t ' j i
3. Sar/enia Thivaitesii. (Bedd.) Caudex stout, ascending, stipes rachis and costa beneath ebeneous glossy, fronds 2-3 feet long,
oblong or ovate, firm, coriaeeo-inembranaceoiis, pinnate or below bi-tri-pimiate, the apex pinnatifid, pinnæ nearly opposite, lower ones
petioled, upper ones sessile, oblong acuminated, variously lobed, and pinnatifid often unequally, segments acuminated or obtuse,
entire or obtusely lobed, margins ciliated, veins and costa on the upper side shghtly rufo-pubescent, glabrous beneatii, veins forming long
costal areoles along the rachis of the pinnæ from which proceed several free or anastomosing veinlets, veins from the costa of the segments
fonning small costal areoles (from which proceed free vemlets), or free, simple, forked or pinnate, the superior veinlets terminating
with a sorus far within the margin, all the veinlets terminatmg w-ith a thickened apex within the margin, involucres reniform.— Sagenia
cicutaria. Yar. ft.—an species dist. Thivaites' En. part v.
Nearly allied to Sagenia coadunata of this work, though very similar to that Fern in form and general aspect, the venation is
move like that of S. gigantea.
Ceylon, (C. P. 3331). Badulla, near Oiidaatche ; Hinidon Pattoo, not uncommon,
4. Sagenia pteropus-ininor. (Bedd.) Stipes of the sterile fronds short, clothed at the base with dark brown linear scales, more
or less winged towards the apex, fronds 8-12 inches long, sub-coriaceous, tri-partite or sub-pinnatifid, lower segments 2 to 4 inches long
with a large basal lobe, upper portion more or less pinnatifid and irregularly, fertile fronds on a much longer stipe very much contracted,
pinnatifid with the lower segments bi-lobed, primary veins pinnate with the veinlets in between forming numerous pretty regular areoles,
within W'hich are free included re-curved forked venules. Sori in two rows between the primary veins, generally on free veinlets, or sometimes
at the joining of two anastomosing veinlets.—Sagenia pteropus, variety minor. Thwaites.
Ceylon. (0. P. 3808.) Paradenia.
This may be only a dwarf variety of “ Sagenia pteropus,” but it seems rather to deserve the rank of a distinct species. Hr.
Thwaites says that it grows intermixed with “ Sagenia pteropus,” normal form and “ Gymnopteris quercifolia” and suggests that it may
be a hybrid between the two.
L astrea. (See pag e 33.)
1. lastrea calcarata. (Bedd.) Caudex short, tufted rooting, stipites scaleless, 3-8 inches long, fronds 8-18 inches long, coriaceo-
membranaceous, rigid oblongo-Ianceolate pinnate, perfectly glabrous except on the rachis, pinnæ alternate or sub-opposite—10-14 pair
1 and I inch long, attenuated and entire at the base, above more or less pmnatifid, but never more than ^ down to the costa, veins pinnate
with thickened apices, terminating ju s t within the margin. Sori, one on each vein a little above the centre, involucres reniform, glabrous.
A. (Lastrea) falcilobum. Var. ft. Hook Sp. Fil. iv .,p . 108.
Nearly allied to L. falciloba, (Plate CL. of this work), but sufficiently distinct to entitle it to the rank of a species. Sir IV.
Hooker’s two species “ L. falciloba” and “ calcarata,” seem to be one and the same ; in fact, the same number of the Ceylon Catalogue,
(C. P. 1363), is referred to both. I have retained the name of the latter for this species.
Ceylon. (C. P. 3050.)
2. Lastrea concinna. (Thwaites.) Caudex short, stipites scaly a t the base, fronds lanceolate or tri-angular—lanceolate glabrou-f,
shining with the stipes about 2 feet long, pinnæ lanceolate acuminate, pinnules trapezoideo lanceolate, crenato-lobate, lobes sparingly denticulate,
veins simple, forked, or pinnate, terminating -with a thickened apex within the margin, superior veinlet soriferous at its apex—involucres
small, reniform glabrous. Thwaites En. Cey. PI.
Ceylon. Singhe Rajah Forests. (C. P. 3798.)
Nearly allied to “ Lastrea deparioides,” Hooh. (Plate CIV. of this work) ; and Mr. Thwaites suggests that it may be a form of
that species, without intermediate forms, however it would hardly be safe to unite them,
3. Lastrea delioidea. (Bedd.) Caudex erect, fronds about 1 foot long, glabrous, doltoid-ovate, bi-pinnate with the pinnules deeply
pinnatifid, pinnæ lanceolate acuminated, the 2 or 3 lower pair 4 to 5 inches long, getting gradually smaller towards the apex, pinnulfes
narrow lanceolate f to 1|- inch long, deeply pinnatifid, segments obtuse, crenated, and spinuloso-dentate, the primary vein of the pinnule-s
fiexuose, veinlets pinnate, terminating with a thickened apex ju s t within the margin, one to four of the veinlets soriferous at their apex
involucres reniform glabrous. Lastrea sparsa var. lata. (Moore,) Certe species distiucta. Thwaites En.
