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Fronds simple bearing (when fertile) a pectinate or digitate crest of crowded terminal resupinate pinnæ ; or flabellate, or dichotomously
multi-partite, bearing the fertile crests on the apex of the segments.—Rhizome cæspitosely creeping—(Moore).
1. Schizoea dichotoma. (Sm.) Fronds flabellate, dichotomously multi-partite, bearing the fertile crests on the apex of the segments,
segments linear, about a line broad and several inches long costate, more or less minutely tuberculate—crests peotinato-pinnute
incurved and connivent, spore-cases biserial ai-ranged in a series on each side of the costa—Lophidium dichotomum, Richard.—
(h ) Fructifications paniculate on distinct fronds or lateral branches.
Palghat Hills.
Í, F il. 155.
* Veins /;
Anemia , Sw a r tz ,
(Ornithopteris, /—Coptophyllum, (? a rc f« e rS p a th e p te ris , P r e s l ; Anemirliiza, j . Sm ith ; Osmundæ Sp-
Auetorum j—Mohriæ S p / J . Smith ;)
Fructifications paniculate on the lower (pair of) branches of a threc-branched frond, oi' on distinct fertile fronds ; the fertile
branches or fromls erect, contracted, rachiform, decompound, the segments unilaterally sporangiferous. Spore-cases oval or sub-globose
having a many-rayed apical ring, sessile, bi-serial on the ultimate segmeuts. Vdns flabellately dichotomous, sometimes dimidiately so ;
or forked, often repeatedly, from an evident or indistinct costa ; or simple in the narrow ultimate segments ; venules free.
Fi-onds pinnate or bi-tri-pinnate ; dimorphous, the fertile and sterile distinct ; or monomorphous, the fertile ones then
always ternately branched, the two lateral branches distinct, erect, stipitate, feilile, the terminal one spreading sterile—Pinnæ sometimes
dimidiate. Rhizome short, erect, or slowly or cæspitosely creeping—A genus recognized by the distinct branches of its fronds which,
respectively resemble the fohage and inflorescence of a phænogamous plant—(Moore).
1. Anemia Wightiana (Gard.) Stipes rachises and fronds densely tomentose with long yellowish brown or golden hairy scales,
fronds monomorphous, ternately divided, the two lateral branches fertile, the terminal one spreading sterile, bi-pinnate, with the pinnules
variously lobed, or pinnatifid.
Sisparah ghat—dry places 3,000 to 4,500 feet elevation—Anamallays—dry rocky places—’On the hills over Colengode a t 4,000
feet elevation.
(a) Fructifications on a branched panicle.
BoTiiYCHiUM, S v ja riz. Schrad. J o u r n . 1800, I I . 8, 110.
(Osmunda Bernhardi ;—Botrypus, Michaux).
Fructifications paniculate, formed of numerous secund spikelcts, on a distinct branch of the frond. Spore-cases erect, sessile
free bi-serial, globose, fleshy-coriaceous, bursting vertically in two equal hemispherical valves. Vdns flabellato-dichotomous or
dichotomo-furcate, from a central costa ; venules free.
Fronds herbaceous or sub-carnose, pinnatifid or ternately decompound ; the sterile and fertile branches distinct—Rhizome
short, erect, fleshy. (Moore).
1. Botrychium virginicum var lanuginosim Qslooxa.) Vtonàÿ, sub-camose, bi-pinnatc with the pinnules, very variously lobed
and decompound, the fertile branch from the centre of the frond, main and partial rachises more or less hairy. Botrycluum, lanuginoaum.
Wall. Cat. 48.
On most mountainous tracts on the western side of the Presidency.
•J Botvychium snh-carnosum (Wall.) Fronds sub-camose, bi-pinnatc, pinnules variously lobed aud pinnatifid, more or less sharply
serrated • the fertile braneh from below the sterile portion of the frond ; main and partial rachises slightly hairy or glabrous. Botrychium
duicifohmii. Hook, et Grev. Icon. F i l t, 101 (not in Wall. Cat.)—Botrychium speciosum, IFctiZ,///>.—Osmunda lavigera. Wall I l k
N i lg i r is— Anamallays—Bolampatty valley—3,000 feet elevation.
