entire or irregularly crenato-serrate, costa subcentral, veins few, distant oblique, generally forked above tbe middle, sori oblique in
equal series, involucres pale-brown, membranaceous entire or jagged.—Hook. Sp. Fil. iii. 136 ;—Linn. Sj). PI. p. 1540, in part
Tricbomanoides ; (Cav. Deni. 257, n. 635 (not Mick.)—A. melanocaulon ; Willd Sp. PL v. 332.—A. Harovii Godr. A. micropbyllnjn
Tineo (fide Metten) A. saxatile. Salisb. Prod. p. 403 ; A. densum. Brack ß l. U. S. Fxpl. Exp. p. 151 t. 20 y~A . dichroum. Iff
(Moore);—A: beterochroum. Kze. in Linn. ix. 1 3 9 -A. anceps. Sol. M. S. Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 195 ;—A. castaneum, Schi. ¡j,j
\ . p. Oil. Linn.
Kalliutty on the Nilgiris between 5,000 and 6,000 feet elevation.
A th y e ium (c o n tin u e d .)
3 Alhjrium fa k a lm i (R. H, B.) rliizomo s io rt cæspitose densely covered with golden s o a l e s - s ti i^ short more or less cover-
.. " T / 'r J . / . r f r li linear golden sc. les,, m fronds i d s 6 6 to to
12-14 incli long with the rachis above dilated or winged, pinnate, Unear-Ianceokte acuminate
alternate, smaller ^ towards the base „ot p fi,*,the frond, o,,and «! «confluent >r>nflnenfc or or pinnatifid p
at the 8-12 lines long, falcatoivate
dedexcd, ohtnse or a c u t o e d , generally furnished with a large ehtnse anriclc a t b»'»
cd with
pinnæ numerous
•fid about \ d o w T t r the costa, segments obtuse crenated, sori numerous in a lino on each side of the costa, and on each side of the
vein of the auricles, at length confluent and nearly covering the under surface of the pinnæ.
Anamallays^ elevation 5,000 feet, dry grassy p la c e s.-T h e Myhendra hill near Berhampore-4,500 fcet~Mahableshwar hills.
24. Asplenium nitidum. (Sw.) 2-3 feet high, stipes a foot and more high, terete glabrous, blackish-hrown, frond deltoid a foo¡
broad, bi-pinnate rachis, terete furrowed, pinnæ alternate, horizontally patent, pinnules distinct, petiolate rhombeo-ovate, angled a t the baa
above and below, rounded a t the apex, serrato-deutate above liueato-striate beneath radiato-venose, lowest pinnules pinnatifid a t the baa
or furnished with a cuneato-obovate auricle, superior ones gibbous above, all quite glabrous, glossy above, paler beneath, sori contiguoiu,
straight and oblique near the costa not extending to the margin, mvolucres whitish membranaceous. Svi. Syn. Fil. pp. 84 and 280
A. insigue. Blume. En. F i l Jav. p. 188 A. pulchellum. Wall. Cat. n. 214.
Sisparah ghat on the Nilgiris 4,000 feet elevation.
25. 7ar. /3 obtusum. pinnules obtuse—veins more prominent.
Bolampatty Valley—Coimbatore Hills—Travancore Hills.
(Note variety (3. has the pinmiies shaped more like those o f A . spathulinum (J . Sm .) a Ceylon species, the sori o f spathulUim.
however are longer and extend to the margin. The following 5 species—Aspl. nitidum. Sw. Aspl. cuneatum L am .; Aspl. affine. Sw. isjji. )
spathulinum. J. Sm. ; and Aspl. laserpitüfolium. Lam. are all very closely allied, and it is no easy point to decide to which species ain
fern o f the cuneatum group should be referred).
A th y e ium Roth. Tent. F l. Germ. iii. 58. reduct.
(Solenopteris, ; Asplenii sp. Awci; Aspidii sp. A u c t.; Diplazii Auct. ; Polypodii sp. ; Nephrodii sp. iuc/,'
Dareæ sp. Auct. ; Tectarieæ sp. Cavanilles ; Lastrea sp. J . Smith. Allantodieæ sp. Auct. ;— Cystopteridis sp. Auct.)
Sori indusiate, short-oblong-Iunate, or unequally or sometimes equally hippocrepifonn ; the receptacles on the anterior ot
sometimes also crossing and returning along the posterior side of the veins. Indusium of the same form, often lacerato-fimbriate. Foiw
simple or forked from a central costa ; venules free, sometimes pinnate.
Fronds herbaceous, bi-tri-pinnate. Sori more or less generally, the basal ones usually rarely nearly all arcuate. Rhizome short,
erect or creeping—although some or a greater portion of the sori are similar to those of As¡)lenium, the occurrence of hippocrepiforn
sori, more or less numerous, sufficiently distinguishes this genus. (Moore).
