F l
■ r i ' - h
wanting a t the inferior base of the lowest pair of pinnæ, pinnules (i. e. pinnules in the upper portion of the fronds and secondary
miles below) divided one-tliird to three-fourths down to the costa, apices of the segments very broad, obtuse, crenated, each of the upper
segments generaUy bearing one sorus at tlic apex of the superior veinlet, the lower segments of tlys pinnules being generally barren —rachises
costa and costules densely clothed (especially above) with reddish brown ferruginous pubescence, veius above covered witli long ferrugi'
nous hairs, below sliglitly pubescent or glabrous—indusium, reniform, large glabrous, generally presistent.
Nilgiris, in Sholas on the Kooudahs on the road between Avalauchee and Sisparah.
7. Lastrea aristata. (Moore ;) Caudex long, stont, creeping densely crinite with long subulate ferniginous scales, stipites distant
a span to a foot and 2 feet long, the base copiously crinite (as in the caudex below) the rest and the rachises partially and sparsely
setoso-paleaceous, frouds a span to _2 feet long, deltoideo-ovate, suddenly acuminate 3-4 pinnate, more or less coriaceo-mcrabranaceouü
glossy ; primary pimne all petiolate, lanceolate finely acuminate, lowe.st primary ones with the basal secondary pinnæ very nmch elongated
(hence the frond is pedate) and again once or twice pinnated, sub-falcato, sub-auriculate, mostly mucronato-serrate ; sori generally in
2 rows on eachvphniule, involucres rather small, reniform. llooh. Sp. FU. iv. 27.— Polypodium aristatum. Fors^—Aspidium aiistatum. Bw.
S p i . Fil. pp. 53.—var /3. coniifoiia—fronds larger below 4 pinnate, pinnules generally larger and more lax—Aspidium coniifolium. Wall.
Cat. n. 341.—Aspidium paiiuipes. Kunze in Linnoea. xxiv. p. 287.—Aspidium carnuifolium. Kmxe in Linnoea, p. 292.
Nilgiris—Pulneys—Anamallays and all mountainous tracts on the Western side of the presidency—very common.
PLATE No. CL (Figure A. is the upper portion o f one of the ¡minoe o f a fro n d of variety, ¡3. coniifoiia, a more compound
and larger variety.)
8. Lastrea memhramjoUa, (Presl. ;) Caudex a thick, erect rhizome with black subulate scales, stipites tufted a span to a foot
or more long, firm, membranaceous, dai-k-green, deltoid ovate somewhat 5-angled, acuminate, primary pinnæ 3-6 inches long, 1^-2 inches
broad, middle ones sessile deeply pinnatifid, uppeimost ones coadúnate into a deeply pinnatifid apex with more or less entire segments,
lower ones more compound aud petiolate, lowest pair the largest lialf-ovate acuminate, the lowest basal pinnæ the longest and deflcxed,
secondary pinnæ and pinnules resembling the middle pinnæ similarly pinnatifid with oblong suh-acute and slightly falcate, large spreading
lobes often an inch long and \ of an inch wide, veins pinnated all free, veinlets simple or forked, sori in general forming a single sérier
close to aud chiefly upon the lobes or segments rarely on the disk aud then scattered, involucres rather smaU reniform—Z7oo¿. Sp. F il. iv.
131.—Nephrodium membranifoUum.7/ooi.—Lastrea paradoxa. J/oore—Aspidium fuscipes. Wall. Cat. n. 361.—Aspidium sageuioides.
Metten. Aspid, p. 269.
Nilgiris—Sisparah and Carcoor ghats—Wynaad—Anamallays.
9. Lastrea sparsa. (Moore;) Caudex short, erect, stout, densely rooting below, paleaceous with copious ovate acuminate scales
above ; stipites tufted a span to 1-2 feet long, more or less scaly as is the rachis, fronds 1-1^ foot long, sub-coriaceous ovate acuminate,
bi-tri-pinnate, primaiy pinnæ 3-5-6 inches long, distant much petiolate, ovate or oblong-acuminate, secondary ones ovate or ovato-oblong,
obtuse, petiolate, those above the middle of the frond sub-ohliquely rhomboid cuneate, a t the base all more or less pinnatifid especially in
tlie lower half with rounded obtuse entire lobes, superior basal segment generaUy the largest, hence sub-auriculate, ultimate pinnules (when
tri-pinnate) of the same character, veinlets simple or mostly forked, sori rather irregular nearer the co.stule than the margiu, involucres
rather large, persistent, reniform. Hook Sp. F il.iv . 13'2. Nephrodium purpureseens.//oo/rer—Aspidium sparsura. Spr.— Aspidium
densum. Wall. Cat. n. 290. Aspidium purpurescens. £1. Fn. Fil. Jav. p. 169. Aspid, nitidulum Wall. Cat. n. 392—Asp. Weiglianum.
Aze. in Linnoea xxiv. p. 284—Asp. catophoron. Kze. Bot. Zeil. vi. p. 262.
A common fern in most mountainous tracts on the Western side of the presidency.
PLATE No. c m .
