T !
P l e o p e l t i s (c o n tin u e d .)
•with dense subulato-falcate ferruginous 3 p i W * oayi«S«. (W«U.) Ctadex creeping, stoat, 1 scales 2-5 inches
long fronds coriaceous, or ooriacoo-membranaceons 6-12 inches and more long, deltoideo-ovate acummate tnfid, or deeply p.nnatiM to
„ ¡ tu n i an inch of the rachis with S-11 segments, which are 3-6 inches long, J to 1 inch wide, very patent from a broad base oblongowithm
i an 1 ,,o„minated entire, thickened at the margin, the lowest ones cuneato-decnrront, terminal segment often the
“ ' “ t" i i most narrowly acnminated, venation conspienons, costnles often prominent beneath distant, united by transverse veins forming
i T l i l of primaiy areoles, which are iiUed up by lesser ones including free vemlets, sori large not sunk, arranged in a single series
. „ r r i t e cost, than the margin. Rook. Sp. Ml. v. 77 i-P o ly p o d inm oxylohnm. Wall. Cat. 294. MeU. Polyp., p. m ¡ -P hymaloda, Pr.
N ilg iris -O n trees about Neddiwattan—rocks neat Makurty p eak -S isp a rah ghat, aud many other localities-Anamallays
4,000 feet and upwards, and other localities on the Western ghits,
4 PUopolti. longmima. (Elnme). Caudex eieepiug, fleshy, pai-tially paleaceous with rather large ovate appressed brownish
ales stipites 1 -lJ foot or more long, fronds sub-coriaceous, lJ -4 feet and more long, 6-10 inches wide, narrow-oblong, scarcely acumi-
* |ted’ deeply pinnatifld, nearly if not quite to the rachis, generaUy leaving only a narrow wing, segments very numerons, 22-40, and probably
many more, 4-6-8 or 10 inches long, rarely exceeding J an inch avide from a broad decnrrent base, elongato-oblong acnte or obtuse-
acuminate the’margin slightly thickened, venation evident, often sUghtly prominent and distinct (except the veinlets) on the under
side costuleii or rather primary veins horizontal, ileiuose forming a series of large costal soriferous areoles and a second lesser series,
secondary veins forming a net-work of small areoles including free vemlets, sori large, copious sub-oval, sunk into a hemispherical cavity
(forming a pustule or pouch on the upper side, the mouth with a distinct elevated rim) arranged in a single aeries on nearly the whole
Ingtli of every segment and close to the costa. Hook. Sp. Fit. v„ p. SO ; -D r ,n a r i a rubida, J . Sm. ;-P olypodinm longlssmmm, lla te n
Fil. Hort. l ip ,., p. 37. <■ 25. / . 18, Polyp., p. 102 ( in part only t j Mettenins unites this with P.mgrescens of Hhtme. Sir WUl. Hooker
IHnlts them distinct and refers the Ceylon specimens to “ nigrescens."
Eolampntty valley in the Coimbatore hills, 1 of the Pdmbar—Foot of Carcoor ghat, Wynad.
5. Pleopdti, membranácea. (Don.) Oandex creeping, stout, the younger portion paleaceous with blackish-grcon ovate acuminate
scales, stipitea distant or sub-aggregated 1-5 inches long, it longer winged above ivith the decnrrent base of the frond, fronds G
inches to 3-3 feet long by loss than an inch to 6 inches broad, thin membranaceous and translucent or firm-membtanaccous and opaque,
' lanceolate or oblongo-Ianceolate, or oblanceolate, acuminate, the base long attenuated and much gradually deeurrent upon th e stipes glabrous,
the margin entire (or rarely more or less deeply sinuato-lobate or pinnatifid, and even fimbricated throughout the whole length with
long narrow unequal segmeuts), venation very distinct, costules horizontal or nearly so slender, usually remote, connected by transverse
veins which form tbe primary areoles, and these are filled up with irregular network, of which the areoles are very unequal and include
copious free veinlets ; sori compital, rather small, usuaUy in two series between tho costules, more or less numerous according to the
width of tho frond, rarely reduced to one sorna near the costa, where a single series parallel with the costa is formed, not unfreqncntly
there are 3-4-5 series (not very regular) between tbe costa, (in one instance a single series only appears between the costnles and those o£
a very large size and abnormal in form, often oval or oblong and lying parallel with the costules.) Hooker Sp. Fit. v. 70 Polypodium
membranaceum, Do*. Prod. Fil. Nep., p. 2 ;-P o ly p . graudifolium. Watt. Cat.n. 232 ; - P . heterocarpum, B l Fil. J a n ,p . 167 t. 75.
Nilgiris ou trees near Neddiwattan—Anamallays from 2,000 feet upwards—Wynad, Ooorg, South Cañara ghats and other
iiiouutaiuous tracts.
6. Pleopeltis irioides. (Lara.) Caudex creeping, clothed with brown-black ovate ohtase scales, fronds 1-3 feet long, coriaceo-
carnose very glabrous, sessile or shortly stipitate, elongato-lanceolate towards the base, gradually attenuated and decurrent as far as the
, very base of the stipes entire, the margin revolute, acuminate or obtuse at the apex, undivided or irregularly dichotomous, fertile in the
upper portion, costa manifest, venation that of “ Drynaria” immersed (visible in the dried state) areoles with numerous incurved appendices,
free veinlets incrassatcd a t the apex, costal areoles sterile, the rest 4-6 seriate fertile, bearing numerous sori (14-20) irregularly scattered,