Hg f
i i i :
■ i‘ i
glabrous and scaleless as aro the main rachises; fronds firm-membranaceous, pale-green, 3 inches to I J toot long, sub-quinquelidly
deltoid, acuminate, very püose on all the costæ and costules on both sides, and on the veins beneath with white hairs, tripinnate, primary
pinnæ oblong or ovate acuminate 3 inches to a span long, petiolate lowest pair especially on petioles or branches 2-3 inches long semi-
ovate, the lowest basal secondary pinnæ the longest, pinnnles oblong-ovate J, to 1 inch long obtuse deeply pinnatifid, decurrent °al the
base, the segments oblong-ovate toothed or subinciso-pinnatifid, veinlets forked, sori most copious, involucres large pale-colored mem
branaceous reniform convex very villous.—iiooi. Sp. fU . iv. U i—Nephrodium hirsutum. D m . Prod. Nep. p. 6 ; Hypodematium
oimstum, Kunze. in Flor. 1833 p. 689 ¡—Aspidium pilosulum Wall. Oat. n. 337 (not Kunze) Asp. subdiaplianum. Wall. Oat. n. 343—
Hypodematium Euppellianmn, Kunze. in Sch k F il. Suppl. I. 21. Cystopteris odorata, Pr. Tent- Pterid p. 93.
Anamallays, on the Peringoonda Hill 5000 feet elevation.
PLATE No. XCV. The plant figured is rather a choarf form o f this species.
2. Lastrea hirhpes (Moore) Caudex short tlück erect and as well as the stout tufted stipites and rachis densely crinite witli
large long subulate intensely black fiexuose scales (more or less deciduous) frouds 2-3 feet long, sub-coriaceous ovato-lanceolate pinnate
confiuently pinnatifid at the apex, pinnæ 3-6-8 inches long more or less remote, horizontally patent from a truncated or subcordate and
nearly sessile inauriculated base oblong, long-acuminated variously lobed or pinnatifid or crenated or even serrated at the margin, lobes
obtuse or acute, veins pinnated sori dorsal upon the veinlets remote from the margin, involucres, small reniform sub-coriaceous—i/o o ie r sp.
Fil. iv, 115—Nephrodium hirtipes TToo^er,—Aspidium atratum, Wall. Cat. n. 380.
NUgiris—very abuadant 4000 feet and upwards. Anamallays—Pulneys.
L a s t e e a (c o n iin u e d .)
V •« fWellich) Uevdev lergc, fle.ehy creepiug, tumiehed wW, ramierou» coarec root., « tip » 2-3 feet long, very .caly
3 . Laztrea ^ J ' 3 triangukr-ovate me.ubranaceou«, bi-p!„„ate with the pinnu e. pumat.-
a tlh e b a .c ,Im n y a n d t» hroad-oblong acuminated, varying in Icngtl. from 3 inehe. above to 1> foot bolow,
fid Î down o the coeta, J ,„.a ,,m„khed with a broad glabrou., wing wlnoh gradually
racluecsofthepmure tm prominent the whole length ot the raoh.» of the upper pmnæ,
dmappeare toward, the . „„ p„u. „g e ., .omethat
they may be ‘ 1 4 ¡ „ * 0., long, broad lanoeokte acuminate, pinnatifid nearly down to the coeta,
time, gkbroue, pinnule, a ^ 2 row.
.egments very obtu.o, o .e ^ , . ^ creuature) involucre much lacerated, very
Aspidium clivisum, Wallich. Cat. n. 393 :
Shole. about Ootacamund on the Nilgris 7,000 feet elevation-Anamanay HiU. 3,000 feet elcvatron.
