A z im e r e .
monarchs, bred under the fevereft ikies, have ihewn themfelves
monfters o f cruelties, notwithftanding they have been held up
to us as models of greatnefs. Among thofe of the North are
Bafilovitz I I . and Peter the Great. And in Hindoojlan, the favorite
Akbar, and others, fucceifors or predecelfors. Their enormities
are the refult o f education; indulged firft in every in-
fant-paflion, then in thofe o f youth, till they become ungovernable
; and every oppofition to their will appears criminal, and
brings on the moft dreadful revenge, and the frequent havoke
o f the human race. Compare then the manners of the
princes of this country with thofe of the myriads of the meah-
eft o f the Hindoo fubjeCts; education has produced monfters of
the former : climate has foftened into gentlenefs, reiignation,
and the fulleft fubmiflion in the minds of the latter to every
evil, to famine, ficknefs, and tyrannic fury.
Akbar ereCted his conqueft into, a foubahfhip, and named
it that of Agimere or Azimere. At prefent Audapour, Joodpour,
and Jeinagur, amtient principalities of the Raipoots, remain' in
their defcendants. Moft of the reft o f the Soubahlhip is pof-
feffed by the Mabrattas, or by Sindia. Mr. Rennel thinks the
capital, Agimere, to have been the Gagafmiru o f Ptolemy. It is
built in about lat. 26? 32', at the foot of a lofty mountain,
Crowned with a fortrefs of great ftrength. Little is faid of the
city. It feems holy ground, and productive o f holy men.
Akbar, in want of an heir, made a pilgrimage to this place to
the ihrine of Cbaja Main, in confequence of a vow he had made
in cafe he was blefled with a fon, which his favorite Sultana
prefented him with juft before *. To infure fucceft, he had
* Dow’ s Hift. ii. 279,, 280*.