m m A
PycDodoria, Presl. 1849.
Lonchitidium, Fie, 1851.
Eupteria, Agardh, 1839.
Ornithopteris, Agardh, 1839.
Pteridopsis, Liuk. 1841.
Euptevis, Newm. 1845.
(6) Costal veins only arcuately anastojnosing.
2 0 CAMPTERIA, Fresi. 1836.
(a) Venules regularly anastomosing arcuato-transveraely between ike pinnate parallel víwíí.
2 1 MENISCIUM, Sehreb, 1791.
; 11. ASPLENIE^.
(a) Indusia simple, distinct.
Veins free.
t Sori linear, elongate, marginal o . the contracted rachiform segments ; fronds, fiabelU-
Belviaia, Mirbel, (pt.) 1803.
t t 'Sbri linear or oblong, oblique.
2 3 ASPLENIUM, Lin. 1737.
Caenopteiis, Bergins, 1782.
Darea, Jussieu, 1789.
Onopteria, Neck. 1790.
Phyllitis, Moench, 1794.
AUantodia, R. Br. (pt.) 1810.
Acropteris, Link, 1833,
Sori lunate or more or less hippocrepiform.
ATHYRIUM, Roth. 1788, (reduct.) ,
Solenopteris, Zeuker, M.S. 1835. Kze. 1851,
* * Vdm parallel, transversely coinbined at the margin.
2 5 THAMNOPTERIS, Fresi. (1836) ; 1849.
Neottoptcris, J. Sm. 1841.
* * * Veùis reticulated, the marginal veinlets free.
t Indusia vaulted ; fronds membranaceoxts, naked.
2 6 ALLASTODIA, E. Br. 1810, (redact) j id. 1830.
(J) Indusia connate in pairs back to back.
Amesium, Newm. 1844.
Homalonem-on, Kl. 1847.
Tavachia, Presl. 1849.
Brachysonis, Presl. 1849.
Hypochlamys, Fée, 1851.
Darteastrum, Fée, 185!.
t t t
2 4
2 7 DIPLAZIUM, Su). 1800.
Lotzea Kl. et. Karst, 1847.
Veins conniventhj amslomosing.
2 8 CALLIPTERIS, Bory, 1804.
Digrammaria, Hook. (non. Pr.) 1840.
{a) Veins uniform reticulated.
* Sori continuoxis.
t Sorì pax-tially reticulated usually immersed.
2 9 ANTROPIiYUM, KÌfs. 1824.
Solenopteris, Wall, Herb. 1823.
+ + Sori universally reticulated, superficial.
3 0 HEMIONITIS, Lin. 1742.
{a) Veins free.
* Sori linear oblong, simple.
3 1 GRAMMITIS, Sw. 1800.
Aniaogonium Presl. 1836.
Microstegia Prèsi. (pt.)1849.
Trichothemelium, Kze, 1851.
Triohocalymma, Zenker, 1851,
Kl. (pt.) 1847.
Chilopteris, Presl. 1836.
Pleurogramma, R. Br, 1838.
Leptogi-amma, J. Sm. 1841.
(i) Veins uniform reticulated, with free included veinlets in the Areoles.
3 2 LOXOGRAldJfA, (Bl. 1828) Fresi. 1836.
(a) Fertile divisions plane conformable with the sterite.
3 3 PLATYLOilA, J. Sm. 1841...........................
Pellaea, Link, 1841, 1 Cryptevis, Nutt. MS, Hook. 1S57.
§ 15. P0LYP0DIEA2.
(a) Margins of the fronds xiot induaioid.
* Veinsfi'ec.
t Sori globose, I'ai'cly sub-elongalcd, distinct.
3 4 POLYPODIUM, Lin. 1737 (reduct.)
Psidopodium, Necker, 1790. Gymnocarpium, Newm. 1851.
Adeuophorua, Gaud. MS. Boiy, 1824, Gaud. Ctenopteris, Newm. 1851.
1826. Gymnodium, A. Br. 1852.
Marginaría Boiy, (pt.) 1824: 1826. Arthropteris, J . Sm. 1854.