Í l í 4 Í É & ¿ Ü g
Ustrea, B017, (pt.) 1824.
Amplioracleiiium, Besv. 1827.
Ctenopteris, Bl. 1828. Presi. 1836, Kunze,
Dicranopteris, Bi.
Phegopteris, Presl, 1830, F6e, 1851.
Lepicystis, J. Sm. (pt.) 1841.
Cryptosonis, F6e, 1843.
Glaphyropteris, Presl. 1847.
Jlonachosorum, Kze. 1848.
Pseudathyrium, Newm. 1851,
Catenulai-ia, Zipp. MS. Metten. 1856.
Cmlopteris, A. Br. MS. Metten. 185G.
Leptostegia, Zipp. MS. Metten, 1856.
Thylacopteris, Kunze, MS. Metten, 185G.
Auopodium, J. Sm. 1857.
Catopodium, J. Sm. 1857.
Cyslidium, J . Sm. MS.
Dryopteris, J, Sm. MS.
Desmopodium, J. Sm. MS.
1T ir Fronda dimoiphous, the Sterile dwarfed, Smile, querciform.
(a) Fertile and SterUe Segments of the iiormal fronds uniform.
3 8 DRYNAEIA, (Bory. 1825,) J. Sm. 1841.
§ 16. ASPIDIEiE,
Indusia orbicular, peltately affixed.
Veins reticulated, with free included vevnlets.
t Vems compoundly anastomosing, with included divaricate free veinlets.
3 9 ASPIDIUM, Sw. 1800, (reduct) : Schott 1834.
Bathmium, Presl. 1836 : Link, 1841.
T't'iiw coxxniventhj anastomosing.
GONIOPTERIS, Tresl 1836.
GlyphotKnium J. Sm. 1854.
Veins reticulated, with free included veinlets in the areoles.
Free veinlets divaricate, L e. variously directed.
Fronds clothed usually densely beneath {with stellate hainsmles)
NIPHOBOLUS, Klfs. 1824.
Pyrrosia, Jlirbel, 1803.
Proferea, Presl. 1849.
Podopeltis, Fèe. 1851.
Vyim a vu la r iy amwumoùng, » i * 1-3 t d n lm m the arcoU,, (.omelbm, the upper eeimlei onlj, ttnmlomosing.)
CYRTOMIUM, Presl. 1836.
Phaneroplilebia, Presi. 1836.
Amhlia, Presl. 1836.
Veins free.
POLYSTIOHUM, Roth, 1788, (reduct), Schott 1831.
Hemigonium, J. Sm. 1841.
Cyclopeltia, J. Sm. 1846.
Peltoclilaena, Fee, 1851.
Hemicardion, Fée, 1851.
Candollea, Mirb. (pt.) 1803.
Cyclophoru-s Desv. 1811, Presl. 1849.
Scytopteris, Presi. 1836; 1849.
Ci-aspedaria, Link, (pt.) 1841.
3 7
Sphaerostichum, Presi. 1849.
Polycampiuia, Presl. 1849.
Apalopblchia, Presl. 1849,
Gyrosorivim, Presl. 1849.
Niphopsis. J. Sm. 1856.
fronde noled, or bearing eeatured peltate ecalee.
Sori globote [rardg slrort oblong, or bg conjluence elongated^ pohjwarpom ; fronde artioulated with the rhimne.
Fronde empie pinaiifid or pinnate, monotrwrpionie, or the fertile somewhat narroiocd.
PLEOPELTIS, U. el. B. 1810 (extene.)
4 2
Aspidium, Sw. (pt.) 1800.
Sectaria, Cav. (pt.) 1802.
Hypopeltis, Rich. 1803.
Rumohra, Eaddi, 1825.
Indusium reniform, affirxed at the sinus.
Veixis reticulated
t Fronds xnonoxxioxphous, or conformable.
t reine compoundly anaetomosing, often with free tmluded disarloale minlete in the areolee.
SAGENIA, Presl 1863.
Marginalia, Bory, (pt.) 1824.
Atactosia, Bl. 1828.
Microsorium, Link, 1833.
Anaxetura, Schott, 1834.
Microgramma, Presl. 1836.
Pleuridium, Presl. 1836.
Phymatodes, Presi. 1836.
Drynaria, Presl. (pt.) 1836.
Chrysopteris, Link. pt. 1841.
Phymtidi,s, J. Sm. 1841.
Lepisorus, J. Sm. 1841.
Anapeltis, J. Sm. 1846.
Microterus, Presl. 1849.
Symplecium, Kze. 1846.
Phytogeuia, J. Sm. M. S. Olini,
Melanopteris, -J. Sm. M. S.
Polydictjum, Presi. 1849. Loboohkena, Fèe 1851,
MicrobrooMs, Presl. 1849. PUebiogoumm, Fèe 1861.
Cardiocblaena, Fèe 1851.
1 1 rei,te areuately anaetomoeing, forming eìortgaled. coeU areoles, the enarginal onee free.
4 3 PLEOCNEMIA, Presi. 1836.
Haplodictyum, 1849.
x * Veins connivonily anastomosing-
4 4 NEPIIRODIUM, Pdch. 1803 (restrict) : Schott 1834.
Arsenopteiis, Webb et Berth, (pt.) 1847
Plectochlffina, Fèe 1851.
Aspidium, Sw. (pt.) 1800.
Cyolosorus, Link 1841.
Abacopteris, Fèe 1843.
Pronephrium. Prosi. 1849.
Veins free.
Veins simple or pinnate, tie lower anterior venule {eomelvnes more) eoriferaus.