6. Aephrodiim pvopvnquum (Br.) Caudex very long, creeping sometimes copiously, and luxuriantly rooting, stipites varying
imirii in length from 1-2 feet, fronds sub-coviaccous 1-2 feet long, glabrous, or often more or less pubescent, resinoso glandulose, especially
benoath, reddish-brown when dry, rather glossy, pinnated, p i n ^ mimcrous, shortly petiolate, 3-5 inches long, ^ to J an inch or more
wide, linear-lanceolate, acute rather than acuminate, sometimes^roader and cuneate at the base, sometimes contracted, pinnatifid ;\rd or
.lown to the costa, the segments i-ounded or ovato, obtuse or acute, veinlets curved, one or two of the lowest opposite pair united, sori
near tlie middle of the veins, or sub-marginal, sometimes confined to the lobes, sometimes extending to the disk, and not unfrcqnently form
iiig a continuous intramarginal line following the course of the sinuses, tho whole length of the pinnæ, involucres reniform, scto.se. Hook
.S’p. A';;, iv. p. 79—Aspiduimunitum, A'iü. AiV.p. 47 ;-A s p . gongylodes, Schh. Fil. p. 193; Asp. Pohliamim, Pr. and IH eJA.
obtusatum, Wiild. Sp. P I v, p. 211 Nephrodium unitum, Br. Prod. Fil. Nov. Iloll. p. 1-18 ¡—-Polypodium sccuiiduni, Wall Cat. n.
:’.01 ; -N e p h . paludosum, JAebm— Pil, Hex. p. 123 ¡—Filix Zeylan, denticul, non ramosa. Burm. Z e y l p. 98 t. 44 / . 1.
Anamallays—3000 feet in the Karambe-Yile (a large swamp) Elev, 2500—Malabar, in wells.
7- Nephrodium terminans (J. Smith) caudex creeping scaly, stipes 1-2 feet long, a little scaly at the base, frond about the
same length, sub-membranaceous, oblong or ovato-obloiig, acuminata, piimate, terminal pinnæ, generaUy free but often deeply pinnatifid,
lateral pinnæ 4-8 inches long patent, scarcely petiolate from a broad (or sometimes contracted) base linear oblong finely acuminated, pin'
natifid about halfway down towards tlie costa, with numerous subovate rather acute slightly falcate segments, lowest pair of veinlets
united below the sinuses, sori confined to the segments, mvolucres reniform. Hook. Sp., Fil. iv 73—Asp. terminans. Wall. Cat. v.
3S6 ¡—Nephrodium Ciuningii. J . Smith. Hooker journ. Bot. iii. p. 411 ¡ Neph. conioneuron. A’ce. Gen. Fil, 308 ¡—Lastrea Malaccensis, An
F.pim. Bot. p. 35 ¡—Asp. Schwenkii ¡3. 131. in Hb. //ooi.—Aspidium unitum, Hook, et Arnt. Bot. o f Beech. Voy.
Anamallays—In moist forests and outskirts of Sholas 2000 to 4000 feet elevation.
* * * Veins free.
O l e a n d r a , Cavanille s Frceleci G 801) 252.
(Neuronia, Don. ¡—Ophiopteris, Reinwardt ¡—AspidU sp. Axict ¡—Hypopeltidis sp. Bory ¡—Polypodii sp. Auct).
Sori indusiate, globose, approximate to tho costa, the receptacles therefore sub-basal on the veins or venules. In d um im reniform.
affixed at the sinus. Veins simple or forked from a central costa ¡ venules parallel, unisorifcrous dorsally near their base, their apices
curved forwards, and connivent with the thickened margin.
