■F; ■
I» i;!:
T, deciduously scaly, fronds about a spj^
., piunate, tbe apex deeply pinuatifij
6. Cheilanthes Dalhousioe, (Hook.) Roots tufted, stipites rather short, ebeneous
long, doltoldl, lanoookto, glabrous ou both sides, aud perfeetly free from powdery substauea . , ____ _
and acuminate; pmiiie, upper ones lanceolate plnnatlM, tbe rest broader and bl-pinnatl#d, lowest pair very broad a t the base with tbr
lowest niterior segments (or pinnnles) much longer than the rest, the margin crenated, sometimes in the barren portions eUiated, iavol J
sometimes confluent and then less cihated, but lobed and jagged. Ho,i|
Veiy nearly allied to CheUantltes farinosa, but always destitute of powdery substance—its fronds are larger and mml
Nilgiris, in woods near Makoorty.
(a). Fronds wholly fertile.
* Veins free.
POLTBOTRTA. H um h o ld t a n d B o n p la u d ; W illd . S p . P I. V. 99.
^ (Egenolfia, D e i,« .; Lacaussadea, (? a»<iie7„ „i,-Betonenra, Hie;-G ran n Iln a , Dory,-BotryothaUns, Klotssoh. M. S - -
J j * ) ’ "P" l-An o g ram m atlssp „ Hie ;-Gym n „^ am m;,,
rani if a » rscsptaoltt, ooenpying tbe whole nnder-snri.ee, or both npper and nnder-snrface of 11.1
rachiform fertile fronds. Vems simple or forked, or pinnate from a central costa ; Touides simple or forked, free. “
^ Fronds dimorphous, pinnate, or bi-tri-piimate, the fertüe with Hnear contracted segments. Ehisome creeping or scandent 1,1
tins genus oeenrs the highest degree of development of which Ferns seem susceptible. The whole of the nnder-snrface (and in son.
.species the whole surface both above and below) is sporangiferous, (Moore.)
steriieo ’ ' thick, short creeping, stipes and rachis soaly ; fronds pinnate glabrous 11,
rterüe o n e sv iv ip a ro n a a tth e a p e x ,pm næ 2 5 to 50 pair, snb-opposite or alternate oblong lanceolate obtnse, 3 to 3 inehes long J J
inch broæL rather deeply crenated with a » t o n s bristle between oach creuature, superior h a sd crenatnr; the largest in fe rf;
cuneate and slightly unequal, vems pinnate free, fertüe fronds much contracted, pinnæ much shorter than the sterUe ones.
Fronds simple, entire, tho fertUe often somewhat narrower, naked or clothed with scales. Rhizome short erect, or decumbent or
elongately creeping ; rarely bumifase and ramose. (Moore.)
1. Elaphoglossum viscosum, (Schott.) Rhizomo short creeping, densely tufted with shining brown linear acuminate scales, stcrUe
fronds linear lanceolate acummate gradually attenuated at the base 10-16 inches long (of which the scaly stipe is often 4-5 inches) and
of an inch broad, clothed on both sides as is the stipe with stellate pubescence, fertile fronds mueh contracted, J to g of an inch broad, I Schott. Gen. FU. {Suh. t. 15);—J . Sm., Ilook. Journ. iv. 148;—Elaphoglossum Blumeanum, J . Sm., Hook. Journ. Bot. iii. 400;—Acrostichum
a u g u s ta tum ,- -Soi'er M. S . ;—A. Brentelianum, ATze. Schkr. Supp.ii. 3 t. 102 ;—A. Gardnerianum, LotveVn. t. 58 ;—A lancifolium, Z)esif. Berl.
Mag. V. 310 ;—A neriifolium, Wall. Cat. 16 ;—A petiolatum, Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. iii. 1588 ;—A Plumeri, Desr. Prod. 209 ;—A salicifoliuin,
}Yilld. A viscosum, Sw. Syn. F il. 10-193 ;—Olfersiai neriifolia, sahcifolia et viscosa, Presl. Tent. Pier. 234-5.
Anamallay forests, rocks in the bed of the Toracadoo river, 4000 feet elevation, rare.
