nate with a thickened apex ju s t within it, involucres continuous on the lower § of the margin of the pinnules not extending to the apex.
Hooh Sp. Fil. ii. 225 Pteris tripartita Siv. Syn. Fil. p. p . 100 and 293 Pteris semiovata. Poir. Encycl. v. p. 723 P t. revolvens,
Ag. Ic. p. 73. Pt. intermecUa. B l En. F il. Jav. p . 211 Pt. longipes. Don. Prod. F l. Nep. p . 15 ?—Pt. uniserita. Poir. Encycl Bot. Sup. ,
iv.p. 6 0 8 ;—P t. linearis. Poir. I c.v. p.27% \— W a llC a i. n. 105 ;—P t. marginata, Bory. Voy. 2. p. 192 ^— Willd. Sp. P I v. 3 9 9 ;-p £ ,
connexa. J. Sm. F i l Philip in Hooh Journ. Bot. iii. 405 ;—PL sub-pedata;— Wall. Cat. n. 10 jiivenile.
Ceylon, (C. P. 1327.)
2. Litobrochia auHta. (Blume.) Caudex long creeping, subterraneous, stipes and rachis castaneous, glossy fronds, ample sub-
membranaceous, distant ovate, long stipitate, glaucous beneath, tripinnate, pinnæ all sessile, subadnate mostly opposite horizontal, pinnules
opposite sessile, lanceolate obtuse, more or less deeply lobed and pinnatifid. Segments ovate or oblong, (sterile ones subsinuate) or triangulav,
lowest oné often remote and forming auricles on the rachis, superior ones confluent, veins all anastomosing, areoles next the costa and
costules the largest and most elongated, mvolucres continuous or interrupted membranaceous entire a t the edge. Hook. Sp. F i l ii 231
Bl. E n . F i l Jav. p. 113 ; —Pt. Brunoniaua Endl. Prod. F l Norfolk, p. 12.
This species only differs from L. vespertUionis Lahill, {L. incisa, Thunb) by tbe anastomosing of the veins being always
constant. Sir W. Hooker keeps them distinct, but Dr. Hooker imites the two iu his “ Floræ Novæ Zelandiæ.”
Ceylon. (C. P. 1326.)
[ a 3 ]. Receptacles short, ti'ansverse, or arcuate on the venules, sub-parallel with the midrib or margin.
S ori indusiate—W oodwardie^ .
D o o d ia . (R . Brown.)
(Woodwardia, Metten.)
Sori oblong or sub-Iunulate, in one or more series, arranged transversely with the veins forming areoles which are superficial,
not sunk. Involucres membranaceous, of the same form as the sori, opening towards the costa and lying parallel with it. Veins uniform,;
the lower ones arcuately anastomosing, forming elongated costal areoles (one or more series), the marginal venules free.
Fronds pinnate or pmnatifid. or pinnæ sharply suh-globose.
1. Doodia dives. (Kunze.) Ehizome obliquely ascending, palaceous, radicoses clothed with black fibre, stipes angled brown, very
paleaceous near the base, fronds coriaceous, glabrous ovato-oblong, long caudate at the apex pinnate, a t the base with some of the lower
pinnæ auricled, pinnatifid above, pinnæ and segments patently divergent, oblong margins pungently serrated, pinnæ or segments
of the fertile fronds often distant, sori in 1 or 2 series on each side of the costa of the pinnæ and segments, and also on the wings of tlie
rachis, lunate often more or less confluent. Hook. Sp. F i l iii. 73.
Ceylon. (C. P. 976.)
Meniscium. See p ag e 19.
1. Meniscium Thwaitesii. (Hook.) Caudex creeping more or less scaly, and furnished with wiry roots, stipes angled, very long 6
inches to 1 foot, and with the rachis puberulous, fronds deltoid, 6-8 inches long, 4 inches broad a t the base, pinnated, pinnatifld at tlif
apex, pinnæ alternate or opposite, lanceolate rounded at the base, obtuse or acute or caudate a t the apex, crenato-lobate, lower ones mucb
the largest, costa and veins puberulous especially beneath ; sori linear, oblong becoming confluent.
Mr. Thwaites informs me that Sir W. Hooker thinks th a t this may be only a variety of Goniopteris proliféra,
Ceylon. (C. P. 3145.)
A splenium. (See pag e 4-3).
1, A splenium elongatum. (Sw.) Caudex a small thick rhizome sparsely scaly, stipitea 6-8 inches long, cæspitose, and as well as the
compressed rachis pale-brownish-green and sub-furfuraceous with small lacerated deciduous scales, fronds pale-grecn 8 to 12 inches long,
oblong suddenly acuminate, coriaceo-membranaceous opaque pinnate, pinnæ 1-2 inches long, petioled horizontally-patent, gradually smaller,
upwards approximate (in general), oblong quite straight or sub-falcate, very obtuse, strongly serrated, the base truncato-cuneate oblique,
.superior base distinctly auricled, inferior sub-excised, terminal pinnæ narrow elongated, acuminate pinriatifido-serrate, sometimes twice or
thrice as long as the rest, veins simple oblique, sori copious on almost every vein, short-linear intermediate between the margin and the
costa, involucres narrow-linear, very firm.—Hook. Sp. F il iii 117. Sw. Syn. F il.p . 79. Kze. Bot. Zeit. vi. p. 174. Metten. Asplen. p. 112.