Nearly allied to Lastrea sparsa, (Plate CHI. of this work,) but its very broad deltoid form seems sufficiently to distinguish it.
Ceylon. (C. P. 1368, 1369, 3383.)
4. Lastrea Blnmei. (Hook.) Stipes very shaggy with long linear rufous scales, main and partial rachises rufo-pubescent and
copiously furnished with rufous scales, fronds very large, tri-pinnate with the pinnules, pinnatifid to nearly the base, pinnules obtuse,
entire or inciso-serrate, sparingly hairy ahove and pubescent on the costa on both sides, veins pinnate, extending to the margin, soriferous
about their centre, involucres fimbriated. Aspidium intermedium. Bl. En. Fil. Jav. p. 161, ( not o f others.) N. (Lastrea) Blumei. Hook.
Sp. Fil. iv. p. 135. in part, (n o t C- P. 3042, which is Lastrea fermginea. (M ih i.)
Ceylon. (C. P, 3059.)
PLATE No. CCL. is a figure of Lastrea flaccida. Hooker, from Ceylon, (C. P. 3802.) Plate No. XCIX. of tbis work is the
Lastrea tenericaulis (Hooker), and the name should be accordingly altered ; if really distinct, the two species are veiy nearly alUed, tenericaiilis
only differing from flaccida iu being more compound, and I have specimens which seem to connect the two.
N o t e .— PoZysiic/i«m U-aristahm. (Blume.) C. P. 3275 is I believe only one of the numerous varieties of P. aculeatum. (Sw.)
Polystichum anomalum, (Hook. et. Grev.) C- P. 3504 is very curious in having its fructification on the upper side of the frond, it does
not seem otherwise to differ from some forms of P. aculeatum, and is probably an abnormal form of that species.
N ephrolepis . (See pag e 32.)
1. Nephrolepis obliterata. (Hook,) Caudex very long filiform, here and there sub-squamoso-tomentose rooting with few short
fibres, stipites scattered short 1-2 inches long and as well as the rachis dark-brown sub-pubescent, frouds 3-14 inches long, oblong or
linear-ohlong, membranaceous, invariably black when dry, pinnated, pinnæ from | - U inches long, horizontally patent, rather distant
dimidiato-oblong, obtuse or acute, rarely acumhiate, obliquely cuneate at tbe base, sessile, straight or sub-falcate, superior base truncate and
parallel with the rachis, frequently with a sharp auricle, the margin entire or crenate or lobato-dentate especially on the fertile pinnæ, costa
slender fiexuose, veinlets forked, upper branch bearing sori at the apex, a little distance from the margin, involucre small cordate reniform,
soon obliterated. Hook. Sp. F il.iv . p . \ 5 i . N e p h r o d iu m obliteratum. A jw n . Fro/?-. F /A 'cw .//o « . p. 148. Aspid. undulatum. 5?".
Syn. Fil. p. 45 1 (Ex cl. Syn. Cav. fide Willd.) Willd. Sp. Plate V. p. 223? Nepbrod sub-pectinatum. F / En. Fil. Jav. p. 145.
N. trichomauoides. J . Sm .in Ilook. Bot. Journ. iii. p. 413, (name only.) N. repens. Brack. Fil. U. S. E xp l Exp. p. 209.
Ceylon. (C, P. 1094 and 1376.)
A crophorus. (See pag e 3.)
1. Acrophorus afiinis. (Moore.) C a u d e x c re e p in g , thick, clothed with long narrow subulate scales, fronds ample, tall, ovato-
lanceolate, membranaceous, 3-4 pinnate or supra decompound, primaiy pinnæ petiolate, ovato-lanceolate acuminate, secondary petiolate
obloiig-ovate, pinnules ovate, deeply pinnatifid, the segments ovate acute, sub-falcate, entire or generally (the fertile ones) with a tooth on
the inner margin, involucres small hemispherical or sub-reniform placed near the centre of a segment below tbe sinus of the tooth, veins
slender, black. Ilook. Sp. F i l i . page 158. Leucostegia affiuis. J . Sm. E n . Fil. Philipp. I c. (name only.) I^c c^u ecU-i o i - I
Ceylon. (C, P. 1384.) Very like A. pulcher (Dav. chærophylla, Wall.) but with a very different caudex.