongo-Ianceolate, bi-pinnatifid, glauco-fuscous when dry, primary
divisions, broad lanceolate, the segments all acute, linear simple or forked, involucres superaxülary on short segments, partially sunk, short,
cylindrical attenuated a t the base, the mouth broad, spreading scarcely 2 -lipped, stipes filiform glabrous, indistinctly winged except above.
Hook. Sp. Fil. i. p. 128.
Ceylon. (C. P. 3330.)
3. Trichomanes corticola. (Hook. M. S.) Ehizome hair-like repent, and with the longish stipes bispidulous, fronds to 1
inch, cuneato-orbicular palmato-incised, glabrous, segments linear retuse, eosta central, sori terminal, involucres poculiform, sub-bilabiate.
Thw. En. PI. Ceylon, part V.
H ym e n o p h y llum . (See page 3.)
1. Hymenophyllum Tunhridgense. (Sm.) Procumbent densely matted, fronds small, rather tender pinnated, pinnæ distichous
sub-vertical pinnatifid, segments linear simple or bifid, and as well as tbe superaxillary solitary sub-compressed involucres spinuloso
serrate, tbe valves semi-orbicular, tbe very short cuneate base sunk, rachis winged above. Hook. Sp. Fil. i. 95 ;—Smith. Fl. Brit
p. 1,141 ;—H. minimum. Rich. Fl. Nov. Zeal. p. 91 ;—H. revolutum. Colenso in Tasm. Phil. Journ. ;—H. asperulum. Kze. PI. Crypt
Pcepp. p. 109 ;—H. Thunbergii, Eckl. in Schied, PI. Exsic. Cap. Un. I t. n. 92 ;—H. unilaterale? Willd.;— JÍ. c u p r e s s i f o rm e .W o t
Holl. p. 102,
Ceylon. (C. P. 3984.)
I have lately detected this species on the mountains close to Chokampatty (Tinnevelly), at an elevation of 5,000 feet.
2. Hymenophyllum B lim ea n im ? (Spr.) Caudex creeping, scrobicnlate glabrous, stipes terete, fronds elongate, linear-lanceolate
glabrous, rachis winged, pinnrc rather remote, irregular in size and shape, from narrow-cuneate to variously digitato-pinnate, veins very
prominent, involucres oblong 2 -vaIved entire.
Ceylon, (C. P. 1391.)
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