li I.
f •
il I
' l i
t i
colored, fronds 1-3 foot long, oblong-lanceoiate acuminate, sometimes proliferous, bi-varely tri-pinnate, sub-coriaceous, primary piiinje
proximate from a broadish sub-petiolate, base long—or linear-lanceolate, sub-falcate, pinnules close, sub-rbombeo-ovate or lanceolate free
sub-petiolate or deeurrent a t the very base with the adjacent ones, spinosely or setosely serrated or lobate, the superior base more or les^
auricled, sori generally iu 2 rows on each pinnule, and usually nearer the costa than the margin, costæ and costules more or less villos,,.
paleaceous beneath—Hook. Sp. Fil. iv. 18—Polyjwdium, L in n ;—Aspidium aculeatum, Sw .; Aspidium rufo-barbatuni, Wall. Cat. p. Scg
and 370 :— Asp. squarrosum. Don. Frod. Nep. p. 1 ;—Aspidium setosum. Wali. Cat. n. 371 ;—Polystichum Wallichianuin Presl; xlspi-
dium hrachypteriun, Kze. in Linnoea xxiv. p. 288 ;—Asp. sub-inerme, Kze. I. c. p. 200. Polystichum tacticopterum et mucronifoliuui
Kze. I. c.
Very common about Ootacamund and the higher elevations of the Pulneys aud Anamallays—a very variable species, and there
are numerous forms wliich have received different names, but they all run one into another. Polystichum rufo-harhatum (Wallich) is
very beautiful form, common about Ootacamund ; it is densely clothed with reddish hairs.—Plate cxxii. is the Polystichum angulare (Willd,
Sp. PI. V. p. 257) considered a distinct species by most botanists, but united with P. aculeatum by Sir W. Hooker—it is a very common
form a t Ootacamund—fronds much more membranaceous, pinnules small, orbicular, rhomboid, mo.stly auriculate, the serratures seti-
ferous rather than spinulose.
PLATE No. CXXI. Polystichum aculeatum (Sw.)
PLATE No. CXXII. Polystichum angulare (Willd.)
(a). Indusium simple distinct.
* Teins parallel transversely combined by a m a rin a i vein,
T s am x o p t e r is . F r e d . Tent. P te r id . 105.
(Neottoptcris, J . Smith ;—Asplenii Sp. Auct),
Sori indusiate, linear-elongate, parallel oblique, the receptacles lateral, anterior. Indusium narrow-linear, membranaceous, plane
mple or forked from a central costa ; venules approximate, parallel united at their apices by a continuous sliglitly arcuate mar-
Fronds simple, coriaceous often robust. Pxhizome short, thick, erect. (Moore).
1. I'humnopteris Phylliiidis (Don.) fronds tufted about 14 foot long 2-3 inches broad, lanceolate sub-coriaceous, tapering at tlie
b.ase, sessile or decurrent into a more or less elongated stipes, costa at the back below sub-acute, veins approximate spreading. Dun
Prod. Nep. p. 7—Hooker. Sp. Fil. iii. 8 0 ;—Neottoptcris stipitata. J . Sm.;—Neottopteris Pbyllitidis. J. Sm. ; in Hook. Joxxrn. of Dotaiii/
iii. 400.—Asplénium simplex. Blume. Bn. p. 174.
Moist woods on the Anamallays 3,000 to 4,000 feet elevation, very abundant—(only differs from T. Nidus in leing mucli
Veins si
ginal ve
A sp i.k k ie a : {coniinu.cd).
* •* Veins free.
AcrriNioin'EKis Link. Fit. Sp- 73, 71).