10. icwireo Jcpanoicf« (Hook. ;) Stipes slender. 1-1^ foot long, very paleaceous below with large lanceolato-subulate brown
.scales, fronds 2 feet long, ovato-acuminate, membranaceous glabrous, bi-pinnatc, primary piunæ 4-5 inches long, broad-Ianccolate, petiolate,
■ . -„»..1 - - W an inch long, r.atfcr (lictart, obUqiidy rliorabco.ovatc, acuminate, laciniato-pinnatifid, nncciually cnncatc at the
above, the acgmcnte or teeth each hearing a aolitary aorn. at the very extremity terminating a veinlet, involucre
^ * e h b L l t , convex cordiform with a deep einna. / « . Sp. M . iv. i 3 0 - / « r r . FU. MtU. t. 3 -
Wclieedon depatioidcs. Home. Index. Fil. p. xev. and 310,
Anamallay Hills. Rare.
11 Laetrea faleilola. (Hooker ;) Caudex short, thick, tutted, copionsly rooting, stipitea tufted a .span to a toot long, tree from
scales ■ fronds 1 to 1J foot long, more or Ics., .slightly hairy on hoth sides, firm, rigid, eoriaeeo-membranaceou.s, ovato-lanceolate, finely acumi-
;,ate pinnate main and partial rachises hairy, pinnm 3-4 inehes long. nuBorons rather distant, «assBc linear lanceolate, deeply nearly down to
the » t a pmnatifid, the apex long tail-like entire or serrated, segments oblong, linear, falcate; the superior basal segments of caeh of the
ninnte ocnerally much longer than the other,s, involucres rcnifonn very hairy-Aspidium falcilobnm, Benth. JlonrJ howj. flo ra , p. 4 5 S -
I ° , /V x.T-i • AO «__:.i:__ nv,.// r<r.t m tJol__iuniflinm kephrodium (Lastrea.) calcaratnm. Hook. Sp. Fil. iv. 93. Aapidimn ematnm. W,Ul. Oat. ». 3.51-Aspidium THfreiinnwwuarrddHtiiatmnuimm.. KAzTea . Bot.
Felt. vi. p. 261 ! Lastrea vi.scosa, J . Sinrth in Hooker. Journ of Bot. iii. p. 412.
Nilgiris-common in ravines about halt way down tho Sispai-ah ghat—AnamaUays, beds of rivers 2,000 to 4,000 foot elevation.
13. Ladrea ochthodes. (Kunze) ; Ehizome short, stipites crowded, moderately long fiexuose, fnsco-paleaceons towards tho base,
raclds e,nd oosta bispidulous above, and glabrous below, or bispidulous on both sides, frond sub-coriaceous, firm, glabrous, the margin ep.ar-
ingly cauescentty bispidulous, olivaceous above, paler beneath, lanceokte acnminate, a t the base gradnaUy and long attenuated, pinnate,
pinnae deeply pinnatifid, sessile with a callous gland at the base beneath, patent or divergenti-patent from a broad sub-equal base Imear-
atteimated, the lower ones grnduaUy abbreviated and dwarfed, the lowest abortive segments falcato-oblong, ot linear rather acute, margin
more or lete teficied in frnctiiication, the lowest segments on each side longer, distinctly but slenderly piimatedly veined, sori either in a
V?ontiimous line near the costule, one at the base of each voin, or neat the centre of the veins. Hook. Sp. Fit. iv. 109—Aspidium gknduli-
fennii. Wall.
Var ; a. Aspidium ochthodes. Kunze in Linnaea. xxiv. p. 283—rachis costae and costales canescently hispidnlous on both
sides, sometimes nearly glabrous below, except a gkndular pubescence on the veins; pumse gradually attenuated, sori a t or above the
centre of the veins, invohrcre often hairy when young, margin of frond often much refiexed in fnictification.
A very common fern.
13. Var. ß. Aspidium tylodcs. Kunze in Linnoea, xxiv. p. 281—rachis costæ and costules glabrous below, lower pinnæ suddenly
abortive, reduced to tuberculated glands—sori at the base of the veius close to the costule.
Nilgiris—rather rare.
14. Lastrea spectahilis, (J. Smith) ; Caudex erect, ^ an inch in diameter and together with the base of the stipes, clothed with
long brown ovate acuminate scales, stipites 1 foot and more long and with the rachis and primary costa elongated, stramineous glabrous,
fronds U-2-3 feet long, 1-1 J- foot broad, membranaceous, firm, broad-oblong or ovate acuminated, pinnate, pinnæ patent 1-2 inches broad,
from a truncate or sub-cuneate base, oblong acuminated, deeply pmnatifid three-quarters or four-fifths of the way to the costæ, segments
obloug or broad-oblong, rather obtuse, sub-falcate rather sharply serrated, the sinuses rouuded at the base and there iunii.shed with a short
ligulate but very distinct tooth or gland, veinlets conspicuous, fiexuose forked, sori small on a superior branch, rather near the margin than
tho costule, involucres small reniform.—Kze. Hook Sp. Fil. iv. 115—Aspidium spectabile. Blume. En. F il p. 158—Lastrea. J . Smith in
Hook. Jourxx. Bot. iii. p. 412.
Carcoor ghat. (Wynaad)—Anamallays—rare—Ravines in the North Arcot hills near Kirkumbaddy.
15. Jjastrea amahilis. (Moore) ; Caudex, decidedly creeping, thick as a swan’s quill, paleaceous with ferruginous scales, stipes
solitary, a span to a foot Img, slender, sub-flexuose, paleaceous below^ fronds 6-12 inches long, sub-deltoideo-ovate, acuminate, bi-pinnate, sub