1 1 - I:
3 ii:
X. £ m u „ ;_ArH.ropterls, / . Smith in ,m r i Ghpliytopteria, P r e t l Oatennlark, ZipptU M. S. ;-C ælo p teris ; A. S ra u n U. S.
Leptostegia, ZippM M. S. Pliylocopteris, Kunse M. S. ; Hypolepidis sp. X « e < L e p ic y s tid is sp. J . Smtth.
Sori ..oii-iadusiate, globose or ovoid, superlicial or immersed ; tbe receptacle, terminal or medial on tbe free veins. Veim staple
or forked from a central costa, or simple costæform in the nltimnte segments, renules free.
Fronds coriaceons, berbacoons, or membranaceons simple, pinnatiad pinnate or bi-trbpinnate, articnlated or oontinnons with tli,
rblzome, tbo pinnæ sometimes articulated with tbe ra cbis-Rbisome creeping, or short, orect, or decumbent, or candrerlorm.
1 Pohjpoiium parcttiticam. (Metten). Candei ascending, furnished with ovate peltate scrobicnlate scales, stipes 2-4 lines long,
very hairy, fronds coriaceous, sparingly clothed c itb black hairs beneath IJ -2 J inehes long, bnear lanceolate, ciliated rather obtnse entire;
veins forked, lower veinlet generally attending to tbo margin, srtperior veinlet terminating with the sorns, son short, oblong or snb-
rotnnd on a rather prominent receptacle fnrnisbed witblong black s e tæ .-A /e « « Polyp,, p. 36 ;-G ram m itis atlcnnala, Kume » D « ,
xxiv, p. 251.
Anamallays-Common on trees at 5,000 feet e le v a tio n -N llg lr is - a t Neddiwattam, and on rocks and trees down tke
Siáparali gliát.
2 Polypcdium parmihm. (Bory). Caudex creeping, clothed with fomiginons narrow lanceolate scales, stipites 3-4 lines long
margined fronds rigidly membranaceons, glabrous 3-4 inehos long, lanceolate deeply almost to tbe costa pinnatifid, segments 3-4 ban
lonv l i line wide a t tbe interior ba se coadúnate and eontinnons, oblong or ovate-oblong rather obtnse, rarely oblong-lanceolate entire,
lowtr o'nes abbreviated and long decnrrent, veins evident, incrassatcd below the apex, rarely soriferous in tho middle ot tbe back, son 3-6
on each side. Mette,, Polyp., p. A X -B o r y . in W illi. Sp. Fl. v., p. 182 ; - P . inconspicnnm, Bl. Fil. Jar., p. 130.
Anamallays on rocks, banks of tbe Toracadu river 4,500 feet elevation—Nilgiris, Lamb’s rock (near Coonoor).
3. Folypoiinm oblicjuatum. (Blame). Caudex short, creeping, rather stout ferrngineo.paleaeeons, stipites approximate 2-!
lines to l i inch long glabrous, fronds firm-membranaceons, sc,arcely sub-coriaceous 6-12-14 inches long, lJ -2 inches broad, lanceoalt
aenminato and snb-candate tapering below, deeply pectmato-pmnatilid nearly to the base, segments approximate from a broad t o ,
lineari-acnminate often acnte entire, lower ones gradually shorter, the lowest triangular much abbreviated, eostole and simple oblKi«.
veins evident not extending to the maigio, sori several in 2 rows, one on oach side, the costa oblique, sunk m an oval cavity (which is protuberant
on tho upper side ot the frond) surrounded by an elevated border.—Booi. Sp. Fit. iv, 190 ¡— Blame F,l. Jar., p. 181., (. 58, B. , -
Cryptosorus, Blnmei. F'ee Gen., p. 231 Ctenopteris rofescens, Kee. Bot. Zeib. iv., p. 425.
(The fructification of this species which belongs lo the genus •' Cryptosorus," Fée Is very peculiar, it is sunk into oval oavitios
Oil the lower side of the frond ; the fructification of Prosaptia is somewhat similar, but in that genus the cyst is marginal, the genera appearance
of this species is very similar to the Prosaptias ; it would bo better if it was removed from Polypodium and placed in the gomis
y Fée, viz., “ Cryptosorus.’’)
Shevagherry mountains.
4. Polypodium paludoeum. (Blume). Caudex short, erect, covered with scales a t the apex, furnished with numerous black m l
roots ■ stipes elongated I J foot and more, long fusco-strammeous, scaly only a t the very base, fronds 1 J-3fcot long, 6-13 ruches wide, ra
sub-coriaceo-membranaceous broad-oblong-lanceolate acitminato,’ sometimes bi-pinnate below, above pinnate, pinnatifid a t the apex, pm»«
distant sub-petiolate alternate 3 to 10 inches long, 1-2 inehes broad, in some eases sub-crecto-pateut elong,ato-oblong acumimato, those ■
are avain pinnated have distant patent pinnules J-1 inch long from a broad always adnate, but not decnrrent base, oblong obtnsoly aeu.»-
■rated“ always more or loss deeply pmnatifid a t the margm, basal pair often more elongated, snperior pinnæ deeply pmnatifid with lo ,
obtnse pinnatifid or entire segments, veinlets rather distant, simple or forked, sori rather large not numerous, intermediate beUveeii t
costule or primaiy vein, and the margin, rachis, costæ, costales and principal veins often h irs u te -//o o i. Sp. 1 ,1. rv. 214 ¡ -B h m c
- J a p 193 t 90 Polyp- brunnemn, Wall. Cat. 1!. 333 ; - P . longipes, Wall. Cat. n. 316;—P. adiiatum. Wall. Oat. No. 328;—Phegopteris,
Metlen Plmgopt, p. 29.