(6) Fructifications Spicate, the spore-cases in glomerate tufts.
H elminthostachys, K a u lfu s . E n u m . Fil. 28 i. 1.
(Butryoptcris, Presl ;— Ophiala, Desvaux /—Botrichii, Sp. Auctorum ;—Ophioglossu Sp. Auct ;—Osmundæ, Sp. Auct.—)
Fructifications consisting of glomerate, verticillatc> pedicillatc tufts of sporc-cases, the whorls terminated by a crest-like appen-
da<re and arranged iu distichous spiked panicles on a distinct branch of the frond. Spore-cases, fleshy-coriaceous, globose, sessile, inverse
bursting on the outer side, from the base upwards, in two equal or sub-equal hemiepherical valves. Veins forked from a central costa ;
■'"vexiules parallel, free.
Fronds herbaceous or coriaceous, trifoliately digitato-pedate, the fertile and sterile branches distinct. Ehizome stout, hori.
zontal with coarse roots.-(Moore.)
1. Ilelminthostachys Zeylaniea (Hook). Rhizome stout, tuberous, with coarse roots. Fronds glabrous, shining trifoliately
digitato-pinnate, each of the pinnæ with 2-5 lanceolate entire or crenated segments—fertile branch proceeding from the base of the
sterile frond erect. Helminthostachys dulcis Kaulfuss ;—Ophioglossum laciniatum, Rumph ;—Osmunda Ceylanica, Linn. ;—Botrychium
Ceylanicura, Sv:.
Anamallays,—moist bamboo clumps in the Teak
very abundant.
I, 2,000 to 3,000 feet elevation—Malabar plains—foot of the Carcoor pa.ss
(c) Fructification Spicate, the spore-cases in a single marginal sex-ies.
O p h io g lo s sum , L in n oe u s , Gen. P I. 779.
{Ophiodex-ma Endiicher ;—Chehoglossa, Presl. ;—Rhizoglossum, Presl ;— Cassiopteris, Karstexi, MS. (Klotzsch).
Fructifications on a distichous spike, terminating a distinct branch of the frond, or on distinct fronds. Spore-cases uniseria.
along each margin of the compressed spike, with which they are connate, horizontal globose, bursting in two equal hemispherical valves.
Veins uniformly reticulated hi roundish or elongated areoles, sometimes from an indistinct costa, occasionally obscme ; the ultimate areoles
with or without included free veixilcts.
Fronds sub-carnose two-or-many-branehed, the sterile branch simple dichotomously-parted or pahnato-lobate, the fertile sim-
piû ; sometimes the fronds simple, the fortüe and sterile distinct and dissimilar. Rhizome fleshy, sub-globose or short cylindrical-ovate.
1. Ophioglosusm reticulatum (Linu.) Rhizome tuberous cylindrical, stipe long, bearing a single corJato-ovate, acute or obtuse
sterile frond aud the lengthened fertile spike (contracted frond)—fronds to 2 inches long 1 inch broad,—stipe 3 inches long.
Anamallays—Teak forests—Nilgiris,
2. Ophioglossum parvifolium (Linn.) Rhizome small, tuberous, stipe bearing a single linear to lanceolate acute frond and tlie
lengthened fertile spike.'—Sterile frond with no evident costa i to f inch, long by 2 to 5 lines broad.
Anamallays—in wet gi-assy places—2,500 feet elevation.
3. Ophioglossum hrevipes. (Beddome) Rhizome a large romid bulb with nuinerou.s fibrous roots—stipe very short, bearing a
_ single lanceolate sterile frond close to its base and an elongated fertile spike. Sterile fronds about 2 inches long by ^ inch broad.
Anamallays—in savainpy places 2,500 feet elevation.