; I
|S' i:
I 1
CMiSuent into .•> pinnatifid apex, superior pinnas generally Iraxing tlie basal segment decnrrent upon the rachis, lowest pair of piimoe (and
base of the next pair) often very long a foot or more, and again more or less pinnated, segments more or less acute or acuminated
sorrato-dentate or lobato-pimiatifid, veinlets forming oblong areoles near the costa and costales then varioixsly anastomosing in thf
pinnae and partially in the segments, the veinlets in the segments nearly all tree, fiexuose, more or less divaricating and once or twice
forked, areoles including free simple or forked fertüe veinlets (rarely any sterile veinlets) and generally with a terminal sorus, within ll„
segments, the lowest veinlet on the superior side bears a terminal sorus, sori snb-marginal, involucres reniform. Hook. A>. Fil. iv. 60
—Aspidium gigantenra, Blwmo, En. Fil. Jan. p . 159—Polydictyum, « e s i. Aspidium intermedium. J . .Smith in Hook.
Journ. o f Bol. iii. 410 ;—
3. Sagenia coadúnala (Moore.) Caudex stout ascending, clothed at the apex with black subulate falcate scales, stipites more or
leas tutted from 1-2 inches to a foot and half long, stramineous or castaneous or ebeneous, scaly, scales lanceolato-subulate, spreading
deciduous, fronds 4-6 inches to 2-3 feet long, oblong or ovate, membranaceous, pinnate, (young plants three-foliate,) or below bi-pinnate,
the apex variously pinnatifid, pinnæ generally opposite oblong sub-sessile obtuse or acuminate variously lobed and pinnatifid, often unequally,
lowest pair petiolate, serai-ovate, with the lower segments very long and pinnatifid—primary veins nearly straight, the rest variou.s-
ly anastomosing mappendiculate, sori in two series one cm each side the costal vein of each segment compital (on the net work of the
vems) or terminating a veinlet within a large costal areole, involucres reniform. Aspidium cicutarium. Hook. Sp. Fil. iv. 48 in p a r t
—Aspidium coadunatura, JVall. Cat. n. 337.
Very abundant in most sub-alpine jungles on the western side of the presidency.
3. Sagenia pteropus (Moore.) Caudex stout erect, stipites tufted short, stout partially scaly at the base, fronds 2-3 feet or
more long, firm, membranaceous, sub-coriaceous, broad-oblong, deeply pinnatifid with 3-4 or 6 pair of long (6 inches to 1 foot, 1 inch and
more broad,) oblong or oblong-lanceolate, more or less acunainated segments, lowest pair bi-tri-partite at the inferior margin, terminal lobe
often trifid, the margin entire or more or less sinuate or pinnatifido-lobate, primary veins distinct, parallel, fiexuose, secondary ones transverse
with these forming arched areoles which are occupied by anastomosing veins, including copious free veinlets and two sori on short
free veinlets, these son form two lines or series between the primary veins, involucre on a large oblong receptacle rotuudato-cordate
persistent—ÆooA Sp. Fil. iv. 47—Aspidium pteropus, Kunze, Bot. Zeil. iy, p. 462 ¡—Aspidium decurrens. J . Smith, Journ o f
B o ta n y ,m .p . 410. Asp. platynotus, Cordiochlæna alata. Fée, Gen. Fil. p. 315—Asp. macrophyUum, Bl. Bn. F i l Jav. p. 144
(exd. syn.)
Bolampatty valley (Coimbatore hills.)
PLEOCNEMIA, Presl. T en t. P te r. 183.
(Haplodictyum, P r e s i;—Polypodii, Sp. Auct. ;—Aspidii Sp. Auct. ;—Nephrodii, Sp. Auct. ;.—Cyclodii Sp. {Moore.)
Sori indmslate, globose ; the receptocUs medial on the free or anastomosed venules. Indusium renüorm, affixed a t the simw.
Vems (of segments, i.e., venules) simple or forked from a cost* form mid.vein, the lower opposite ones arcuately anastomosing, formine
elongated, angolate, costal areoles ; the upper free ; the intermediate usually forming one series of unequal hexagonal areoles’next the
costæ form vein ; margin veinlets free.
