12. /Î5p/€ntiiw/or?rtOSM»i(Willd.)Caudex short, stout, densely radiculosc, stipites very numerous, cæspitose scarcely an inch long,
and as well as the rachis ebeneous, with a narrow wing on each side, fronds a span and more long, elongato-Ianceolatc acuminate rigid^
sub-coriacio-iiiembranaceous blackish-green, pinnated, pinnæ an inch long, numerous approximate horizontal, semi-ovate sub-sessile
rather obtuse, superior base dilated, truncate and parallel with the rachis scarcely auricled, inferior base cut off horizontally, the rest of
the margin deejdy and pinnatifidly incised, lobes oblong, obtuse, those nearest the base bifid, inferior pinnæ distant, smaller sub-trianguEr
veins simple or forked, sori broad, oblique 2-3 on the lower side of the costa, none or rarely one on the upper side. Ilooh. Sp. I ’il. üj
1 4 3 ; Willd. Sp. PI. V. p. 329;—Asp. subalatum. Hooker et. A rn . Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 3 \2 . t. 11. Asp. odontopliyllum. Wall. Cat n
Nilgiris—very abundant in moist woods at the higher elevations.
ASPLENIUM ( c o n tin u e d .)
J i Itniam auritum. (Swartz), Candex short, ascending, crowned with paleaceous ovate acuminate scales, stipites ctcsph
■ hcs lolffi slightly winged ahovo, lurid greciiisli-btown, frouds obloug or broad ovato-kuceokte, acuminate pale green, coriaceous
ted m t contracted at the base, pinnate pinnatifid at the acuminate apex, pinnæ often numerous, horizontal aub-pctiokte 2-3 inches
triinca c ^no^ linear-lanceolate, acnte or acuminate, or oblong and obtuse, the margin entire or variously toothed ot serrate
long, generally anriclcd, aiiride often free or trnncatc rrith a snh-triangular auricle, sometimes the pinnae are deeply
’’" 'F tifld ill a reralai'manner, or the piniiæ are in part or wliolly again pinnated with the pinnules various in shape, entire or serrated,
*’' ”” k b lio u e „„c°e or tw ic e fo rk e d , s o r i o b lo n g , generally copious, arranged in 2 series between the costa and margin, often confluent,
kdasium rik-msmbranaccous o tth c same color as the frond, rachis compressed green, mote or less sulcate aud winged. Ilook Sp. Fil.
iii, 178 —Suarh. Fl. In . Occ. p. 1616 .Asplénium sulcatum. Moore.
NiUiris, Coouoor on rocks rare—AnamaUays rocks in the bed of the Toracaddoo river 4,500 feet elevation.
14. Asplenixm prolongatum. (Hooker). Caudex small woody inclined, rooting scarcely scaly, stipites 2-4 inches long, tufted
stramineous sub-compressed, fronds 4-5 inches to a foot long a t the utmost, coriaceous or sub-ehartaceous, oblong or narrow linear-
obloii" falcate, suddenly terminated in a caudate, naked extension of the rachis 1-2 inches long, rooting a t the very apex, bi-scarcely tri-
pinnate, primary pinn® 1-1| iiorizontally patent, generally approximate, or crowded, semi-ovate obtuse, petiolate semi-pinnate
(pinnules more numerous on the superior than the inferior side) pinnules 3-4 lines long, mostly simple, entire rarely forked, stiU more
rarely and only in the lowest superior pinnule bi or tri-partite, pinnules and segments narrow linear often curved, obtuse monosorous,
veins single sort oblong or linear, very narrow, marginal, involucres firm-membranaceous of the same pale green color as the frond.—
Hooker. Sp- Fil. iu. 209— Hook. 2nd. Cent, o f Ferxu— 42.
Shevagherry Hills—rare.
15. Asplénium planicaule. (Wallich). Caudex small, thick, erect, densely rooting, crowned with black subulate scales, stipites
3-5 inches long, tufted, aud as well as the rachis compressed sparsely and deciduously villoso-paleaceous, fronds a span rarely to a foot
long, sub-coriaceous, firm oblong acuminate (apex pinnatifid) petiolate, sub-horizontal dimidiato-ovate, acuminate venoso-striate from 1 to
(rarely) U inch long, superior base obliquely truncate, sub-auriculate, inferior base excised for half or more of the length from the base,
the rest of the margin irregularly aud often deeply inciso-pinnatifid, segments narrow, sometimes pungent, veiirs erecto-patent, conspicuous
approximate, onee or more forked, sori linear-elongated, those towards the apex of the pinnæ and those below the costa parallel with
the costa, those in the auricle more patent, involucre pale-brown, firm. Hook. Sp. Fil. iii. 163 ;— Wall. Cat. n. 189. Asplenium falca-
tuin var. c. abbreviatum, Kze. in Linnoea. xxiv. p. 260 A semihastatum. Wall. M. S. ( not Kze.) ;—Tarochia truncata. Br.
Very common in most mountainous tracts on the western side of the presidency.—Myhendra hill near Berhampore.
16. Asplenium contigxmm. (Klfs.) Fronds pinnate, pinnæ linear-lanceolate attenuate, inciso-serrate, serratures toothed, the
superior base rotundato-cuneate sub-auriculatc, inferior abscisso-attenuate, sori contiguous, parallel with the costa, caudex repent, stipes
*6 inches long, frond equally long, pinnæ an inch and a half to 3 inches.—Hook. Sp. Fil. iii. 156 ;—Kaxdf. E n . Fil. p. 175.
Anamallay Hills, 3,000 feet elevation ; Nilgiris 7,000 feet—Wynad.
PLATE No. CXL. (Fig. A is one of the pinnæ of a more cut variety, common in the W’ynad.)
17. Asplenium falcatum. (Lam.) Caudex repent, stout, more or less clothed with dark-brown sphagnoid scales, stipites 6-10
inches long, lurid-brown, aud as well as the rachis deciduously villoso-paleaceous, fronds S-IO inches to 2 feet long, suh-coriaceous
ovato-lanceolate, pinnate pinnæ, horizontal rather long-petiolate 4-6 inches and more long from a broad obliquely cuneate base,
oi an inch broad, lanceolate, much and often finely caudato-acuminate, lohato-piaiiatifid, the segments pointing upwards, the superior