Fronds simple, sub-membranaceons or sub-coriaceous, stipes nodoso-articulate. Rhizome creeping or erect and fnitescent.-
1 Oleandra neriiformis. (Cav.) Candices sub-erect or scandent, stout, woody, knotted, copiously rooting below, densely clothed
;ed imbricate subulate scales, at first ferruginous then diaplianoiis at lengtli deciduous, or leaving only small black spots, tlie
with ap
remains of the persistent scales j fronds 6 inches to foot long, scattered or often in terminal whorls, lanceolate, acuminate, generaUy
attenuated at the base, 1 to 2 inches broad, coriaceous and glossy, or firm-membranaceons, glabrous or partially villous or pubescent on
the veins and costa aud cihated on the margin ¡ petiole 2 lines to 1 inch long, jointed very near the base, glabrous or setose or scaly, sori
in a continuous but fiexuose line near the costa—7/ooi. sp. F il. iv. 15G—Aspidium neriiforme, Sw. Syn. Fil. p. p. 42 ¡ Asp. Wallichianuiu.
Belanger et. Bory Fl. In d . Or Crypt, p. 51. t. 9 ¡—Asp. articulatuin, Sw. Syn, Fil. p. p. 42. ¡ Oleandra moUis. Fresl. Oleandra
hirtella, Mig. in Schk. F il. Suppl. i. 129.
Anamallays rare—Western slopes of Nilgiris—Ravines in Mr. Ouchterlony’s valley, 5000 feet elevation.
N e p h r o l e p i s , Schott. Gen. F i l (t. 3.)
(Nephrodium, Z tn J ;—Lepidoneuron, A « .—Aspidii sp. Jnci. ¡—Nephrodii sp. riwci. ¡—Hypopeltidis sp. Bory /—Polypodii
sp. Auct. Davalliæ sp. Awi.—’iectariæ sp. ¡ Cavanilles ¡—Polystichi sp. Auct. ¡—Anthropteridis sp, ¡ J . Smith.
Sori indusiate, rotundate ; the receptacles terminal on the lower anterior venules, Indusium rotundatc-cordato-rcniform,
affixed at the sinus or sub-reniform affixed obhque-transversely by the arcuate posterior margin. Veins pinnato-furcate from »
central costa ; venules direct free, thickened at the apices.
3 3 ^
I ’ronds piiinatc, iiafrow elongate, herbaceous or sub-coriaceous, the pim.K articulated, nhisomo short erect, producing
elongated slender stolones which boat fascicirlate crowns at in terv a l.; or clongatcly creeping ; sometime, tuber bearing (Moore)
I NephroUp'd Ulen sa (Presl.) Caudcjt indistinct, apparently wiry root-Obrcs, frequently bear large oval scaly tubers, stipites
1 4 inches .and more long, deciduously ijalcaceous, from 1-3 feet long linear-lanceolate, ooriacoo-sub-mcmbranaceous acuminate,
pinnlte, pinna, n um c ro n s approjl.nate J -l inch long glabrous, horizontal from a truncate or cordate base, more or less auricled
above oblong obtuse, or especially the fertUe ones crenated, rarely acuminate, often subfalcate, lower and sterile ones shorter and more
obtuse auricle acute, sori transverse about equidistant from the margiu and the costa, involucres firm, coriaceous reniform or nearly half-
l.lo n -ia p c d brownl opening towards tho apes ot the pinna,, the base aud point of insertion broad and generally black. I/ook. Sp. Fit.
iv 151—Asiddimn sublanosum. Wall. Oal. n. 365 (i» p art)-.4 sp id ium pendulum, I t a i i i , F i l Bra,, p. 30 (. 45 ¡-Nephrodium dcUca-
tulum. Omc. in-.Iacqem. Yoy. Bol. p. 178 Í. 179 ;-A sp id ium Tavoyanum, W a ll Cat. n. 1033.
Oommon in subalpine jungles on the Western side of the Presidency.
