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iKtn-uphyila, Wall Oat. it. 259, Davallia Ugulata Wail, S. Leucostegia Ugulata J. Sm ; Davallia pulchra Don. Cysffpteris sguamata
Dcne.Jacq: Toy. 178.
Neddiwattam, on the Nilgiris. Common ii) the Teak forests of the Anamallays growing on trees. Wynaad, Coimbatore Hills.
2. Aerophones immersusÇA.Qorô)—Caudexcreeping’downyand fibrous, with slender roots (not scaly), frond stipitate, ovate in circumscription,
membranaceous opaque, tripinnate, pinnæ pinnatifid ovato-lanceolate segments subovate or obovate obliquely cuneate at the
base, paler and slightly concave on the upper side, sori close to the margin, involucres large, reniform close pressed, slightly convex. Hook.
Sp. Fil. i., 156. Leucostegia immersa Pr. Tent. Pter, Davallia immersa Wall. Cat. n. 256. Cystopteris dimidiata Dene, Jacq. Voy. 177.
Uumata immersa Metten.
Anamallays—Wynaad, 3000 to 4000 feet elevation, rather rare.
IIUMATA, Cavanilles Prcslect 272,
(Pachypleuria, Presl. -, Pteroneuron, Fée.)
Sori indusiate rotundate ; the receptacles terminal and vertical or rarely subterminal and oblique on the venules. Indusium
Euborbicular reniform or transversely oblong reniform, plane, broadly affixed a t the posterior margin. Veins stout, often thickened
upwards, simple forked or pinnate, from a central costa, venules free.
Fronds small rigid, coriaceous, simple lobed pinnatifid or pedately pinnatifid or subteraate ; sori usually vertical, rarely subterminal
and oblique or sublateral to the veins. Rhizome creeping hirsutely, scaly or tufted.
1, Uumata pedata {Z. Sm )—Caudex creeping paleaceous, fronds stipitate very coriaceous small deltoideo-cordate somewhat 5
angled tripartito-pinnatifid, the segments patent but incUning upwards, oblong, obtuse, fertile ones crenato-dentate the two lower
primary divisions obliquely ovate, acuminate, involucres small, semi-orbicular or nearly orbicular, alternating with the teeth of the serratures
placed close to the margiu and pointing to it ; stipes elongated chaffy below. Hooh Sp. Fil. i, 154. Davallia cordifolia Reinw. Davallia
pedata Sw. D. subivihricata Blume.
The western slopes of the Nilgiris—rare.
Ï P J B E I . ( § 1 8 ) D A V A L L I E Æ .
M i c r o l e p ia , Presl. Tent. P te r id . 124.
(Sacculoma, Scyphofilix, 77to«a)-s; Neuropteris, Desvaux; Selenidium, Aiittzi; Tapeinidium, F m i .; Davalîiæ,
A uclorum.)
S o n indusiate, rotundate or transversely oblong, intramarginal-or sub-margind ; the receptacles terminal or axillary on the veins
veimlos. In d u d um lemi-orbicular, attached by the base and sides, thus half-cup-shaped; the anterior margin free, truncate or rounded.
Veins simple forked or pinnate from a central costa; venules direct free.
Fronds herbaceous or sub-coriacoou.s, pinnate, bi-pinnatc or decompound, the margin sometimes attenuated, sub-membranaceous
and indistinctly crenated, simulating accessory indusia. Rhizome creeping or tuffccd—a genus of large growing herbaceous ferns di.stin-
guished from Davallia by the short half-cup-shaped fructifications and intra-marginal sori. (J/oo9-e).