Very common about Ootacamimd on the Nilgiris.
Polypodium nigro-carpum. (Beddome). Caudex stout, sub-obUque densely paleaceous, stipes 1-2-3 feet long, densely paleaceous
towiU'ds the base, scabrous above, fronds membranaceous, semi-transparent, deltoid-ovate acuminate, tri-pinnate below, bi-pinnate above
and' pmnatifid at the apex, pinnæ alternate, distant petioled deltoid ovate 6-12 inches long, in the basal pair the inferior basal pinnule
is wanting, and the other inferior pinnules are larger than the superior ones, pinnules shortly petiolate iu the inferior pinnæ, sessile in
the superior ones, oblongo-ovate, secondary pinnules sessile from a broad base or the lower pairs shortly petiolate, obtuse at the apex
more or less pinnatifid, segments obtuse, veins prominent not extending to the margin, but terminating within it in a pellucid dot, costa
and veins furnished with weak whitish hairs on both sides, sori medial on the veins, 1 to 8 on each of the secondarj’ pinnules becoming
quite black when ripe.
Nilgiris—Very common in the Sholas on the higher ranges.
6. Polypodium rugulosum. (Lahill). Caudex long, creeping, rufo-villous, whole plant more or less hairy andglanduloso-viscid,
especially beneath, stipes 1-2 feet and more long, varying in size from a crow’s to a swan’s quill, and as well as the main rachises glossy
and rough with elevated points, bright castaneous or stramineous, frond varying from 6-8 inches iu length, very slender (perfect and
fertile) to 5 feet in length, from 4 inches to 3 feet wide at the base, deltoid-ovate suh-coriaceous (rarely sub-membranaceous and flaccid)
tri-pinnate, primary pinnæ generally in distant petiolated pairs, lowest primary pinnæ oblong-ovate acuminate ; secondary pinnæ sessile
from a broad base, oblong acuminate pinnules ^ to inch long, oblong or linear-oblong obtuse lobato-pinnatifid with small rounded lobe.s,
rarely angulato-dentate a t the margin, margins often much refiexed, the veins of the lobes very fiexuose, veinlets pinnate, simple or
forked, the lower veinlet extending to the margin of the sinus of the lobes, and there bearing a solitary ,sorus (10-14 on each pinnule)
but so copious that theyfrequently cover the whole under surface of the frond, secondary rachises terete, not winged. Labill. Fil. Not.
Iloll. ii., 'p. 92 t. '24\.— Hooh. Sp. Fil. iv., p. 272 ¡—Polypodium Pæppigü, Kze. in Lin. ix., p. 50;—Pol. fulvescens, Ilooh. et Grev. Bot.
Mix. ii., p. 239 ;— Pol. viscidum. Spr. P. viscosum, Poxh. Pol. viscoso-viseidum, Thouars Fl. Trist. d ’Acunha, p. 33 Cheilanthes
ambigua, A. Rich. Fl. n. Zeal.C h e U a n th e s Dicksonioides, Endl. and Kze. in Schh. Fil. Supp. t. 8 ;—Hypolepis Dicksonioides, Hooh.
Sp. Fil. ii., p. 61, ; Hyp. Pæppigiana, Sletten Fil. Lechl, p. 18.
Nilgiris, most abundant about Coonoor and Ootacamund.
This fern when growing has much the general aspect of “ Pteris aquilina”—the fructification is of course quite different.
7. Polypodium ornatum. (Wallich.) Caudex erect, clothed with copious long subulate scales, stipites stramineous, 1-3 feet
long and up to about an inch in diameter, paleaceous a t the base, smooth aiid polished or setaceo-paleaceous above, fronds generally very-
large, 1 to 6 feet long, broad ovate acuminate, firm-membranaceous quadri-piunate, costæ, costules aud veins furnished with long white
soft silky spreading hairs, rachis of the pinnæ muvicated beneath with hard aculii and furnished with setaceous scales, pinnæ opposite,
petiolate or sessile 1-2 feet long, 8-14 inches broad, broad-oblong acuminate, pinnules sessile, oblong acuminate 4-7 inches long, rachis
• furnished with a very regular broad wing, tertiary pinnules 6 to 10, 1-1| lines loug, entire or slightly crenated, veinlets simple, forked,
or pimiate terminating within the margin, apex thickened.—sori 1 on th e lower vein of each tertiary pinnule (i. e.. in two lines, on each
«idc of the costa of the secondary pinnules). Wall. Cat. p. 327.
Yynacl—Carcoor ghât abundant, on^of the handsomest ferns in the presidency.
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