F ire F lie s.
moil ftrikingly magnificent. The bricks o f which the buildings
were compofed, have Hood the trial o f many ages; their
excellency makes them greatly fought after, and they are fent
as articles o f commerce to Moorjhedabad and feveral other places.
In its profperity it was the capital of Bahar and Bengal, for
which it was by its fituation particularly well adapted. Its
neighbors, Tandab and Pundua% fuccefiively capitals and royal
refidences, like their predecefior Gour, are now known only by
the heaps o f ruins. Mr. Daniel/, in his IVth plate, has given
a ruin o f a fine gateway, with a view of a colonnade, feen
through the pointed arch beneath; the gateway is elegantly
carved, and has on each fide an angular tower. All beyond
is loft in lofty woods. In front is a quantity of thick and tall
grafs, out o f which are ruihing a wild fow, and its family,
which fome natives are watching above to flioot.
Bernier fpeaks in high terms o f the beauty o f the Ganges,
from Rajahmabel to its fall into the bay of Bengal. It is filled
with iflands, thick fet with fruit trees, ananas, and all the
fruits o f the torrid zone. On each fide o f the river appear
great canals, the work o f human induitry, to convey the produce
of the country, and even the facred water to diftant parts.
Along the banks are well inhabited villages, and fields of rice,
fugar canes, fefamum, and various forts o f legumes.
In many parts, efpecially among the channels of the Sunder-
bund, the buihes feemed illuminated with the multitudes o f the
* Fitche,anEngliih Merchant, who travelled in India from the year 158510 159-1, vifited
Tanda in Gouren; great traffic is hefe, fays he, in Cotton and in Cloth of Cottonand was
fnbdued by Zelabdim Echebar. Hackluyt, ii, 256.