I i ; '
base the broadest, sub-auricled generally acnte, and as well as other of the inferior lobes serrated, inferior base excised, towards the
apex the lobes arc reduced to rather large remote serratures, veins approximate, erecto-patent With forked branches, sori long-linea,-
numerous diverging from near the costa in the direction of the veins to near the margin, giving a striated appearance to the pinu®^
involucres narrow, firm-raembranaceous— Ilook. Sp. / ’i l iii 1 6 0 ;— Lam. Lncyd. ii. p . Z06 ;— Asplenium polyodon. Foist. Prod, p,
8 0 ;—Aspl. zamiæfoliiim. Pr. Relig. Hoenh. i. 71. 43?;—Tarachia Hoenkeana. Pr. Epim. Bot. p. 76 ;— Asp. cultratum. Gaud in
Freyc. Voy. Bot. p. 317.
Anamallay forests on rocks 3,500 feet—Courtallum and Travancore. (Wight.) (The scales of the caudex are hair-like, aud
the plant here figured is perhaps rather a variety of A : longissimum, Bltime—if so I have not found the true falcatum.)
18. Asplenium macrophyUum. (Swartz.) Caudex repent, stout, paleaceous with subulate sphagnoid, dark-brown scales
stipites 4-5 inches to a foot long, lurid or greenish brown, deciduously paleaceous, fronds 8-10 inches to a foot and more long, broad-
ovate coriaceous firm-reddish-brown, when dry, pinnate, pinnæ 3-5 to 24-25 petiolate, horizontal from a broad cuneate base, trapezio-
ovate or broad-lanceolate, gradually tapering into a more or less elongated acumen 3-5-6 inches long, undivided or with one or two sharp
lobes, especially the superior ones, from 1 to 3 inches broad in the broadest part, superior base rounded, iaferior excised in a straight
line, unequally and slightly or deeply inciso-serrate, straight or falcate, striated with venation, terminal piimæ often much larger than
the rest bifid or trifid. veins numerous, crowded parallelo-radiate several times forked, sori very long in the large pinnæ as long as the
veins 2-3 inches, involucres very narrow, firm. ¿Tooi. 5)). F t / i i i . 158 ;— Sw. in Schrad. Journ. 1800 ii. p. 5 2 ;—A. intermedium.
Kaulf. in Sieb. Syn. n. 6 8 ;—A. Kaulfussii. P r. Tent. Ptei'idp. 106 ;—A. canaliculatuni, B l. En. Fil. Jav. p. 180 ;— A. coriaceum.
Box. Crypt. Fil. p. 497 ;—A. Einlaysonianum. Wall. Cat. p. 101 ;—A. megalophyiluin. Desv. in Mem. Soc. L in n . vi. 275 ;—A.
platyphyllum. J. Sm. Hook. Jouim. Bot. iii. 408 ;— A. oiyphyllum. J . Sm. I. c. 408.
Var. ¡3 urophyllum—pirime broad-lanceolate long caudate; A. urophyllum. ITaZ/’c/i. Cat.n. 1 9 2 ;—A. Tavoyanum. Wall.
Cat. n. 1035 ;—Anamallay forests on rocks and trees 2,000 to 4,000 feet elevation.—Nilgiris.—
19. Asplenium caudatum. (Forst.) Caudex nearly as thick as a swan’s quill, terete clothed especially towards the
apex, with broad-subulate brown sphagnoid imbricated falcate scales, stipites (rachis and the whole frond wheu young) villoso
squamose, sub-aggregate a span or more long, dull-lurid-brown, fronds 1-H foot long, coriaceo-chartaceous broad lanceolate,
pinnated acuminated, the apex pinnatifid, pinnæ numerous rather remote, 2-3-4 inches long, petiolate sub-falcate from a more
or less elongated and obliquely cuneated sub-rhomboid base, lanceolate, gradually and very long acuminated (caudate) superior
base rounded or sub-amicled, scarcely truncate, the inferior more or less excised, the margins very coarsely serrato-pinnatifid,
superior serratures entire sharp, the rest bifid or inciso-serrate, veins erecto-patent mostly forked, sori-linear, elongated almost
parallel with and near the costa, often imbricating in age, frequently confluent, involucres firm-membranaceous. Hook. Sp. Fil. iii.
152.—Forst. Prod. p. 80 ;—Aspl. aureum, Bl. En. Fil. Jav. p. 184 ;—Aspl. truncatilobum, Fee ;—A : cyatheæfoliiim, Bory in Rich. Voy.
Astrolab. Bot. p. 19 ;—Diplazium cyatheæfolium. Pr. Epim. Bot. p. 88 ;—A, multisectum. B l. En. Fil. Jav. p. 185.
Cochin—(I have not myself met with this species, and the drawing is taken from a specimen kindly sent me from Ceylon by
Mr. Thwaites.)
N o te .—The ahove 5 species o f the (simply pinnate) furcatum group, viz., planicaule—contigum—falcatum—via-
and caudatum are very closely allied, and botanists do not agree as to the limits o f the species.
