! i
Sp. Fil. iii. '23ö.— Tkiinh. Fl. Jap. p. 333. Ic. Plant. Jap. Lee. II. t. 18.—Nw. Syn. Fil. p. 74. TFi7/rf. Sp. PI. v. p. 303. Ilooh. in
Florul. HongkongKew. Gard. Mise. ix.?). 342. Diplazium. Pr. Kl,—Aspl. sub-simiatum. Ilook. et. Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 27. Aspl. ero.suma/i</
A. rigiclum. Wall. JI. S. in Hook. Herl. Scolopcuclrium dubium. Don. Prodr. p. 9.
Ceylon. (C. P. 1335.)
2. Diplazium Zeylanicum. (Hook.) Caudex terete, repent subterraneous naked black, stipites remote solitary, 4 incbcs to a span
long, paleaceous with Lax dark subulato-lauceolate scales, fronds sub-coriaceo-membranaceous, a span to a foot long, 1-2 inches broad,
lanceolate acuminate, deeply pinnatifid in the middle, pinnate at the base, serrated only towards the apex, lobes and pimiæ horizontui,
oblong obtuse, veins pinnated, entire or forked, sori linear, involucres with the superior basal one principally diplazioid.—//oo/. Sp. Fil.
iii. 237. Hook. 2nd Cent, o f Ferns, t. 16.
Ceylon. (C. P. 1249.) Elevation, 4,000 feet.
3. Diplazium decurrens. (Bedd.) Caudex erect, fronds ample glabrous, coriaceo-membranaceous, bi-pinnate with the pinnule.s
more or less pinnatifid, primary pinnæ distant, petiolate lanceolate acuminate, 10 to 18 inches long, pinnules numerous, petioled or decur-
rent, 1 to 3 inches long, linear lanceokte more or leas pinnalffid, segments oMuse crenated. Veins pinnate simple, rather distant. Sori cnrv.
ed, one double one to each segment and 1-5 single ones. Hook. Sp. Fit. iii. p . 253, m l ! under D. polgpoidioidts. Diplazimn polypo-
diodes var. ft. an. Sp. dist. 1 Thwaites En. Cey. PL
Ceylon. (C. P. 3332.)
(a) Feins free.
*■* S o n linear forked distinct.
G y jin o g ra s lm a . De svaux. B e r l Mag. v. 304.
(Gymnopteris, F m / t a r / i pari ;—Neurogramma, Presi.;—Ceterach, P}'«s/ in p a r i;—Calomelanos, Presi.;—Anogramma,
Link ;—Ceropteris, L in k ;—Hecistopteris, J. Smith /—Stenogramma, Klotzsch. ;—Chrysodia, Fée ;—Argyria, Fée ;—Trismeria, Fée ;—
Comogramma, Fée;—Pleurosorus, Fée;—Eriosorus, Fée;—Dicranodium, Newman;—Asplenii sp. ;—Acrostichi sp. ;—Hemionitidis sp. ;—
Grammitidis sp. ;—Scolopeudrii sp. ;— Polypodii sp. ;— Osmundæ sp. Auctorum ;—Cryptogrammatis sp., Ilook. et. Grev.,—Phyllitis sp. ;
Sori non-indusiate, linear, sometimes elongated, shnple or forked, i. e., bi-partite, oblique, often a t length confluent ; the
receptacles elongate above or continued below the forks of the veins. Veins simple or forked from a central costa, or the costa sometimes
indistinct, venules free.
Fronds lohed pinnate or bi-pinnate, herbaceous or s
rhizome short erect, sometimes annual.
, often farinosely ceraceous, lanate beneath,
This genus differs from Grammitis, in having forked sori. (Moore).
Ceylon. (C. P. 3264.)
