(lowest pair sometiines bi-partite) the extremity long-caudate, the segments oblong, all-spinu’oso-serrated in the sterile fronds,
linear and entire, except a t the sterile apex, in the fertile ones, veins simple and forked, involucres sub-intramarginal membranaceous often
continued round the apex, stipes rather stout costaneous or puiple-ebeneous very glossy. Hook. Sp. Fil. ii. 169 ;—Pt. flabellata Schkh ;
—P t. dimidiata. B l. Fil. Jav. 2>. 210. (not Willd).
Travancore hills—Tranquebai’—rare.
5. Ftei-is O'enata, Sw. Syn. Fil. p . 96.— 1 | to 2 feet and more liigh, caudex creeping scaly with long subulate rigid curved scales,
fronds 6-8 inches to a foot and more long ovate or (fertile) lanceolate sub-membranaceous firm bi-piniiate, terminal pinna much elongated
often exceedingly long and caudate generally auriculate on each side at the base ; sterile pinnules oblong or obovate obtuse half an inch long
coarsely serrated sessile very often confluent and more or less decurrent sharply serrated, veinlets simple or forked thickened a t the apex,
fertile pinnules linear more or less elongate often much acuminated, serrated a t the sterile apex, indusium intramarginal Occupying nearly
the whole length of the pinnules: stipites slender smooth, stramineous short, in the sterile fronds much elongated. Hook Sp. Fil. ii. 163. P t.
ensiformis— Wall. Cat. n. 2481 ; and Pt. multidentata, n. 2681 ;—Pt. caudata Loureiro Cochin, p. 835—Pt. heterodactyla. Reinio.
Cochin—Malabar Coast. Tranquebar.
PLATE No. XXXV. (a fertile frond. A, the upper portion of a sterile one).
6 . Pteris Boivini, Moore, Cæspitose, a span to 2 feet high caudex nodose with copious wooly fibres fronds subtriangular-ovate
bi-tripinnate glabrous, pinnæ generally pinnate below and entire towards the apex, pinnules sessile or short petiolate elliptical or ovate with
an unequal cordate base, very coriaceous opaque; fertile ones entire except at the crenated sterile apex, sterile ones crenated. Veins internal
quite obsolete forked and free—indusium sub-intramarginal membranaceous continuous round the margin except a t the very apex and base__
stipes subflexnose stout and as well as the rachises je t black and furnished with tawny down—Pellæa Boivini. Hook. S p . F il. ii. 147,
Anamallays, dry rocky places 4000 feet elevation. Nilgiris—abundant on the Sisparah ghat, dry places 3000 to 5000 feet elevation.
(T h is f e m h<xs noi Uen before recorded fr<m tloe East Indies).
P t e r i s , (C o n tin u e d .)
q im n iiM ia . (K»ddi). Small glabrous, root caspitoae, froudj cordiform ternale and pedate, subeoriaceous opK,ue
■„.rvlobe.broad-lauoeolatel.in.tati«dor usually bi-pinuatifij terminal segmeuts ovato-lanceolate entire, and as sveli a . the «.noses.
' r I n A d and as well as the main raehises ebeneous. Jlook Sy. Fil. ii. 1 3 2 .-7 te * li. ML Bra.ll, ». UO-Pdlceagera.nc.-
m J 0 .n FÜ p. 1 ■M— P t.ri. Fohliam. Pred. Tmt. Pter. p. U 5— Pterü pedata. Kee in Linnoea X. p. 522 (n o t L m n J ~ P l. pedur
t o iZ . Z v . - P t . ilyeoremi. Beyne ire Wall. Cat. ». W .-F ie r i , Goreeohr. L et»gA el. Füole.
Very oommon on the western side of the presidency up to nn elevation of 6000 feet.
