Nilgiiis—very abundant about Ootacamund, banks of streams by road-sides (a dwarf form with incurved pinnules) aiul in
A very variable species, the figure represents nearly frck of a frond (the apex and stipe wanting). A th ym m aspidioi,),
(Schlecht) is, I believe, only one of the more compound and finely cut varieties of this species, there are numerous intermediate forms.,
Ath yn um gymnogrammoides (Kl.), specimens of which I have received from Ceylon through Mr. Thwaites (C. P. 1344) seems to diff?
in its much larger pinnæ, (14 inches long) and in its more regular asplenioid Sori—Plate No. CLVI. is a drawing from Mr, Thwaite’s sp«;
men, it is recorded by Sir W. Hooker as from the Nilgiris, b u t I have never myself met with it.
8 . Athyrium nigripes. (Metten.) frond bi-pinnate, membranaceous nearly glabrous, pinnæ petiolate oblongo-Ianceolate, acute, pi«
nules sub-decurrent cuneato-oblong rather obtuse, lowest ones sub-petiolate more or less pinnatifid, superior ones inciso serrate confluer
sori near the costules rachis, glabrous very fiexuose.
Nilgiris—in Sholas Neddiwattan and Sh
Nilgiris—about Ootacamund and Neddiwattan.
Ghats in Cañara, rare,
9. A th y n im aiistrale. (Brack.) fronds bi-pinnate, deltoid membranaceous, pinnules pinnatifid attenuated at the apex, lube
oblong-obtuse, inciso-serrate involucres quite terete, (sausage like), lower ones often double bursting irregularly—Bra ck FU. U.Ss
Expl. Exp. 173 AUantodia australis and tenera Br. Prod. Fl. Nov. IIoU. p. 149. Aspl. Brownii J . Smith Ilo o k Fil. N . Zm l. ii. p. 149,-
A. assimile End. Prod. Fl. Norf. p. 30 A. spectabile Wall. Cat. n. 237. Aspl. mulfcicaudatum Wall. Cal, 239;—AUantodia sylvaticai
En. Fil. Jav. 173 ;—Diplazium brachysorum Metten—Aspl. physosorum Sieh Fl. Mixta n. 268.
The indusium is like that of AUantodia, the lower ones ai-e often double as in Diplazium, it has hardly a right to a pketi
Asplenium, Athyrium, or Diplazium, and would be better placed next to AUantodia in a genus distinguished by free venation.
A, Magnified portion of a'pinnule upper side showing the winged costa.
B, C. Under side showing the fructification and the cordate acuminate scales present on the costa.
D. A magnified sorus.
(Athyrium Selenopteris (Metten), said to be found on the Nilgiris, is quite unknown to me, it is perhaps a form of A. Hoha
■* * * Veins reticulated, the marginal veinlets free.
A l l a n t o d i a . R . B row n . P ro d . F l. N o v . R o ll. 149. (red u ct.)
(Asplenii Sp. Mettenius;—Hemidictyi Sf). Presl.)
Sori indusiate, oblong-cylindrical ; the receptacles sub-lateral, anterior on the basal part of the veins. Indusium membraiucf
ous fornicate a t first involving the sorus a t length refiexed, veins simple, parallel a t the base and there soriferous, becoming forked aï
reticulated in elongated areoles towards the margin ; the ultimate veinlets free clavate terminating witliin tlie margiu.
Fronds pinnate tender herbaceous Rhizome decumbent (Moore.)
1. Allantodia Brunoniana. (Wall.) Fronds ample pinnated herbaceo-membranaceous, pinnæ large, numerous obloiig-lan«^
late, sessile, finely acuminated, veins free and forked near the base, and there only soriferous, anastomosing into sub-hexagonal areol»
towards the margin.— Wall. PI. Asiat. Rar. p . 44. t. 52. Hemidictyum ? Brunonis Presl. Tent. Pter. p. iii. t. 3. and 25-26. Asplenini
Brunonianura Metten Fil. Hort. Lips. p. 71 ;—Asplen ; reticulatum Wall. Cat. n. 188. A. Javajiicuiu BL En. FU, Jav. p. 175.
(6) h tiu s ia connate in pairs b a d to hack.
* Veins free.
■ D ip la z ium Sxvartz S ch ra d . J o u r n . 1800. ii. 4. 61.