3.' Jfephrolepi, a a lta ta (Schott) stipes 1 foot and more long, and as wcfi as the rachis and costa more or less villoso-palca
oeons, often quite glabrous, fronds sub-coriaocous 1J 2 feet long oblong-Ianceolatc pinnated, pinna, 1-3 inches long ¡ oblong more or less
acuminaledwith abroad truncated or sub-cordate base, parallel with the rachis, with a sharp auricle above and sometimes below the
margin entire or crenato-seri’ate, sori almost quite marginal, involucres coriaceous reniform w ith a very broad sinu.s. !/ook. Sp. F i l iv. 152
Nephrolepis hirsutula, Presl ;—Aspidium, pilosiilum Banpsd. and. Fisch. p. 14 t. 16 ;—A. Schkuhrii Bl. En. Ed. Jav. p. 147,
■fl 3. Nephrolepis acuta (Presl.) Stipites 1-2 feet long, sub-paleaceous with subulate long cUiated scales mixed with longer ones,
terete, very smooth olivaceous, fronds 2-4 and moro feet long 8-12 inches broad oblong-lanceolate, membranaceous, more or less firm ¡
j.innie horizontal 4 to 1 inch broad 5-8 inches long, oblongo-Ianceolate, distant, more or less acute or acuminate, obliquely truneato-
cuiieate at the base, entire or serrated or irregularly and coarsely crenate, rarely sub-aUricuIate lower ones oblong-elliptical obtuse, sori
distant from the margin, but nearer to it thau to the costa, involucres cordate.—Hook. Sp. Fil. iv. p. 153—Aspidium acutum, Schk. Fil.
p. ?,2 t 31 ¡—Asp. splendens, Willd. Sp. PI. V. p. 220 ¡—Asp. paludosum, Raddl. Fil. Bras. p. 29 ¡—Nephrolepis biserrata, .1. Smith,
in Hook. Journ. Bot. I l l p. 413 ¡ Arana-panna. Rheed. Ilort. 2falab. XII. p. Cl to 31.
Ravines near Kirkumbaddy, (North Arcot Hills.)
PLATE No. XCIV. Fig. A is a portion o f a hairy sterile form o f fro n d which grows often on the same plant with the fertile fronds.
L a s t r e a , Bo ry . D ie t, class d ’ .Hist. N a t. v 588.
Dryopteris, Adanson;—Gleichenia, Necker—Aspidium, Swartz in p a r t;—Nephrodium, Richard in p a r t; other authors;—
Thelypteris, Schott ;—Arthrobotrys, Wallich ;—Hypodematium, Kunze ; Amauropelta 7i unse ; Arsenopteris. Weil et Berthelot in part ;—
Hemistheum, Newman;—Lophodium, Newman;—Gjunnothalamium, Zenker m. s. Dichasium, A. B ra u n ;—Camptodium, Fee;—
Oochlamys Fee /—Pachyderris, J . Smith m. s ;—Lastreastrum, Presl. ;—Pycnopteris Moore ; Polypodii sp. Auct;—Tectari® p. Cavanilles ;
—Phegopteridia sp. Auct. ;—Arthropteridis sp. J . Smith.—Cystopteridis sp. Auct ;—Polystichi sp. Auct.
Sori indusiate globose ; the receptacles medial, or rarely terminal or sub-terminal on the venules. Indusium roundish, reniform
or sometimes small and irregularly rertifonU, plane or fornicate fugacious or persistent ; the basal sinus a t which it is affixed, variously
deep, narrow broad or shallow. Veins simple, forked or pinnate from a central costa ; venules free, the anterior usually (sometimes more)
Fronds herbaceous or coriaceous, pedate, piunate or bi-tri-pinnate, the fertile ones sometimes contracted—Rhizome-short thick
erect or decumbent or elongately creeping. (Moore.)
1. Lastrea eriocarpa (Descaisne) Caudex ascending, stout, clothed with a very dense cushion-like mass, 1-3 inches thick of
Siureous subulate scales from 1 incli long, not extending to the stipes, stipites a span to 1 foot long, pale-brown, glossy, quite