2. Elaphoglossum squamosum, (J. Sm.) Rhizome short creeping, scaly, furnished with numerous wiry roots, stipes 1-2 inches
long, very scaly, fronds linear-lanceolate obtuse, graduaUy attenuated a t the base, 4-14 inches long, | to | inch broad, densely covered on
both sides with velvetty cUiated scales, fertile fronds not contracted, J . Sm., Hook. Journ Bot iv. 148 E. vestitum, Brack. M. S. Expl.
Exp. xvi. 69 ¡—Acrostichum hirtum, Sw. Syn. Fil. 194-419 ¡—A Loweanum, Kze. Hb. ;—A Lowei, Fee ¡—A paleaceum, Hook, et Grev.
leones Fil. t. 235 ;—A squamosum, Sw. Schrad. Journ. 1800 ii. 1 1 ;—Olfersise paleacea, Presl. Tent. Pter. 234.
Nilgiris, on trees about Nediwattan and on'the Sisparah gh^t, abundant.
3. Elaphoglossum conforms, (Schott.) Rhizome long creeping, scaly, furnished with hairy fibrous roots, stipes 2-3-4 inches long,
(those of the fertile fronds often longest) black a t the base, furnished with peltate or sheathing scales, fronds narrow lanceolate acuminate
furnished with diaphanous margin which is (revolute in age ; 3 to 5 inches long, and | of an inch broad, glabrous, but furnished with
deciduous scales on both sides : fertUe frond more or less contracted, Schott. Gen. Fil. {Sub. t. 15) ¡—Acrostichum conforme, Sw. Syn.
Fil. 10-192. t. 1—Fig. 1 ¡—A marginatum, Wall. Cat. 17.
NUgiris—very common on trees on the higher ranges.
Moist forests a t no great elevation. Anamallays, NUgiris, &c.
3. T a ly la tr y a y lm iffo lia . (Bory.) Ehizome thick, short creeping, stipes and rachis very scaly, fronds pinnate glahrous
some imes viviparous a t e apex ; pmnæ 2o to 50 pair opposite or alternate, oblong obtuse very unequal sided (the inferior bass!
portion bemg, as It were, cut away) pinnatified nearly J way to the costa, with a setaceous bristle between each segment, upper
Closely allied to the preceding species, bnt casüy distingnishod.
Moist Forests a t no great elevation. Nügiris—AnamaUays, die.
EiApnoOLOssuM, S cU tt. G m . F il. ( u n d e r t. 1 « ; (Acrostichum, Fée a n d A u c t. ; -P h y lI i ti ,s , Ncelcer; Olfcrsioe sp., Fred.',
simple or f t " » ''" I» “ n te-sa rfa cc of the fertile, sometiines contracted fronds. F « - !
simple or paraUelo-firrcate from a central costa ; venuh, free j clavate at the apex, terminatihg within the margin.
4. Elaphoglossum stigmatolepis 1 (Fee,) Rhizome creeping, very soaly, aud furnished with densely hairy wiry roots ; stipes scaly,
of the SterUe frouds 1-2 inches long, of the fertUe 4 to 5 inches, sterUe fronds glabrous, often furnished with deciduous scales beneath,
lanceolate acuminate very gradually attenuated at the base and decurrent on the stipe, 8-15 inches long, 1 to inch broad, furnished
with a diaphanous margiu, fertüe fronds more or less contracted and much smaller than the sterile ones, Fée Acrosl. 62 t. 2 i—Fig. 2 Î
Kze. Linn, xxiv, 248.
NUgiris and AnamaUays—common in ravines at no great elevation, on rocks and trees,
as tl !i' lauHfolium, (Thouars.) Rhizome creeping, scaly, furnished with hairy wire-Uke roots, stipes scaly often as long
wiH, " very coriaceous lanceolate acuminate, sometimes angled at the margin, 4-6 inches long, I f to 2 inches broad, furnished
* 7^”'^ conspicuous diaphanous margin, fertUe fronds more or less contracted. Fet. Thouars Fl. Tristam D'Aeunha 31 •—
P og ossum angulatum, B l En. 201 ; Id . Fl. Ja v . 25, (. 6 ; Olfersiæ angulata et lauriíoüa, Presl Tent. Pter. 234.
on trees—NUgiris (Ilonamund.) If