' 'H
1. Gymnogramma Javanica. (Blume.) Fronds 1-2 feet high (of which the stipe is 8-10 inches) pinnate, piimæ 2-4 pair with an ' ! '
odd one, lanceolate with a longish acumination pungently serrate, lower pinnæ sometimes auricled, glabrous above, puberulou.s
beneatii, veins forked, terminating with a thickened apex, ju s t within the margin. Sori simple or forked, not reaching the margin. \ .. ;
Blume. Gymnogramma serrulata. B lum e ;—G. falcata. J . Sm. ;—Diplazium falcatum. D o n .;—Dipl, fraxineum. Don. ;—Grammitis ; •.
caudata. Wall. ' l| |
4. Diplazium Schkuhrii. (Metten.) Î Rachis and fronds glabrous, or very slightly puberulous beneath, frouds simply pinuate
with the pinnules 3 inches long, and deeply pinnatifid, or ample bi-pinnate, pinnæ lanceolate acuminate 6-8 inches long, pinnules decurrent
from a broad base aud forming a narrow wing on the rachis, more or less pinnatifid, often half way down to the costa, segments obtuse (uot
falcate) entire or crenated, veins pinnate simple, sori slightly curved, one double and several single ones to each lobe. T/av. En. Cey. PL
(C. P. 3100;. Diplazium dilatatum. Hook. Sp. Fil. iii. 259— in part as referred to Ceylon C. P., No. 1059,
The figure represents portions of both the pinnate and bi-pinnate forms, in the former some of the lobes of the pinnules have
all the sori asplenioid.
N ote.— “ Diplazium Thwaitesii." ( A .B r . ) (C. P. 1343), appears to be the same as “ D. Lasiopteris," (Kunze) P latt C L X
of this work, they are both always simply piunate, and the pubescence is the same, the pinnæ in my specimens of Thwaitesii are more
approximated than in Lasiopteris, and the pinnules are more obtuse and less falcate, but they can hardly be more than varieties,
A nteophyum. (See pag e 17).
PLATE No. CCXXXI, is a figure of Anirophyum reticulatum (Kaulf) from Ceylon, Fig. LII. of this work is the Anlrophyim
plantagineum (Cav.) and not reticulatum, and the name must be altered accordingly. The two species are nearly allied and perhaps not
really distinct; the following are the distinguishing characters.
1. Antrophyum plantagineum. (Cav.) Fronds broad, falcato-lanceolate receptacles deeply immersed, sub-glabrou,s, Plate LIL
2. Antrophyum retkulatim. (Kaulf.) Fronds narrow-lanceolate, receptacles immersed hairy. Plate CCXXXI—Ceylon.
(C. P. 1305.)
oblong, lying in the folded cucullate lobes.
C a ltm m o d o n . P r e s l T en t. P te r. 203.
(Plectopteris Fée ;—Grammitidis sp., Auct. ;—Polypodii sp., Auct. ;—Xiphopteridis sp., Auct.)
Sori non-indusiate, oblong (sub-globose) solitaiy ; the receptacles seated a t the thickened apices of the simple vein which
occupies each lobe, the margin of the lobe being longitudinally folded sub-cucullately over the sorus, in the manner of a spurious involucre.
Veins simple.
Fronds small, fasciculate, thin, somewhat rigid, pinnatifid, the lower barren lobes longer, the fertile folded longitudinally.
Rhizome short erect. Small plants with a tendency towards polypodioid structure. (Moore.)
1. Calymmodon cncullatas. (Presl,) Caudex very small, ascending, fibroso-radicant, stipites densely cæspitose, 1-2-3 lines long,
fronds membranaceous, 1-5 inches long, hnear lanceolate acuminate, deeply nearly to the costa, pinnatifid segments, 1-2 lines long, ovato-
oblong, recm-vo-patent, obtuse entire, those of the upper half of the frond broader fertile, costa and sometimes the frond deciduously piloso-
setose.—//o o i. Sp. Fil. iv. 176. Polypodium cucullatum, Hook. 1. c. Metten, Poly. p. 33. Nees. et. BL Nov. Acad. ii. p. 121, t. 12, f . 3,
Plectopteris gracilis. Fée. Gen. p. 230. t. 19. B.
Ceylon, Riiaraboda. (C. P. 1282.)
( b ) Veins connivently anastomosing below.
Stegnogkamma. Bl. En. Fil. Jav. 172.
(Syneuron, J . Smith ; —Gymnogrammatis sp. B l.—)
Sori non-indusiate, linear or oblong oblique parallel, the receptacles simple elongated naked, Veins simple from a central costa ;
Ike lower or more opposite pairs angularly anastomosing.
A l.