Fronds herbaceous, ample, bi-pinnato-p
or sub-j
itifld, the lower pinnæ bi-partite, or smidl and pinnatifid. Rhizome short, creeping
Fleocrtemia aristala. (Hooker) Caudex creeping, stipites close-placed a span to a foot long, fronds of the same length as the
.stipites (fertüe ones, often longer thanthe sterile) ovate sub-membranaceous pinnate, pinnm 7-13 spreading all petiolate 3-6 inches lone
I to I J inches broad oblongo-Ianceolate falcate, finely acuminate, lobato-pinnatifid obliquely cuneate a t tV hase rarely with 3 or 3 obovate
auricles or distinct pinnules, their lobes triangular-ovate acute aud as well as tho apices of tho pinna) aub-aristato-serrate, primary veins
(or costules of the lobes) pinnated with obliquely patent veinlets ot which 1-3 pairs of tho lo.wer ones unite and form a very acute
angle, sori dorsal on tree or united veinlets, involucres subreniform, or oblong or Innate (as ip Athyrinpi) sometimes ciliate. Hook. S f.
W1 ■ 6 -’ .VepJrodi»» « fú tó '“»* -'/oo*. Ooniopteris oristata, /■ * ;—Anisocamprarn CnmiDgianum,i>r. E p im l Bot. p . tii—
c ) -M ium '’cnmingi»nnm. it/oore .— Aspidium Otaria, Kunze, Ilerlo. Mellen. Aspid, p. 34.
A fe rn o f doubtfid genus, the involucres are more like those o f Alkgrium, in the Aeplenietr, than o f the Aspidierr.
A n am a lla y s— abundant in the Teak forests 2,000 to 4,000 feet elev.ation. Ycddiearrah and the plains ot Malabar, about the
foot of the Carcoor pass.
• I c/íií conniventhj anaslomosin/j.
Neprodiu.m, R ic h a rd , Mich. FL Bor. A m e r . I I— 266 (rediLCt-)
(Aspidium, Swartz in p a r t ; Auclonim ;—Cyclosorua, L in k ;—Abacopteris, Fée ;—Plectochlæna, Fée Pronephrlum F resl ;
—Arsenopteris, Webb, et Berthelot in p a r t Polypodii Sp. Auctorum Lastrea Sp. Auct. /—Cyclodii, Sp. Auct. ;—)
iudusiate, globose ; the veceptacle.s medial on the venules. Indusium reniform, affixed a t the sinus— Veins (of pinnæ)
piunate from a central costa, prominent ; venules .simple, the lower pair or more, sometimes all, angularly connivent—anastomosing,
p r o d u c in g f rom the angle an excurrent veinlet, which (in deeply pinnatitid pinnæ) is free or (in less divided pinnæ) joins the next
îuia.stomosed angle.
Fronds simple, pinnatifid, piimate or pinmito-pinnalifid, lierbaceous or sub-coriaceous. Spore-ca-ses sometimes cchinate
llhizoine short, erectish, or slowly creeping—(Moore).
1, Nephrodium molle. (Desvaux.) Caudex stout, liorizontal, short, densely routing, stipites a span to a foot and more long,
fronds ratlier soft-membranaceous 1-2 feet long, more or less pubescent ; oblong-lanceolate, abrupt at the base (or sometimes much
attenuated there with distant dwarfed pinnæ) pinnated, pinnatifid at the apex, pinnæ numerous, horizontal, sessile, oblong, and generally
broadest at the base, or lanceolate, more or less acuminate 3-5 inches long, pinnatifid more or less deeply, the segments semi-ovate,
obtuse or oblong a little falcate, lowest pair of veinlets, uniting and sending out a veinlet which is prolonged to the sinus of the segments
the rest free, simple rarely forked, sori in two row.s situated near the middle of the free veinlets or at the junction of the two basal ones
mvolucres reniform more or less villous—Hooker, Sp. Fil. iv. 67.—Aspidium appendiculatum, Wall, in part. Asp. parasiticum Walt.
Cat. n. 2239 ; Polypodium nemorale, IVall. Cat. n. 1317 ¡—Polyp, mollusculum, Wall. Cat. 332—Asp. Canescen.s, Wall. Cat. 354
A.sp. nymphaleÆors^prorf.p. 81 ; —Neplivodium Helsinbergii, P r.-P o ly p o d ium diversifrons, Kl. and Kunze— patcn.s, Link,
One of the commonest ferns in linliu.