20. Asplenium furcatum. (Thunb.) Caudex oblique, scarcely repent, stout, clothed above with copious very slender glossy broivn
silky hair-like ciliated scales, stipites copious, tufted 4 inches to a span long, more or less clothed as is the rachis with fcrrugiiieous
ciliated hair-like scales or glabrous, fronds a span to a foot and more long, ovato-lanceolate, acuminate coriaceous rigid, mostly bi-rarely
tri-pinnate dark-green and glabrous above, pale and often villous beneath, pinnæ and pinnules more or le.ss patent, primary ones petiolate,
secondary ones more or less decurrent generally narrow, cuneate or sub-spathulate or rhomboidal, truncated or rounded or acuminated,
at the apex bi-trifid or bi-tripartite, the apices dentate, or variously and often very irregularly incised ; veins conspicuous, compact, once
or more forked erect (giving a striated appearance to the pinnæ) linear elongate parallel with the central vein (there is no distinct costs'
Iinlf of the piiiiiule, involucre membranaceous very narrow. Ilook. Sp. Fil. iii 165 )— Thunb. Prodr. Fl. Cap. p. 172 ;
ch ie fly on the lowc ^30 5. ( n o t Sw a rtz ) ;-A s p . falsum 06a. vi. ?). 83 ; -A . adiantoides, (nonalior); A. præmorsum
Asp.fragrans^ . '^ ^ 1 6 2 0 _ A . Camriense, Willd. Sp. PI. v. p. 339 ;—A. geminaria. B o r y ,— k . strictum. B o r y ,- A . Mascaricnsc.
Sw. 11 In- ce.^ ^ tripartitum. Bl. ;—A. falcatum var. abbreviatum. Blume ;—A. cuneatum. Ilook. et. Grev. I. 189 (not
t e S m r ' t e » . J /» .. Soo. Yi. 278 ; -A . hirautam. Ucynz in Wall. Cat.n. 212 ; -A . My,ure«se. Both, in Walt. Cat.
( 7 i 3 ; - A . 'cicuteitam. Crypt. PI. p. 38 Erownkna. Fred. Epimet. Bat. p. 260.
Very ab u n d » t about Ootecamund in the Nilgiris and ou the higher rauges of other lofty mountains on the western side of the
A very variable species as to the shape of the pinnules .and the amount of pubescence.
A—is one of the pinnae of a mueh cut and hairy variety, very common at Ootacamund (A. præmorsum var. /3. furcatum. J/oove.)
B—pinnules of a broaderdeaved hairy variety.
21. Asplenium laciniaium. (Don.) Caudex thick, short, ascemUng, densely clothed with blackish falcate imbricated subulate
rk id scales, stipites cæspitose d-6 inches, brown, and as well as the stramineous rachis portküy and deciduously scaly compressed, fronds
ei°ect a span to a foot long, obloug-ucummate, subcoriaceous tawny, brown when dry, very opaque, pinnate, the apex narrow, pinnatifid,
pinna, distinctly petiolate 20-50 horizontal, i an inch lo 1 inch long, semiovale or semiovato-lanceolate, subfalcate auricled at the
s u p e rio r b a s e , e x c is e d at the inferior, far more than half the length of the pinna, lobed and inciso-serrate, or again pinnate especially
in the lower half, the rest kcmiato—pinnatifid, pinnules cuueate bi-triiid, superior basal one (correapoudiiig to the auricle in the more
entire pimiæ) large broad flaboUitorm criatato-Iaciiiiatc, veins distant forked, sori oblong 3-4 radiating in the auricle (or ultimate
pinnule) towards the apex anunged nearly parallel with the costa.—Hooi. Sp. Fil. iii. 164 Don. Prodr. Nep. p. 8 Aspl. cæspilosum
Wall. Cat. n. 217 A. falcatum v. (3. kceratum—Kunze in Linnoea. xxiv. 260 ;—Aspi. depauperatum— Wall. Cat. p. 234.
I hav(3 never met with this fern, and the figure here represented is taken from Sir William Hooker’s Species Filicum.
PLATE No. CXLV. (Fig. A. variations o f the pinnæ.)
22. Asplenium eriguum. (Beddome.) Caudex, a small erect rhizome with copious fibrous radicles and clothed above with
numerous subulate black scales, stipites numerous, 3-12 lines long blackish purple more or less furnished with long black subulate scales,
fronds 1J inch (often copiously in seed) to 6 In. long, 2^ to 8 lines broad, rachis sulcated above, convex beneath, slightly fiexuose, more
or less extended at the apex into a naked tail and often bearing a young plant, pinnæ numerous, subsessile from a broad base, when young
more or less hairy (under the microscope) a t length glabrous, membranaceous, in the smaller fronds sub-orbicular and simply crenate, in tlie
larger ones oblong-lanceolate pinnatifid, below cuneato-excised, the superior and inferior basal auricles 3-4 dentate or crenate, the other
lobes bi-dcntate or entire, superior pinnæ gradually smaller, uppermost ones often very minute, distinct or spathulate but fertile, (bearing
1-2 sori) inferior pinnæ gradually smaller, subrotund or flabelliform (always fertile) sori of the larger pinnæ arranged in a double
row, 1 row of 4-5 on each side of the costa and approximate to it, superior auricle generally bearing 1 diverging sorus, rarely two, sometimes
none, lower auricle generally barren, rarely bearing 1 or very rarely 2 sori—veins obscure, terminating in a thickened point with tho
Kilgiris rare. 1 have only found it on the banks of the river in the shola ahove the Kalhatty water-fall, groiving on rocks. I t
xvould be difficiilt to give a correct idea o f this variable little species from description only, the figures however are very characteristic. I t is
nearly allied to Asp. camptorachis. Kunze. Linn. X X IV , 2Q2, and I should have ref erred it to that species, except fo r the character,
“ soris in parte pinnæ ivferioris nullis,'' which could not apply to any o f the fronds that I have gathered to this species.
23. rispieniww 2Vic/toman«. (L.) Caudex short,'thick, densely fibrous, stipites 1-4 or 5 inches long, numerous tufted dark,
castaneous or black ebeneous glossy marginal, fronds 4-6-12 inches long, linear-bnceolate coriaceo-membranaceous, dark dull-green paler
beneath pinnated, pinnce numerous horizontal, scarcely petiolate, lower ones distant and smaller, oval or obovate or oval-oblong, obliquely
cuneate at the base, superior base rounded, sometimes truncated or even auriculate, sometimes excised at the inferior base, the margin