f -V I i
H ‘
T æ n io p s is. See pag e 18.
1. Tæniopsis scolopendrina. (J. Smith.) Caudex creeping, palaceous with subulate scales, fronds linear, lanceolate membranaceous
; gradually attenuated at both ends, 16 to 28 inches long by 1 inch broad—glabrous on both sides, scarcely stipitate. Sori sunk in a
furrow within the margin of the upper portion of the frond's, -inner margin of the furrow winged, margin of the frond revolute over the
fructification diaphanous or sub-indusiate. Haplopteris scolopendrina. Pr. Tent. Pter. p. \ 4 \ ;—Tæniopteris Forbesii. ffen. Fil. i. 76.
Pteris scolopendrina. Bory. Vittaria Zeylanica Fée.
Ceylon. (C. P. 1304.)
L indsæa. See page 7.
* Fronds pinnate.
t Costa excentric or marginal or obsolete, Sori on the supenor margin.
1. Lindsoea repens. (Thw.) Caudex creeping, scaly. Stipes short, frouds i-igid membranaceous linear-lanceolate, 10-18 iuclie.? I
long, I inch broad, pinnate attenuated a t the base, pinnæ very numerous, 40 or more pair, half deltoid-ovate obtuse or sub-acute, base j
nearly parallel w th the rachis, and with the lower margin quite entire, upper margin lobulato-crenate, costa parallel with aud close to tlie j
margin, veins simple or forked, free, sori short, oblong, one near the margin of each lobule :—Lindsæa oblongifolia. Reinw.—IIooJc. Sp.
Fil. i, 206—Davallia Boryana, Presl. Reliq. Boenk. i. p. 66. HooTc. Sp. Fil. i. 175—Acrophorus repens. Moore. In d . Fil. Dicksonia repens.
Bory Voy. ii. p. 323 Davallia Macræana. Hooh. et. Arnt. Bot. o f Beechy. Voy. p. 108. :
Ceylon. (C. P. 3389.)
2. Lindsæa repens Var. minor. (Thw.) a smaller form with the pinnæ more membranaceous, and pinnatifid or serrate,
much shorter.—Odontoloma Boryanum. J . Sm. ?
Ceylon. (C. P. 1389.)
t + Costa central. Sori on both margins.
3. Lindsoea Walkeroe. (Hook.) Caudex creeping, thicker than a crow’s quiU, ferruginous with scale like liairs. Stipes very
long, often 1 foot, and as well as the rachis dark-purple glossy, fronds lanceolate, pinnate 6 inches to 1 foot long, pinnæ 6-9 pains with a
terminal one which is sometimes confluent with one or both of the upper pair, coriaceous, sub-opposite remote lanceolate or linear-
lanceolate equal, costa central, veins copious, almost parallel with the costa. Sorus marginal, continuous on both sides, Ilook. Sp-
Fil. i. 209.
Ceylon. (C. P. 1379.)
*■ Fronds bi-iri-pinnate or decompound.
t Costa excentric or marginal, or obsolete. Sori on the superior margin.
4. Lindsoea fiabellulata. (Dry.) Caudex creepiag, stipites tufted, generally elongated, frond,s lincar-lanceolate and pinnate or
deltoid and bi-pinnate, pinnules approximate, shortly petiolate, rather rigid flabellate and approaching to lunate or sub-rhomboid with the
sides unequal, the base obliquely cuneate, sometimes the upper ones are confluent, the superior margin crenulate or soriferous. Sori
Lntinuous or interrupted, involucres toothed. Ilook. Sp. F il. i. 211. Dry in Linn. Trans, v. iii. p. 41. t. 8. / . 2. L. polymorpha.
Wall. Cat. n. 14.
A very valuable species. Sir W. Hooker enumerates 3 varieties.
Ceylon. (C. P. 3311.)
5. Lindsoea caudata. (Hook.) Stipes terete and as well as the rachis deep brown glossy, fronds bi-pinnate, pinnæ narrow, numerous,
(11T7)> lanceolate, the apex long, attenuate caudate, pinnules half ovate, lunulato-falcate decurved, membranaceous close, superior
base truncate, upper margin forming almost th e segment of a circle quite entire, terminal ones gradually smaller on the caudex or tail-like
point, sori at the very margin and continuous to the obtuse apex. Hook. Sp. Fil. i. 215.
Ceylon. (Adam’s Peak.) (C. P. 1380.)
Adiantum. S ee p ag e 1.
1. Adiantum flabellulatum. (Linn.) Frond flabellate, bipartito-pedately divided, tri-pinnate, secondary pinnæ lanceolate acuminated,
pinnules glabrous, sub-coriaceo-chartaceous, obliquely cuneate or semi-orbicular-cuneate, superior base truncate, superior margin 2-4
lobed and serrato-dentate in the sterile one, lobes soriferous, involucres large, tbe breadth of tbe lobe oblong, straight, rarely a httle curved,
hard coriaceous, stipes elongated, ebeneous scabrous below, the rest as well as the slender rachis glossy and glabrous, Hook. Sp. Fil. ii. 30 ;—
Linn. Sp. P I p. 1558 ;—A. fuscum, Betz. Obs. ii. p. 28. t. 5 A amæmim, JVall. Cat. n. 78.
Ceylon. (0. P. 3390.)
Note.—Adiantum rhizophorum (C, P. 3102), appears to be only a glabrous variety of Adiantum caudatum:
P teris, See page I I .
PLATE No. CCXIX, is a curious Pteris forwarded from Ceylon by Mr. T. W. Beckett. I t is, I believe, a variety of my Pt. Otaria,
and seems intermediate between Pteris otaria and Pt. crenata—it is, I believe Pt. q u a d r i-a u r ita var. ludens of Mr. Thwaites’ enumeration
(C. P. 1351 and 3060) and Mr. Thwaites suggests th at it may be a hybrid.
C. Veins uniformly reticulated, without free included veinlets.
L i to b r o c h i a . P resl. T m t . P te r. 148.
(Histioptcris, Aÿaî'(f7i.,— Doryopteris, J . Sm.; Heterophlebium, F ié ;—Pteridis sp. A k c /;—Polypodii sp. Awci.;—Acrostichii
sp. Aitci. ;—Cheilanthes sp. Auct. Lonchitidis, sp. Linn).
Sori indusiato, margiml linear contmnoas, the reciplttoles linear transverse, uniting the apices of the veins. I n im im ot the
same form, membranaceons. 7 dm simple or forked from a central costa, nnilonnly reticnlated, evident or obscure, the hexagonal simple,
areoles universal, or rarely the basal portion of the veins parallel.
Fronds herbacious or coriaoeous, simple, pedate, palmate, pinnate or bi-tri-pinnate. Rhizome short, erect or creeping (Moore.)
1. Litobrochia tnpartita. (Sw.) Stipes elongated, stout, and with the rachis sub-castaneous, fronds ample,tripartite lateralbrancbes,
pinnate spreading long, petiolate sub-membranaceous glabrous, pinnules 4-6 inches or more long, linear-oblong or linear, lanceolate subsessile,
acuminate rather deeply pinnatified, segments approximate, linear-oblong falcate (upwards) obtuse or acute, entire or scarcely serrated
and only a t the apex, nearly half an inch long, sinuses obtuse, basal veins forming a single arc parallel with the costa, veins torimng
a series of 2 or more areoles (parallel with the costule), from which proceed free veinlets which do not extend to the margin but termi