(Lotzea Klotzsch and Karsien Asplenii sp. auct ; Scolopendrü sp. ;-AUantodeæ. sp. «mcî ;-Callipteridi.s, sp. F o r y H e -
mionitidis sp. Swartz /-A n iso g o n ii sp. Hooker ;-Microstegiæ sp. Presl ;_Hypochkmydis. sp. Feé ,— Athyrii sp. auct.)
Sori indusiate linear all or the lowermost only double, i. e. the receptacles occupy both sides of the veins. Indusium narrow,
membranaceous, plane or fornicate ; in the double sori affixed in pairs back to back on opposite sides of the same venule, one opening
anteriorly the other posteriorly ; in the simple sori, as in Asplenium. Veins simple or forked from a central costa ; venulc.s direct free.
Fronds herbaceous or coriaceous, simple pinnate or variously compound. Ehizome short, erect, rarely sub-arborescent, (The
limit between Asplenium and the present genus is not very definite, in consequence of some species having but few of the double sori, notwithstanding
which Dipkzium has been almost universaUy admitted since the time of Swartz, by whom it was founded) (Moore.)
1. Diplazium lasiopteris. (Kunze.) Caudex creeping with wiry roots compactly scaly a t the apices of the branches, stipites a
span and more long, brown scaly and hispid, fronds 8 to 12 inches long ovato-lanceolate acuminate membranaceous pinnate, pmnatifid
at the apex pinnæ 2-5 inches long, to f inch wide, sessile from an obliquely trmicated auriculate base linear-lanceokte acuminate more
or less deeply pinnatifid, segments falcate more or less serrated and generally with an incurved acumen, hairy above, glabrous below, except
on the costa, veins pinnated in each segment, vemlets simple or rarely forked, nearly all soriferous, lower ones double—Awnze. Fil.
Uort. Lips. Bot. Zeit. \-i5 3—Linnoea xviii. 568 and xxiv. 270.—Dipkzium decussatum, Moore and Houlsi Gard. Mag. Bot. iii. 231—
Asplenium tomentosum Mett. Asp. p. 182. Asplenium Schkuhrii—//ooie r Sp. Fil. iu. 251 ^
(Asplenium Thwaitesii (C. P. 1843) a specimen of which has been forwarded me by Mr, Thwaites from Ceylon seems hardly
distinct—the large bi-pinnate species (C. P. 3100) is quite distinct from this).
Puluey Hills—veiy abundant about Poombarry.—Nilgiris, near Ootacamund rare.
2. Diplazium sylvaticum. (P re sl) Caudex stout erect woody sending down very stout unbranched vermiculate fibres, paleaceous
at the summit with rather large almost black subulate scales ; stipes a span to a foot long stout scaly only at the base, fronds
1^-2 feet long ovato-lanceolate sub-membranaceous, pinnated, pinnatifid a t the apex, pinnæ below petiolate horizontally patent from a
generally truncated base elongate oblongo-lanceokte acuminate sub-falcate entire or sub-sinuate or sub-pinnatifido-Iobate rarely sub-auri-
|V cukte at the superior base, lobes rounded entire or serrated, veins fascicukto-pinnate in the lobed pinnæ, each fascicle corresponding to
a lobe, sori very slender, lower ones or more double—Hooker. Sp. FU. iii. 248.—Pi-esi. Rel. I loe n k i. p. 42.
Nilgiris—abundant down the Sisparah ghat.
3. Diplazium dilatatum. (Blume.) Caudex stout woody erect, stipes stout 2 feet and more long below paleaceous with lanceolate
acuminate scales, frouds glabrous very large membranaceous or corkceo-membranaceous tri-pinnate below with the pinnules often
deeply pinnatifid (hence sub-tri-pinnate) pinnate above, and pinnatifid a t the apex ; pinnæ more or less petiola,te, again pinnated ot
pinnatifid with the pinnules or segments from simply crenated or even entire to deeply pinnatifid, very variable in size, veins pinnate
simple or forked never uniting, sori narrow linear not extending to the margin, lower ones double.— Blume En. PI. p. 194. Asplenium
diversifolium Wall. Cat. n . 203 ( not 5 / J—Diplazium extensum J . Sm. Hook Journ. Bot. iii. 408 ;— Dipl, affine J. Sm. I. c. 407 ;—Asplénium
dilatatum. Hook. Sp. FU. iii. 258 ;—D. acuminatum. J . Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns ? Dipl, ektum Mett. p, 180 1 D, latifolium,
(This and the last species are both very variable, it is doubtful if the two are really distinct.)
Nilgiris—Sisparah ghat and elsewhere.—Wynad—Anamallays—Coorg, àc.