Em p ir e u n d e r
A k b a r .
reclamed by the prudence o f a Mr. Cleveland, who went unarmed
among them, and at length perfuaded them to raife a body
of men among themfelves, for the purpofe of protecting thofe
very people who had been the late objefts of their ravages».
T he ipecimens of the antient Hindoo tongue is locked up in
books intelligible only to the Brahmins, who make it their
lludy. It is called the Sanjkr.it, of which I have taken notice at
p. a n Mr. Halhed, in the introduction to the Gentoo laws, gives
an ingenious account of thefe old books, and fpecimens of the
language and types.
Hindoojtan, in the days of Akbar, was divided into twelve
Soubabjbips, or viceroyalties, and each o f thofe committed to the
care of a Soubah. The hiftory of thefe provinces is given by
Abulfazel, in the fecond volume o f the Akberry, now and then
we meet with in it fome inftances o f credulity, but on the whole
it is a fine view of the empire and its revenues, and o f all that
concerns its political ftate. To each Soubahjhip is added an account
o f its revenue in money, its ftrength in military forces, in
elephants, and other particulars, of which I give a fpecimen in
the firft article, that of Bengal.
“ T h e Soobah of Bengal,” fays Abulfazel, ii. 19, « confifts of
“ twenty-four fircars, and feven hundred and eighty-feven
“ mahls. The revenue is fifty-nine crore, eighty-four lacks,
li fifty-nine thoufand three hundred and nineteen dams, or
“ Sicca rupees 1,49,61,482-15-2 in money, and the Zemindars
“ (who are moftly Koits) furnifh alfo 23,300 cavalry, 801,158
“ infantry, 170 elephants, 4,260 cannon, and 4,400 boats.”
Bengal, fays Ferijhta, ii. 139, was added to the empire by
Humaioon, in 1538; he took its antient capital Gour, and
changed its name to Genutabad, or the Heavenly city, Ferijhta
fhould have faid, that it was firft conquered by the emperor
Altumjh, who began his reign in 12x0, but it appears to have
recovered its independency. After the fecond conqueft, Bengal
revolted again ; but was afterwards fubdued by Akbar in 1576.
Bahar, in all probability, followed the fortunes of Bengal, B a h a r .
both in the conquefts and the revolts.
Allahabad was early a part of the empire of Hindoojlan ; we A l lahabad.
know from Ferijhta, i. 387, that Mahmood Shah had a vifier
named Jehan, who in 1393, ufurped this province, and reigned
under the name o f Sultan ul Shirki, or king o f the eaft. Abulfazel,
ii. 39, fays, he was a eunuch o f the palace, and dignified
by the emperor by that title.
Hgra, like Debit, early fubmitted to the force o f the Ghiznian A g ra.
Malwah was added to the empire of Hindoojlan b y the em- M a lw a b .
peror Humaioon.
Dandees. Akbar, under the pretence, that the monarch o f D a n d e e s ..
this kingdom reigned ill, depofed him, and made it part of the
Berar had been part of the Deccan, it was conquered by B e r a r .
Mortaza Nizam el Mulk.
Gujerat. During the inteftine tumults of the year 1572, G u j e r a t .
Akbar marched into this kingdom, which fubmitted without
ftriking a blow. Its laft prince was Mahmood. Qn his death,