B y M a j o r
A b i n g t o n .
JPa n i a n i .
difgrace, that he determined on the fatal Jo a r , fee page 56, and
by that rite made the horrible expiation * !
In the year 1782, this city was taken by Major Abington. He
was fuperfeded in his command by Colonel Humberjlon. The
environs were at that time in poffeflion o f the enemy, under
Mugdum Saheb, a general o f Aydef s. The youthful hero',
panting after glory, fallied forth with a handful o f men, and
gave him a total defeat. Mugdum, feveral principal officers,
and between three and four hundred men, fell in the ait ion.
His forces confifted o f three thouiànd foot and near a thoufand
horfe. “ I am alhamed,” fays the modeft victor, “ to name
“ the number of my troops : they were fp few, that you will
“ think me rafh to have ventured an aition. In .confe.que.nce
“ the enemy evacuated all the country, which belonged to the
Zamorin, whom I reftored to his poffeflion s +.”■ : .
Paniant is a town a few miles farther, where the K»g/(/7j had
once a fettlement. What makes it particularly remarkable-is,
that the Ghauts, oppofite to the place, have in them à gap, between
fourteen and fifteen miles in length, and about fixteen.
miles in width, occupied chiefly by foreft trees, and is defended
by the forts of Anhamally and Palicaudcbèrryi- and others 4 It;
■being the important pafs to and from the Malabar coaft, and
of late years has been very frequently the feat o f a ¿lion. In
thé campaign o f 1783, the forts o f Annamally .and Palicaudr
cherry were taken by that moil able officer Colonel Fullarton,
who knew how to conquer, and knew how to record his a ¿lions.
* Life of Ayder Alii, i. h i , f Eritiih India, iii. 832«
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