1. Microlepia platyphjlla (Moore)—Caudex creeping thick, fronds ample tall tripinnate (primary and secondaiy pinnules much
petiolated), every where glabrous coriaceo-membranaceous, pinnæ large spreading ovato-lanceolate much and narrow-acuminated deeply
pinnatifid, often pinnated a t tlie base, segments patent lanceolate (often very broad) acuminated lobato-dentate rachis and costa fiesuose,
veins pinnated, sori solitary generally in the axils of the teeth near the margin, involucres small lialf-cup-shaped. {Hooker Sp Fit. i, 173) ;
(Davallia lonchitidca, Wallieh Cat. n. 240) ; (Davallia platyphylla, Don Prod. Hep. p. 10).
Cp ravines on the Coonoor Chat,—Anamallays,—Pulnies,— hut not common.
2. 2licrolepia pinnatu (J. Sni.)—Caudex creeping scaly, fronds lanceolate pinnate glabrous, pinnæ remote shortly petiolate sub-
coriaceous opaquo linear-lanceolate gradually acuminate, obliquely cuneate at the base, the upper one sessQe and decurrent, sori a little
distant from each other, but forming a continued series one at the base of each tooth or serrature, veins sunk obsolete (inconspicuous),
generally forked, tlie upper veinlet bearing the sorus, involucres small half-cup-shaped, stipes and subtrigonal rachis glossy. {Hook. Sp.
Fil. i, 174) ; (Davalha pinnata, Sw. Syn. Fil. p. 131) ; (Davallia fiagellifera, Wall. Cat. -n. 243.) ; (Saccoloma pinnatnm, Pr.)
Anamallay Hills—rare.
3. Microlepia polypodioides (Presl.)—Caudex creeping, frond large ovate or deltoid acuiniaate, tripinnate flaccid more or less hairy
or downy, especially on the veins and costæ beneath, primary pinnæ and lower secondary ones distant and acuminate, pinnules oblong or
rhombco-lanceolate, obtuse deeply pinnatifid, the lobes ovate or obovate, entire or irregularly iuciso-lobate or again pinnatifid, suboblique
very obtuse, sori rather large (when perfect), usually solitary on the entire lobes, several on the pinnatifid ones and in the sinuses withm
the margin, sometimes on a small tooth, more mimcrous on the superior margin, involucres small half-cup-shaped glabrous or hispid, ra-
>'his downy or hispid <m the uudersida {Hooker Sp. Fil. i, 181) ; (Dicksonia polypodioides, Sw. S yn . Fil. p. 137) ; (DavaUia polypodioide.s
[Don. Prod. FI. Hep. p. 10) ; (Davallia flaccida, Br.) ; (Davallia virens, Wall. Cat. 264.) ; (DavaUia Roxburghii, Wall. Cat. n. 2218) ; (Dav.
j.ubenila, Wall Cat. 262—5) ; (Davallia pyramidata, Wall Cat. 261) ; (Dav. pilosiUa, Wall Cat. 263) ; (Dav. rhoinboidea. Wall. Cat. 2.57.)
A very variable species.
Nilgiris, c om m o n— DavieShola, and in ra v in e s o n D o d a b e lt— Coonoor, ravineson theChat— Anamallays— Pnlnies— Travancorellilh,Ac.
PLATE No. XV, Fig. A is a fro n d o f n very juvenile state.
D a v a l l i a , S m ith Mem. A c a d . T uH n , V. 414.
(Wibelia, AiiviAurcfî'; S t c n o l o b u . s ,O d o n to s o r i a , P/rsf. Fée: Colposoria, Presf. part; Parestia, P/'«f. ; Scyphularia,
Fee; Stenoloma, Pcs.)
Sori indusiate, roundish oblong or elongate-oblong, marginal or subinarginal ; the receptacles terminal. Indusium membrana-
•"o.iiis, cup-shaped or tubulose, affixed at the sides and base, thus forming a vertical oblong semi-cylindrical tubulose cyst or cup, which is
truncate and open a t top, i. e., towards the margin. Veins forked or pinnate from a costa ; venules free.
Fronds herbaceous or coriaceous, pinnate or pinnately decompound—Rhizome creeping {Moore.)