T i l
t í ■í
¡ «■
3. r«/-. li. J . )r('<//iit!iJiii»i mici'ophjlhm (R. II. B.) pinnce raueh smaller with an unequal cuneate base—scarcely acummai(ij
the aitox—sei-ratares obtusely rounded, superior basal serrature generally deeper than the others and bilid.
4. .-I upknittm persicifnlium. (J. Smith). Stipes and rachis livid, slightly soaly, fronds 2 feet and more long, sub-coriaceous,
ovato-laiiceolate, very opaque, dark-green, impari-pinnate, or terminated by a viviparous scaly bud, pinnce numerous, yet distant. (20-3(1) j
¡latent 4-6 inches long, petiolate narrow-oblong lanceolate, finely acuminate, sometimes sub-falcate, more or less serrated at tho apex,
deeidy ineiso-serrate, tlie base obliquely cuneate, superior rouuded or sub-truncate, inferior sub-excised, veins sunk obscure, usually fork-
ed, sori linear, remote rather short, patent often irreguhrr not reaching to the costa nor the margin, involucre linear, firm, sub-coriaecou;
—Hook. Sp. Fil. iii. 108.—Aspl. Zenkerianum. Kze. in Linnoea. x.xiv. p. 259.
Nilgiris—Sholas on Dcxlabctt and behind the Avalanche bungalow.—Anamallays.
.5. Aspteninm variam. (Hook, and Grev.} Caudex small, erect, densely rooting, stipites tufted slender, 1-2 inches long, slightlj
paleaceous above, frouds 2-4 inches long, membranaceous, lanceolate bi-pinnatc, primary pinnce ^ an inch long on sliorfc petioles, distant,
patent obtuse, pinnules few on each ¡linua 1-U line long, cuneate and irregularly incised, sometimes all the pinnules are confluent, and
then the pinnce are pinintifid, veins variously forked, sori few, 2-3 on each pinnule at length confluent, involucres pale brown, membra-
naceous, entire sub-athyroid. Hook. Sp. Fil. iii, p. 192 Aspidium varians. Wall in Herb—Hook. ;—Asplcn. plcbeium. li. B r .—Asiil.
fimbriatum. Kze in Linnoea xviii. p. 117.
Nilgiris—Common about Ootacamund.
6. Asplénium ¿‘nnifoUum. (Don.) Caudex horizontal stout, when old, scarcely ¡micaceous, stipites tufted 3-4 inches to s
span long, castaneous at the base, fronds oblong-ovate, acuminate pale green, membranaceous 6-12 inches long, tri-sub-quadri-pinnate,
]iimuB and pinnules all petiolate, primary pinnæ patent 2-3 inclies long, broad-lanceolate, ultimate pinnules obovato—or linear-cuneate
tapering into the petiole, bifid or pinnatifid or laciniatcd, the segments very acute, almost mucronate, apices of the fronds and priinavv
]>imiæ pinnatifid with linear segments, veins solitary, central terminating much short of the apices, sori rarely piore than 2 on the disc or
pinnule, oblong, generally on a forked nerve, and the membranaceous involucres o^xm towards each other—Hook. Sp. FU. iii. 193.—
Don. Prodr. Fl. Xep. p. 8—Asplénium Concimmm. Wallich.
Nilg —Common in Sholas on the banks of streams at Ootacamund, ami at the Avalanche—Anamallays.
7. Asplénium heterocarpum. (Wallich). Caudex long, creeping horizontally, young frond-buds clothed with small black subulate
scales, frond.j sparse but approximate, stipites 4 inches to a span long, scaly at the base, and as well as the slender rachis purple-
ebeneous glossy, fronds oblong or linear, lanceolate G-14 inches long, and acuminate, membranaceous dark-green sub-translucent pinnated,
pinnæ very numerous, approximate horizontally patent 1-14 inch long, petiolate (ultimate ones very small and deeurrent into a pinnatifid
acumen) oblongo-Ianceolate generally obtuse, dimidiate (the lower half as it were cut off parallel witii the rachis in a straight line nearly
lo the ajisx) superior base tnmcate parallel with the rachis not anriclcd, superior margin and apex only deeply inciso-serratc, segments
bi-deiitate munosorus, veins forked, s^iri solitary (rarely 2 ) confined to the marginal serratures or segments, small oval-oblong, involucre
brown, membranaceous entire. Ilook. Sp. FU. iii. 132-. Wall. Cat. 218. A.splcnium cheilosorum, Kze..in Metten Asplen. p. 133 i. 5.
12. ¡3.
Travancore Hills—Ifercara—Niigiiis (.Vvalaiiehc and Neddiwattan).