8 Pteri, peBaeiila (Presl.) 1J to 3 feet high—Caudei, short, thick scarcely creeping, frond, a foot and more long, .sometimes
unite simple broad-lanceolate, generaUy ternate or pinnate, ovate in circumscription, eorioceo-memhranaceou., bright green, lucid, pinna.
3 to 11 or m’ore generally broad (1 to I J inch) 6-10 Incliea long, entire or subserrated at the very acuminated apex, the margin often
crisped sessile ’or the upper ones sometimes decnrrent generally all entire or lowest pair bipartite, veins simple ot forked, close, almost
IiorLiital involucres quite marginal, imrrow, stipes very variable in length, stramineous or tawny, smooth or snbscabrons. Bee ier. Sp.
F i l .W . p i u i .— F re s lR e liq .B a a ik .p . 6 6 .— P i. nereexa 1 Wall. Cat. ». 96 (not T h a n h )—Pt. erupata. Wall. MS.— P t . .errata.
Wall. B S .
Anamallay forests 2000 to 4000 feet elevation.
(Perhap. a rariety 0/ Pt.Hs CretieaJ.
9. Pteris Crética (Linn) a foot and a half high, caudex short, thick, subrepent, frond often a foot long broad-ovate more or lesjr
acuminate, firm, coriaceo-membranceoua, bright, green, glossy, pinnæ 3 or 14 on each side, rather remote, a finger’s length to a span long,
sterile ones lanceolate, fertile ones linear-lanceolate, acuminate sometimes very much so, sessile or the upper ones more or less clecurrent
lowest pair and often 2 or 3 or more pairs above them bi-tri-(or more) partite, or pinnated, the segments mostly on the lower half, sterile
portions strongly spinuloso-serrated, (rarely obtusely serrated or subentire) veins simple or forked, close, almost horizontal, involucres
quite marginal, narrow, stipes generally longer than the frond, and the rachises stramineous or pale brown smooth or minutely rough upon
the surface. Hook. sp. Fil. ii. 159.—Ztiin. M a n tp . 130.—P L semiserraia. Forsk.—Pt. Iceta. Wall. Cat. 95.—Pi. heterophyllus-Poir.— Pt.
serraría Sw. Syn. Fil. p. 96.—Pi. pentaphylla. Willd.— Pt. nervosa, Thunh.—P t viHoia. Bory in Belany. Yoy.— Pt. rnultiaurita, Ag.
Pter. p. 12 (taller form and more numerous pinnce)—Pt. iriphylla Mart. et. Gal. p. 51.
Very common on the higher ranges of the Anamallays, Pulnies and Nilgiris.
10. Pt. Hookeñana. (Agardh) Î Up to 3 feet high, stipe nearly 2 feet smooth, trisulcate, frond pinnate, broad-ovate to subrotund
in circumscription, firm, coriaceo-merabranaceous, pinnæ alternate, 5— 6 on each side, upper ones sessile and simple, lower ones
petiolulate pimiatid, or pinnatifid, sterile portions serrated, fertile pinnæ generally fructified to ne.arly the apex, but in some pinnæ only
the lower portion is fructified and contracted.
Malabar and Cochin—rare.
( 1 do not know whether I am correct in referring this feni to P. Hookeriana of Agardh. I t is scarcely a form of P t Crética.
I have a specimen of the same species, but much larger than the one here figured, from >It, Thwaites from Ceylon, marked C. P. 1329 )
11. Pto-is OtaHa (Beddome) Caudexshort, erect, frond oblong, coriaeeo-membranaeeous, befowglabrous, above furniahed with,
a few hairs on the costa, pinnate, pinnæ 5— 6 pair, the upper pair generally undivided, the others irregularly pinnatifid about the centre,
the apex prolonged into a long tail-like acumination, undivided a t the base, but there furnished with a long tail-like segment which is
obsolete in the upper pinnæ and gradually larger in the lower ones, and pinn.vtifid in the lowest pair, sterile apex of the piun* and pia-
iiules serrated.
Slopes below Puntaloor Wynad (Malabar).