1. Athyrium Hohenackerianum. (/f«,) Rhizome short, horizontal cæspitose, densely ferrugineo-paleacoous, partial rachis«-
margined glabrous, primary short or shortish, and the stipes angled loosely squamoso-paleaceous, rhizome short, horizontal cæspitose.
densely femigineo-paleaceous ; fronds membranaceous flaccid, nearly glabrous, opaque olivaceous, palor beneath, lanceolate long-acuraini't'-
slightly fleruose, pinnato-pinnatifld or suh-bi-pinnate, pinnæ deeurrent into a short petiole, divergcnti-pateiit rather remote, obliquely ob-|
long, auricled above, attenuate at the apex more or le,ss obtuse, lower ones divaricated, abbreviated, superior ones confluent, pinnules or sef ■
. ments ovato-elliptic, suh-falcate, rotundate or truncate, decurrently cuneate at the base, more or less confluent, involucres búllate, pu'/
browiL—Ilook. Sp.Fil. iii. 220 AUantodia Hohenackoriana. ATze. in Schk. F il.S u p p . 11— 63—i. 26 ;—Asplenium, d/eíf««. Asp/ p.
Nilgiris, Anamallays and Wynad, not uncommon—Jungles about Palghat,—Coorg and South Cañara, very abundant from
plains up to 4,000 feet.
3 Athyrium mac,-oarpum. (Blurao) fronds snb-corkceous glabrous pnmatc with the pinnules pinnatMd or pinnated (i. e.
bi ninnate)'p in n a petiolate, pinnules sessile trapezoideo-oblong obtuse, obtusely crenated a t the apex, superior ones eonfluent, superior
basal one larger, repaudo-ereuulate at its upper base sub-rotuudo-auriculate, sori very large, involueres more or less laeerato-fimhrmte
aanlenioid lunate or hippocrepiform, rachises auh-margiuate, glabrous or slightly turfuraceous stipes paleaceous below—Diurne .» Herb
Hooier .riAspidium Blume Eu. Fil. Jav. p. 162 ; Athyrium foKolosum Moore I n i . Fil. f . U 3 (vise WaUich) L a s t r e a macrocarpa,
Moore l u i . F il. p. 95 Aspi, failax. Metlen Asplen. p. 194, !. 6 / . 7-8.
4. Athyrium macrocarpum var. ft. (R. H. B.) fronds much larger and bi-pinnate, lower pinnæ with their pinnules petioled with
their petioles dilated so as to form a broad wing to the partial rachis, or sessile with a dilated base, sori not so large as m the norma
form (at least for the size of the plant).
Nilgiris—abundant near Neddiwattam.
5. Athyrium Filix-foemina. (Bernh.) Caudex ascending paleaceous with broad ferruginous scales, stipites tufted a span to a foot
and more long, stramineous-brown fronds 1 ^ -3 feet long, oblong rather suddenly acuminate, sub-membranaceous bi-rarely tri-pinnate, primary
pinnæ numerous patent from a moderately broad sessile base oblong-lanceolate acuminate 4-6 inches long, pinnules numerous, approximate
horizontally patent sessile J - f inch long, oblong rather obtuse, lower ones deeply pinnatifid, the segments ovate with 2 or 3
strong and sharp serratures, superior ones more entire coarsely serrated, uppermost ones confluent into a pinnatifid or serrated acumen, sori
copious, one to each segment of the pinnule near the rachis oblong, involucre very convex, straight or variously curved or hippocrepifonn
membranaceous more or less fringed or erose at the margin.—Z/ooA Sp. Fil. iii. 218—Rem/t. Schrad N . Journ. Bot. 1806. 1 pt. 2. p.
26 Í. 2 / . 7 ;—AUantodia tenella Wall. M. S. in Herb Hook; Athyrium tennifrons— Wall Cat. n. p. 206 ?
Forests on the north bank of the Godavery—Camptee.
PLATE No. CLI'V. A. A magnified portion of one of the pinnæ shewing the spiculæ on the rachis.
G. Athyrium pectinatum. (Wallich). Stipes scaly below, rachis glossy furrowed, sometimes furnished with a few deciduous
scales; fronds membranaceous very variable in size, 6 inches to 3 feet long bi-pinuate with the pinnules of the lower pinnæ pinnatifid
almost to the rachis—(i. e. sub-tri-pinnate) pinnæ distant 3 to 8 inches long, short petioled ovato-lanceolate acuminate rachis of pinnæ
often dilated or winged, pinnules to 1 inch long (the superior basal one generaUy longer and larger), sub-sessile from a dilated base,
more or less deeply pinnatifid (as shewn in figures A and B) segments crenated often sharply so, the superior basal one generaUy larger,
veins pinnate, veinlets simple or forked, sori near the costa, 2-3 on tho larger basal segment and 1 on each of the other segments, involucres
membranaceous str.aight curved or hippocrepiform—spore cases very black when ripe.