4 Laetrea recede,,,. (J. Smith ;) Caudex, a .hort thick aecending rhizome, paleaeeou. with zuhnlate tcrruipueou. .» le e stil«te.
tufted a .lian to a foot long, rather slender, very scaly at the base, the rest and the rachises rather densely tu.co-pnbcscent, fronds a foot
t o o and equaUy broad at the bære, firm, membranaceons deltoid more or loss pubescent beneath, often nearly qurte glabrous above, below
« p i " o 7 b i - p i u n a t e , primary pinnæ b ro a d -o b to g a c um in a to p e « to m 3 to 8 rnohe. long, be
basal ones’much the largest 3 i inches broad, secondary ones oblong, sessde and decnrrent a t the base, so as to form a narrow wing to the
racks, oblong an inch and nro're to g , very acute, coarsely and very acutely almost pungently serrate or piunatrfid, veinlets simple or once
otowice forked, sori 1 to 5 on each lobule of the pinnulo. Hoolzer. Sp. Fil. iv. 135.-Nephrodium recédons. /fo o h -L a strca elegans.
dioore. E„. of ouU. *™ s .—Polypodium. J. Smith. En. Fil. Philipp in Hook jo u r : Bot m. p. 394.
Nilgiris—Puluey mountains—4,000 feet elevation—a rai-e fern.
PLATE No. X C r a i .
5. Laztrea flacoida. (Hooker;) Caudex erect, fnrnislied with numerous fibrous roots, stipites tufted stramineous, below
scarcely scaly, above veiy glaucous, racMs with a line of hairs on the sulcated upper side, glabrous beneath ; fronds 1-3 foot and more
t o g b r o a d o v a to - k u c e o k t e a c um in a te m em b r a n a c e o u s , bi-pimiato with the pinnules pmuatified nearly to the costæ, pnbascentiiirsute,
with t o g white hair, on the costæ and oostulos on both sides, rachis of the pi.mnles furnished with a very regnkr line of dense hairs on
the npper side, gkhrous aud convex below ; pimiæ rather remote, opposite or alternate, lanceolate acuminate, mfetior ones 0-13 inches
lone by 3 inches broad, snperior, gi-adnally smaller (so that one of the superior pmnæ is similar to a pinnule of nn inferior pmnæ)
pinnnles up to 2 iuchcs to g , obloug lanceokte from a broad adnate base (which is deeurrent, so mi to form a wunged rachi, particnlarly
in the upper piunæ) pimiatif.ed (in the lower pinnæ almost to tho costa,) secondary pinnules piimatified in the lower pmnæ, entire or with
tho apex orcuatcd in the nppicr portion of the frond ; veinlets pinnate from a central vein, termiliatmg within the margm ; son 1-6 on .
each lobe of the secondary pinnnles-Ncplitodinm flaccidiim Hook Sp. Fil. iv, 133. I'har, n no t,-aoe o f any znvoluere zn the numerm,,
zjxdnuzn. llaal I Moe examined. S ir IK. fZooicr'a fyuTe o f tlA plant (T a t. cclxiii. Toi. iv. Sp. FU..) doe, not give a good zdea of tlx
plaxit as it grotos on the Nilgiris ; I have a specimen from Ceylon exactly corresponding with the figure in the Sp. Fit. but my A i/g in
specimens are fa r more compound, the pinmdes being about equal to the piimoe o f the specimen figured by Hooker. I feel certain however,
that they are one and the same plant.
Nilgiris—alDundant on the Carcoor ghat—Anamallays 3,000 feet elevation.—Wynads.
(The upper portion of a large frond showing the pinnides decurrcnt on the rachis).
A. Magnified upper portion of one of the pimiæ showing the line of hairs on the rachis.
B. Lobes of a pinnule magnified, showing the under side. »
0. A lobe of a pinnule, upper side.
D. A portion of one of the lower pinnæ of a frond.
6. laetrea ferrughxa. (Beddome ;) Caudex short, stout, erect, stipes densely clothed with large paleaceous scales and scabrous
Vllli rough tubercles—fronds large deltoid-ovate, tri-pmnate or in large ti'oiids below qnadri-piunate, generally one or two pair of pinnules