(MÆÜe *p. »P- *p. »p. A.W ...cri,.k Actopterifii. 1 ..,,
■ , ■ . r , » r t o t e ■ tho m v p to * * morgink in tho oootactod raohifont. .ognioot,. lateral tho voi,» (wh.ch aro
w , fl 1 IKtolv oartito tho oogmonto rachifor™. hardly h.liaocoas with few veino and marginal son. Uuzomo sub-glob,„0
A c u r l o „ s X « " s L l t h o u ^ t marginal and appmontlyptorold. aro roallyparaUolwlUr a,Id l a to ^
therolote b o placed amongst Asplenioic, (Slooro),
• ■ ,■ , , /Tfekl L in k F il S v Hort, Borol. p. SO-Honka- .Ip. Fil. iii. 270. As,.Ionium radiatmn, Konzg :
A t o h t o a : : ^ ; : : ; ; " : “
Bleohimm flahoUatnm : Fr« l. Tent. Fterld. p . 103.
Found »11 over the presidency in dry rocky pinces (rom the sea level up to 3,500 or -1,000 leet,
A s p lé n ium L in n oe u s Gen. P I. 783.
(PhyUitis. Moenek; Onopteris, Necker; Coenopteris, Berj.ue ; Darma. Jueeieu ; Acropteris L ^ ; ^ c A r n . N e n ^ n ;
sp. Axict.)
Aon indusia te , linear short, or elongate oblique, the «ceptndr. lateral on the anterior side ol the veins. liuear
membranaceous, plane, or fornicate. Veine simple or forked from a central costa (sometimes single and cosla.fo.nn in the ultimate narrowly
cut segments) or forked from the base of the segments, the costa being evanescent or wai.tmg, ,e,utUe paralUl, direct free.
Fronds coriaceous, herbaceous or membranaceous , rarely rachiform, simple lobed pinnate or variously decompound ; the rachis
or veins not rarely prohferous. Sori nsuall, on the anterior side of the venules, but often inverse m the basal auricles, sometime.,
diplazioid. Rhizome short, erect, or decumbent, sometimes stoloniferous. (Moore).
1 Aeplptinnt eneifcrene. (WaUich). Caudex short, thick, scarcely repent hearing dark-brorvn subulate scales at its summit, and
a t thebaseof the stip c s-fro n d s cæspitose asp a n to 1 and I J foot long, I to J inch broad, liiicar lanoeolate, elongate firm, cunaceo-carnoso,
brownish green entire, gradually acuminated, and gradually and finely attenuated a t the base mto a petiole 2 or more mehe long, v=.n.,
sunken, erecto-patent ifsually onee forked, sori linear, bro.ad in age. neither extending to the costs nor to the margm, about hall an inch
long. Hook. Sp. Fil. iv. 89— IFnH. Cod. n. 200,
Anamallays—hanks of the Toracadoo river, 4,500 feet elevation-rare.— Sholas on the K u d ri Mnkh (5,650 feet) i
2. Aeplenium WigUianum. (Wallich.) Caudex smaU. suh-repe.it rooting scaly above, stipites tutted a span or more high fronds
a foot aud a half to two feet long, ovato-laneeolato coriaceous, pinuio distant, petiolate, erecto-patent 4-0 lue .es and more long, elongato-
laneeolate, snbglo.,sy rather coarsely, but not deeply serrated, (or occasionaUy la some sterile fronds deeply and irregularly pmnatifid with
the segments serrated) rather longly aenmlnated and entire a t the apex, attenuated a t the base and gmdnally deeurrent into the petiole,
veins simple, rarely forked approximate, sori erecto-patent linear extending from the costa but not to the margm, mdusinm firm, white,
and the same white color and texture extends to tho vein, or as much ot it as is oconpied by the indnsinm, raehis compressed, scarcely
winged. Hooi. Sp. Fil. iii, 1 0 5 . - 1 « Gat. n. 2215—A ooriaceum. Borg in Bel. Crypt, p. 46. A. longipes. Fee. A Walkene.
Hook Sp. Fil. iii. 108.
Anamallays—Bolamputty vaUey in the Coimbatore hm8. - r i i ln e y m o u n ta in s-o n rocks and trees in moist forests on the banka
cf rivers 2,000 to 4,000 feet elevation,
r Man£;alore.