T R IB E I . ( § 6 ) L I N D S Æ E Æ .— (C o n l in u e d .)
(h) Veins reticulated witliout free included veinlets.
ScHizoLOMA, G a u d ic h a u d F rey cin ete Voy. 378.
(Pericoptis Wall. ; Synaphebiuni J . Smith ; (Synphebium Fee) Diellia Brackenridge ;)
Sori indusiate, linear or oblong, continuous or interrupted ; Receptacles sub-marginal. Indusium membranaceous equalling oi
shorter than the margin of the frond, opening on the exterior side. Veins ecostate, or forked from a central costa ; Venules anastomosing
in elongated oblique areoles, w.thout free included veinlets, the marginal ones combined by the transverse receptacles.
Fronds herbaceous, ample lobed or pinnate, or sometimes bi-pimiate ; pinnae or pinnules equal sided or dimidiate, fertile on
the upper margin only or on both margins. Ehizome creeping.— This genus differs from Lindsæa in its reticidated venation. (Moore.)
1. Schwoloma ensifoUum J . Sm. Caudex very short creeping, stipes and rachis glabrous, stipe as long or longer than the
pinnated frond; pinnæ 3-13 linear-ensiform or lanceolate erecto-patent, sub-incinbranaceous, sori continuous round the whole margin
except a t the apex and base, sterile apex serrated—Lindsoea ensifolia. Siv. Sgn. Fil. p. 118. t. 137.—Lindsæa lanceolata. Labili, pl.
Nov. Roll. 98—L . membranacea Kunze :—L . attenuata. Wall—L. longipinna. Wall.
Foot of the Sisparah and Carcoor g s in Malabar.
2. Schizoloma helerrophyllum J . Sm. in Hook. Journ. Bot. II I. 414. Fronds lanceolate or deltoid, pinnate with tlie pinnules
pinnatifid or bi-pinnate, pinnæ or pinnules lanceolate or rhomboid-cuneate, or nearly orbicular, petiolate or sessile sub-coriaceous membranaceous
opaque sori continuous {Hooh Sp. Fil. 1, 223) Lindsoea heterophylla, Dryander. Linn. Trans, v. iii. p. 41 ;—Lindsoea variabi-
Us Hook, et Arn. Bot o f Beech, voy.
Bolampatty valley (Coimbatore hills)—Cañara.
3. Schizoloma recurvatum (Moore) Caudex creeping stipes and rachis pinkish colored longer than the frond tetragonous fronds
simply pinnate or with 2-3 pinnate branches, pinnæ oblongo-Ianceolate recurved, pinnules oblong very obtuse sub-falcate the lower
margin formed by the costa ; sori along the upper margin interrupted—Lindsoea recurvata. Wall.—Lindsoea nitens Blume. Lindsoea serpens.
Bolampatty valley Coimbatore hills—rare. The pink colored stipes and rachis give this fern a very pretty appearance. { I am
not sure whether I shoxild not have referred ilAs fe rn to the S : obtusum {Synaphebium obtusum o f J . Sm.) rather than to S- recurvatum.)
T R IB E I . (§ 2) L O M A R IE Æ .
L om a r ía , W illd e n ow Mag. N a t. Ber. 1809, 160,
(Stegania, Broxvn ; Loraaridium, Presl. ; Polygramma, Presl ; Paralomaria, Fée ;)
So7-i indusiate, linear, continuous, on a broadish Hneav receptacle, occupying nearly the whole under surface of the contracted
fertile fronds. Indusixim attached a t the mai'gin, linear, continuous, scarious, opening along the inward side. Veins (sterile) simple
or forked from a central costa, the venules direct free ; or (fertile) obsolete.
Fronds simple pinnatifid pinnate or bi-pinnatifid ; the fertile contracted. Ehizome short thick erect or decumbent, •
? or arborescent—(Moore.)
1. Lomaría elongata Blume. En. Fil. Jav. 11. p. 201. Caudex short siibrepcut, frond long stipitate coriaceous glabrous, often
reddish colored when young, 1-2 feet and move long ovato-lanceolate pinnatifid (youug sterile fronds often undivided lanceolate ) segments
few or many, of the sterile frond oblong-lanceolate acuminate sub-falcate patent, more or less approximate entire, except sometimes a t the
poiftt, which is often slightly serrated, lowest segments often reduced to mere lobes. Veins simple forked, not reaching the margin but
each furcation terminating in a large dot within the margin, fertile segments linear contracted, indusium fugacious Hook. Sp. Fil.
I l l , 3. Lomaria punctata. Bl.