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T R IB E I. (§ 13) G Y M N O G E A M M E Æ .
a. Veins free.
^ (iRAMMiTis, Sluartz, Schvad. Jo u rn . 1800. H. 8, 17-
^ (ChUoptcris, Presl. ; rlcurognimmii,, It. Brmm ; Leptogtwnma, J . Smith ; TrlcliotheiileUum, Trichocalyrama, Zeai.'e ;
Gymnogrammatis, Sp. Âuct.)
Sori non-indusiate, oblong or elliptic, oblique ; the receptacles medial or sub-teviniual, Veins .simple or forked from a central
costa— Venules free.
Fronds simple pinnate or bi-pinnatc, herbaceous or sub-coriaceous, the rachis sometimes proliferous. Rhizome short, erect, some-
time.s short or elongate creeping—(Moore).
1 Grammitis toita (Presl.) caudex short, stout, erect, stipites tufted copiously scaly below, clothed with .soft wliite hair.s above,
'^morc or less angled : frond elliptic-lanceolate a span to 3 feet in length, membranaceous pinnate, with the pinnæ pinnatifid | way down
to the rachis, hairy on both sides and ciliate, venules pinnate from a central vein simple or forked—sori copious, turning quite black wbeu
ripe occupying the whole of the lower veuules and the centre of the upper ones, spore cases hairy. Gymnogramma totta. Schlech.
Very common about Ootacamund on the Nilgiris.—Pulney hills at the same elevation.
B. Veins uniform reticulated vnthfree included veinlets.
L o x o g eam m a, Blume, Flora, Java 73.
Sor.i non-indusiate, oblong or linear, obUque, the elongate receptacles medial at intervals between the costa and margin. Veins
uniform, reticulated from a central costa, the venules forming unequal oblique hexagonal elongated areoles, with (rarely without) included
free veinlets. '■
Fronds simple coriaceous or sub-coriaceous. Rhizome creeping—The veins are often indistinct, being immersed in the substance
of the thickish fronds.— The uniformly reticulated venation distinguishes this genus from Selliguea, in which the veins arc pinnate
and prominent. (Moore.)
1. Loxogramma involuta (Pre sl.); Rhizome creeping fumislied with numerous scales and wiry hairy roots—fronds coriaceou.s
• -Á- lanceolate 10-U inch long, about 1 inch broad, acuminated a t the apex andgraduaDy attenuated at the b.vseinto the stipe, margins more or
less involute sori linear, oblique from the costa, all situated on the upper half of the frond—free included veinlets numerous, dram-
mitis involuta. Don— Selliguea involuta. Kunze.
Very abundant on the higher ranges of the Nilgiris and other moimtaius on tiie western side of the Presidency, on rorks and
trunks of trees,
2. Loxogramma lanceolata {Presl.) Rhizome creeping, scaly furidshed with wiry liairy roots—fronds sub-coriaceous 4 to 7
inches long, about ¿ an hich broad, acuminate at the apex, attenuated at the base; sori oblong, slightly oblique or nearly parallel with tlie
costa, often continued to nearly the base of the frond—Grammitis lanceolata, Sw.
Nilgiris—Neddiwattan on trees—much rarer than the last species.
Veins uniform reticulated.
A n t r o ph y u m , Kaulfuss. Enum ., F i l, 197.
Sori non-indusiate, usually immersed, sometimes superficial, narrow-Iineai', occupying the anastomosed veins wliich form the
sides of the areoles, mostly united ; the receptacles therefore partially, though generally reticulated. Veins uniformly reticulated from a
costa, or ecostate, forming sub-hexagonal areoles.