to the eaft of Boglepour. The religion of the country is faid to
have been brought from T’bibet; part of the people adopt that
of the Hindoos. The temples are magnificent.
T he government is monarchical; the late Gaenprejas had an
army of fifty thoufand men, but that was unable to prevent his
being dethroned by the king of Gorcha, a neighboring prince,
affifted by the treachery of the fubjeas of the innocent monarch.
The king of Gorcha was a complete barbarian. The
cruelties he praaifed on the loyal fubjeas of Napaul to fhake
their fealty, are too ihocking for me to relate. Gaenprejas was
in his city when it was ftormed by the favage monarch, when
he in defpair ran towards his enemy, and received his death by
the ihot of an arrow.
I am glad to relieve my mind from the tragical fubjea, by
applying to the beautiful ornithology of the country ; its birds
are uncommonly fplendid. Lady Impey iavored me with drawings
of feveral, all of the gallinaceous tribe. The firft is of the
horned turkey, introduced to notice by Mr. G. Edwards, in
H o rn ed TUR- 7
K .E T . his cxvith plate. He had opportunity o f defcribing only the head
of the male, but that head was accompanied with a drawing o f
the entire bird. Lady Impey communicated to me another
drawing o f a bird much refembling the former in colors, which
are equal in brilliancy, and far too bright for me to fuppofe it
to have been the female of that etched by my old friend. The
• head of this bird is furniihed with two callous horns falling
back and reverting at the ends, and with two broad and long
dewlaps, each pendent from the different fides of the bill.
: This bird, when alive, had the faculty o f dilating and lengthening