lix - n 'ii
I' I I'
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P e e a n em a , Don. P ro d . FI. N ep . 12-
(Shæropteris, Wallich ;—R. Brown (non Bernkardi); Podeilema, R. Brown, M S ; Nematoptera, Nunze ;-------)
Sori inTolucratp, glotoae ; tho receptada globose, stipitate, medial on the lower anterior vennles. Inrotuere coriaceons, stalked,
globose, entire, a t length bursting Tortically into two irregular waives. 7eim forked or pinnate, from a central costa ; vcnuia free,
tiiickened a t the apex.
Fronds tri-pinnatc, herbaceous, the stipes and rachis densely clothed with spreading scales.—Rhizome large globose— (Moore).
1 Peranema cyatheoides (Don.) Fronds 2-3 feet long tri-pinnate ; the base of the stipes densely clothed with long brown
membranaceous acuminated scales ; the main and partial rachis with fewer scattered smaller ones. Pinnules oval, oblong, sessüe, decurrent
so that the partial rachis is winged, obtuse, glabrous, turning brownish black in drying, nerves indistinct ; rarely more than one
sorus on each pinnule, stalk of the involucre often longer than the involucre itself—.ffooAer, Sp. Fil. 1. 58. Sphæropteris barbata
fVail. in Herb. 1823, Cat. n. 183 ; PI. Âsiat. lia r p, 42 t. 18.
Western ghats—rare.
T R I B E 4 . G L E I C H E N I N E . E .
G l e i c h e n i a , Sm ith , Mem . A c a d . Tui'im. V . 419.
(Mertensia, Willdenow,—Dicranopteris, Bernhardi.-,—Calymella, P m f .;—Sticherus, Presl. -,—Hicriopteris, PrnZ. ;—Gleich-
"niaetrum, Presl ;—Platyzomatis Sp. Desvaux;—)
Sori non-indusiate, round, superficial, or immersed, consbting of few (usually 2-4 sometimes 5-6 or even 8-12) spore-
cases, which are sessile, deciduous, globoso-pyriform, sometimes concealed by the revolute margins ; the receptacles terminal or medial or
axillary on the venules. Veins simple or forked, from a central costa ; venules free, the lower anterior one usually soriferous.
r oftener dichotomously branched, the ultimate branches pinnatifid or pin-
emarkably revolute, or larger plane linear or oblong.—Rhizome creeping
Fronds rigid, rarely simply pinnatifid, usually once
nate ; the segments small, ovate, or orbipular, and sometimes
1. Gleichenia dichotoma. (Willd.) Stipes rounded, ultimate branches with a pair of pinnæ, and a pair also at the base of the
di-trichotomy, pinnæ lanceolate, acuminate, pinnatifid, segments linear, obtuse, or emarginate, glaucous beneath, glabrous or nearly so,
lower external pnes generally the largest, often again pinnatifid, capsules 8-12.—Hooks. Sp. Fil. 1. p. 12.—Mertensia dichotoma,
Willd.—Mertensia discolor, Schrad.—M. Sieberi, Presl.—Polypodium dichotomum, Thunb. Jap. t. 37-—Gleichenia, lanígera, Dou.—
Sticherus, laniger, P rc 5/.—Gleichenia Hermanni, iJr. Prod, p, 161—Mertensia, Hookeri, P Smith.—M. fiexnosa, J /a ri. Crypt. Brazil,
/). 108. M. Pusilla, J / a r i , /. c. 11 1. Gleichenia rígida, »7. SmtM.
A very common fern from the sea level on the western coast to the tops of the highest mountains,—ravines on the Nortli
Arcot liills.
CERATOPTERIS, B ro u g n ifir t, B u l l . S qc, P h il. 1821, 184.
(Teleozoma, B. B row n ;—Cryptoyenis, Richard, AÍS ; Chladostachys, Wallich. M .S .—Ellobocarpus, Kaulfuss -,—Parkeria,
Hooker ;—Belviaia, Mirbel in part ;— Furcaria, Desvaux -,—Pteridis, Sp. Auctorum ;—Acrostichi, Sp. Auct.)
Sori indusiate, continuous, occupying the longitudinal veins, spore-cases few, loosely disposed, globose, furnished with a very
bioad incomplete ring, of which from one-third to three-fourths or more is wanting, (sometimes almost obsolete consbting of 3-4 striæ
Indusium universal, formed of the membranaceous revolute margins of the narrow siliquiform segments. Veins of the sterile fronds
uniformly reticulated in oblique oblong hexagonal areoles ; of the fertile few, longitudinal, distantly anastomosing.