___ u,..,,,,.!,0(1 about as t h i c k as a goose quill, stipites scattered distant genes,
f l f l y . somotimcs t e ta c c o a s and opaque, 5 mcl.cs lo a span long, fronds
ra il, (as well as tire slender “ ^ ^ , „ i , „ i a , „ t e to narrow-oblong acuminate, pinnate, pmna, varying
mcmte.auaccoos, ^ less confluent) sub-rtiombeo-ovate or lanceolate often falcato, c s p e c
mncl. in number, size a.uUb.ape ( ,pp„ximate from J an Inch to 3 Inches long, more or less rnerso-serratc,
t I S a : 1 01 a n r l l d . inferior base, and sometimes tbe wliole Inferior balftocised, cut ofl a , .
superior base tfuncated and p.ual ^
• - wore in a str.ngbt line or deep y nun e^^^ „amerons, small oblong in the snperior half, in the inferior few and
th e s u p e rio r b a so tw o o r th r e , ,^KroTta,vrtmitt N p / '’if / / / 1 3 0 .— A s p le n ium e ro s o - d e n ta tum , R f . A’ß . J a v . 74.
“ r flfllflflfltflflfl. flfl . -A - o l«.tnm,lKn«. L - A . serrmforme. Hc«m. Asp i» . p .A l .
1 S 3 .-A . dccnrrens, I « . , D ^ ^ ^ ^63 , A. amnmnm. Preel. , A fratemnm Preel. ; -A .
k » r ^ X r p . 1 8 2 - 1 . porphyroeanlon et erytlirocanloni«. í. c. p. 182 and 3 . -A totnm.IF««. Cal. ». 209 (noi S,e.) ;
_ A . cxcissum. Presl.
Kilgiris, Anamallays, rulnies Ac., very common a t an clovation of 3,000 to .0,000 foot.
o A mullijmam. (Wallich.) Caudex erect, stont, with densely flbrons roots, stipites very nnmerons. omspitose 4-0 inches long
h icons bHck glossy as well as the rachis, fronds erect or flevnoso, or sub-deenmbent. 8 inches to a toot long, elongated bnear-oblong,
i r r i y ae— the apex, rather lirm-membranaeeons in texture, dark opaque green, pmnated. pinnae
F i te rn m p - s horizontally .approximate, gradually sm-allcr a t the apex, 4-8 Hues long, falcato-oblong, obtuse, obliquey cuneate
F t a o le x 4 -6-8 inches long, falcato-oblong. obtuse obliquely cuneate .at the base sessile, superior base truncate prolonged mto a harp
t f l f l f l i f l and contlvnons to the raehis. inferior base cut with a horizontal line which extends nearly the length of the m error
■ t o t o I t o l , tho r e i snperior, and tho apex „renato-dentate, costa slender, reniform parallel with and very near the lower
m a r k veins distant, superior ones oblique, simple or forked, inferior ones few and almost parallel “ f " “ j
oH o k rather larvo, those above the costa 2-Ó rarely more obUqne, inferior ones 1-3, involucres broad. Iloole. Sp. I d. I l l l i
f l f l Cat. n. 207 t Aspi, normale, Don. Proel, fl. Nep. p. 7 ; -A s p : nmlticanle, IKaB. Cai ». 208 ; Aspl. opaonm, Knme en Lznrzena.
X X IV . p. 261.
Nilgiris—Anamallays. Common on the higher elevations.
10. Aeplenhan trapedforme P (Eoxb.) Ehizome creot, raehis flattened above, fronds 14 mches to neatly 2 feet long, 3 to .3J
inches broad, membranaceons glabrous, lanceolate, pinnated, the lower pinnm the largest, and gradually smaUer upwards, pmniB IC-.U
■ pair, shortly petiolate, the lower ones from 1 J to nearly 2 inches long, 6 lines broad, tnapezoid-lanceolate, acuminate, crenated wnth the
ercnatures obtusely or acutely bifid, superior base generally moro or less auricled, inferior exc.so cuneate, costa floxnose .all the veins
forked, except l o r 2 .lear the apex, which are .simple; s o r i Ó-7 on each side of the costa, involucres membr.anaceons-Aoxi. Crypl. p. 4 J , .
Nilgiri.s and Anamallays—Common.
11. Asplénium Brasiliense rjiizome evect, stipes glabrous, grooved and winged above, convex beneath, fronds 10
inches to 11, foot long, about an inch and a half broad, elliptic linear-lanceolate, rigidly membranaceous, glabrous, dark-green, pinnated
with the upper and lower pinnce gradually smaller, pinnæ numerous very shortly petiolate, 4 to | of an inch long, 3-4 lines broad,
trapczoid-lauceolate obtuse, crenated with the crcnaturcs obtuse, entire or obtusely bifid, superior base auricled, inferior base exciso-
cmieate, costa of the pinnæ fiexuose, superior basal veius forked, the upi>er ones simple, inferior veins all entire, or the^ basal one only
forked, soi'i 2-4 on each side of tho costa, but none on the auricle, involucre membranaceous thin, at length reflexed— FU. Bras,
p. 36, f. 5 1 ,/. 1. Aspl. luinilatum, Sicarlz.— A. Immlatum var. sphcnolobium, Kze. in Linnoea. xxiv. p. 264.—A. pulchrum. T( all. Cat.
n. 221 1 .—A. hracliyotus. 7v'««2e i n x x i v . 261.
Nilgiris—Common about Ootacamund.