A caudatum. Cav. Demonst. p. 265, n. 632, A. productum. Pr. Relig. Hoenh. i. p. 42. t. 8. / . 1. (excellent).—Var. acuminatum ; segments
acuminate. A. Doreyi, Kze. A n n a l Pteiid. p. 23. Moore In d . F i l p. 126.
Ceylon. (C, P. No. 1078.)
2. Asplenixm laserpitiifolhm. (Lam.) Caudex rather stout, sub-repent clothed a t the extremity with copious satiny ferruginous
subulate scales, stipites aggregate 3-4 inches to a foot long, lurid-brown, fronds a span to 2-3 feet long, ovato-lanceolate finely acuminated,
membranaceous often dehcate green, 3-4 pinnate, the surface opaque, primary pinnæ 3 inches to a span long, petiolate, from a broad base,
broad-lanceolate finely acuminate into an incised cauda, secondary pinnæ 1-3 inches long, ultimate pinnules and segments small for tbe
size of the fronds, 3-5 lines long, cuneate undivided or deeply pinnatifid or 3-lobed, the lobes or segments generally narvow-cuneate, sometimes
broad, incised or toothed a t the apex, veins flabelliform, nearly erect parallel, sori linear, rather short, 2-4 on a pinnule or segment,
often exactly opposite to each other and openiog face to face, involucres membranaceous.—Hook. Sp. F i l iii. 171. Lam. Encycl. p. 310.
Sw. Syn. F i l p. 65. Wüld. Sp. P I v. p. 347. B l Enum. F i l Jav. p. 188. Brack. F i l U. S. E x p l Exp. p. 166. Metten. Asplen.
p. 160. Moore, Ind. F i l p. 140. Aspl. riparium, Brack. F i l U. S. E x p l Exp. p. 162, (n o t Liebm ) A. robustum, B l En. F i l Jav.
p. 189, (in Herb. Hook.) A. tri-pinnatum. Roxb. Crypt, p. Z99, (fide Moore.) Tarachia, P r. A. patens. iT//s. Fuwot. Fi/. p. 175.
Hooh et. Arn. Bot. o f Beech. Voy. p. 274 (not 10 6 .; Metten. Asplen. p. 159. Moore, In d . FU p. 152. Diplazium. Presl Fèe.
Ceylon. (C. P. 3801.)
Very nearly allied to A. nitidum.
3. Aspleniim spathulinum. (J. Sm.) Stipites 6 inches and move high, quite smooth and naked lurid-brown, fronds 1 )¿ feet long,
broad, or ovato-lanceolate, acuminate coriaceous, dark brown when dry and very opaque, quite free from scales, bi-pinnate m the perfect
stale, pinnate a t the vei7 apex, sometimes pinnate with pinnæ from an unequally cuneate aud auricled base entire, and others deeply
pinnatifid a t their base or sub-pinnate, pinnæ lanceolate broad at their base, pinnules or lobes obovate, the former tapering a t the more
or less oblique cuueate base, so as to be spathulate always, more or less serrated towards the apex, ultimate ones more or less confluent
into an acuminated serrated apex, intermediate ones frequently decurrent so as to form a winged rachis, veins erecto-patent, fiabeUate
conspicuous and ivith the long linear sori giving a striated appearance to the pinnules, involucres firm-membranaceous narrow.—//o o /. Sp.
Fil. iii. 170. J . Sm. in Hook. Jo um . o f Bot. iii. p. 408, (name only). Moore, Ind. F i l p . 139. A. nitidum. Metten. Asplen. p. 162.
Asp], instititum. Brack. F i l U. S. Expl. Exp. 161, / 2 2 ./. 2. Metten. Asplen. p. 159.
Ceylon. (C. P. 2905.)
Nearly allied to A. nitidum.
Diplazium . (S ee p<age 53).
1. Diplazium lancmm. (Thunb.) Caudex long-repeiit, rooting sparingly scaly, stipites distant 4 inches to a span long, slender,
thickened at the base, and paleaceous w’ith black scales, fronds chartaceous, firm opaque longer than the stipes, rarely an inch ivide, lanceolate
attenuated and acuminated at each extremity entire, som e tim e s a l i t t l e r e p a n d , c o s ta s le n d e r prominent beneath, veins horizontal,
fascicled, the superior and sometimes the inferior branch only fertile. Sori linear distant remote from the costa, often diplazioid.—//oo/;.
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