membranaceous, primary pinnæ 5-12 ratlier distant, terminal one as large as or larger than the rest, all long petiolate, lowest pair often bi.
partite, so as to form a pedate frond, pinnules petiolulate of an inch long, obliquely rhombeo-ovato, sub-falcate, acute, sub-auriculatc
a t the superior truncated base and coarsely spinuloso-serrated, except at the inferior base, sori in a single series at the sinuses of the serratures
close to the superior margin and apex of the pinnules, indusium reniform.—Hooh. Sp. Fil. iv. 25—Polystichum amabile. Hook.—
Aspidium amabile. Blume. Fn. Fil. Jav. p. 165.—Aspidium rhomboideum, Wall. Cat.n. ZU — { I have ahvays found the involucre in
young state quite reniform and not peltate as described by S ir IP. Hooker),
Puhiey Hills—Anamallays. Not common.
16. Lastreagradlescens. (Hook); Caudex ratlier short, thick,horizontal creeping on the surfaces of the ground, scaleless, copiously
rooting beneath, stipites very luunerous and crowded on the upper surface of the caudex, slender a span to a foot long, strammeous-
bvowii, fronds a span to 14 foot and more long, membranaceous, oblong-ovate or sub-lanceolate]acuminate pinnated, pinnatiiid at the ape.\,
piunæ sessile, 2-3-4 inches long, nearly ^ an inch wide, oblong acuminate deeply pinnatifid, segments oblong, obtuse, plane quite entire,
veins distant, all simple, sori small nearer the margin of the segments than the costules, involucres small, reniform, glabrous soon obsolete.
Hooker. Sp. Fil. iv. 93 ;—Aspidium, Bl. En. FU. Jav. p. 155 ;—Aspidium Thelypteris. Benth. FL Hong Kong {vix. Swartz) A. glandili-
gerum. Kze. Analicta Fteridoge p. 44—Metten Asp. p. 86.
Travancore Hills. Rather rare.
PLATE No. e x .
L a r t e e a — ( continued).
The Filic-Has group.
1- T „ .l„ am te n lum m . (I'lcsl. 0 C a u d e x zhort, stout, zrcct, densely p a le » » » » wit), fcroad-lanccotale «eale» varying muel, in
, ,.r s t i n L si,on conionsly scaly, raehis densely clothed with long subulate tawny or golden scale, : frond, very large pmnatc I f l b
„ l ur, shpdes h „ ^ / „ „ ly k m o s t to the partial rachis pinnatifid, segments very close and compact, oblong-parallelngran. more
mches b oacl 1 jial rachis and costa more or less scaly below, nearly glabrou, above, sor. m
nr less " he segmeuts, situated on the centre of the-superior veinlet, indnsinm rcn ifow n -X ep h rd in n ,
r „ m ; t Z a ir e s— , //oo;»-. ap. m i . n . n e toL a stre a rUix-ma. variety -y. J/oore; Aspidium paten.issi-
™ C . r , , 3 .1 o FW id ium D o n ia „ nm ,A p ,-.iv .p .3 3 1 ;-A sp id ium Wallichianum, .5>r. iv. p. lOi ;-A .,p ,d .um p a l^ e nm
fjo».’ ß. Nep. p. i (not Swarts)-Lastrca patentissbna. Preel. JVni. P fcrid-Dichasium patenllssimum. Al. Bm u n . Mora. p. ,10.
Nilgiris, common in ravines and sholas about Ootacamund.
IS. Laetrea elongata. (Swartz;) Caudex short, stout, erect, paleaceous, stipe aud rachis more or less scaly, or nearly quite
chabrous fronds large, very broadly ovate, bi-pinnate with the lower portions often tri-pinnate, p.artial rachis more or loss scaly, pmnnlcs
gllbrous’ semnents more or less deep, obtusely rounded, crenated ; sori generally one to each segment on the centre ot the superior verniet,
Indusium ve°ry large (as ill L. Cochleata, but the frond is not contracted as in that species).—-Aspidinm marginatum. Wall. Cat. n. 391.—
Aspidium eloimatmn, Swartz. Sgn. Fit. p. 53 Lastrea elongata et marginata, Hoore ; Aspidium Eilix-mas var. y. elongatum. Hooi. Sp.
FU iv 117 -A s p . depastum, ScIJc. FU. p. 50 t. 51 ; -A . erosiim, Sokt. t. c. p. 40 i. 4.5 ;-A sp id . Canariense, Al. Braun. Flora. 1811, p.
7 0S .-rA b r. LUznaea xxiv. p 283) . - A . Ludovicianum, Kze. in Sillim Journ. 2nd Seriez, ui. p. 84.-Nephrodmm Floridanum, Uoot. FU.
Exot. I. 99.—Asp. Schioi|)erianum, Höchst a.nd A Braun. Flora 1841 p. 708.
^ Anamallays—Nilgiris rocky hills—5,000 feet and upwards.
19. Lastrea intermedia. (Beddome;) Caudexshort, erect, paleaceous, stipe short scaly; fronds pinnate, ovato-lanceolate, 6-10
inches long, 3-4 inches broad, yiame distant, short ovate to broad lanceolate, pinnatifid more or less deeply, (but not pinnated) segments
broad, obtusely rounded, glabrous—sori very large, reniform, irregularly placed.
This m a ll pinnate species seems a very distant variety o f the Filix-mas group, it has the very large involucres o f cochleata, but
it seeds on all its fronds, and they are never contracted, or very slightly so— it is intermediate beiiveen the next species and cochleata.
Nilgiris—near Malee 3Iand.—Anamallays 5,000 feet.
20. Lastrea odontoloma. (Moore ;) Caudex short, erect, densely paleaceous, stipes and rachis more or less densely covered
with golden, or tawny scales, fronds Lanceolate, pinnate, witii the hwer pinnæ again pinnated (hence bi-pinnate below) partial rachis scaly,
pinnæ narrow, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, pinnules more or less sharply tootlied (sometimes with very long sharp teeth at the apex)
often lobed at the base, sori reniform small, in a nearly regular row on each side of the fiexuose costa of the pinnules.
Nilgiris—Anamallays—above 5,000 feet.
21. Lastrea cochleata. (Moore ;) Caudex stout, erect, paTeaceous, stipes and rachis scaly, or often quite glabrous, fronds 11 to
3 feet long, broad ovate-Ianceolato, pinnate with tlie pinnæ pinnatifid to nearly the base, pinnules incised with sharp teeth on the lobes
below the serratures ; fertile fronds contracted, lower pinnæ again pinnated, upper ones pinnatifid, sori very large, closely packed and
perfectly covering the under-,surface of the fronds. Nephrodium (Lastrea) Filii-mas, var. 8. Cochleata.//ooU Sp. Fil. iv. 1 1 7 ;—Nephrodium
cochlcatum, Don. Prod. Fl. Nep. /—Arthrobotrys avara, IFaW, Cat. n. 1034;—Arthrobotrys macrocarpa. ILaiV. C at,n. 395.
H P T ' -