P a g o d a d e d i g
a t e d t o M o n -
P lM L IP A T A M .
C h i c a c o l e .
C a l i n g a p a -
T AM .
G an jam .
. I n d i a n P r i a p u s .
ing the muzzle o f his piece ftill at his breaft, and one of the
Nabob's, fervants ftanding all the while behind Mr. Holden with
a dagger’s point clofe to his back; fo they had a conference of
half an hour long in thofe iingular circumftances, and then the
Nabob thought fit to retire, full of wonder and admiration o f fo
daring a courage.
N e a r the town, on a little mountain, is a Pagoda dedicated to
the worlhip o f Monkies, o f which many hundreds are bred
here; they are nouriihed by the prielts with boiled rice and
other food; they regularly affemble at meal time, and afterwards
difperfe. This refpedt is doubtlefsly paid to thefe fan-
taftic animals in memory o f the famous Ape god.
Bimlipatam is a fmall Dutch fadtory. About forty miles farther
ftands Chicacole, the antient Cocala, and former capital of
the Circar, and refidence of the Rajah, A little farther ftands
Calingapatam, remarkable for retaining the antient name of the
people, the Calingce; and poffibly it might have been the capital,
and poffibly the place at which the elephants were landed,
as Julian relates,’ from the Iile at Ceylon, and fold to the king of
the country, which was called Parthalis, fee vol. i. p. 185.
Pliny fays, that monarch had always feven hundred ready to
march at an hour’s warning. Ganjam, in Lat. 190 2a', is rich in
rice and fugar-canes, and in Hamilton's time much fugar,
both white and brown, was made in the neighborhood; which
produces alfo bees-wax and fticlac, and tolerably good iron:
there are befides feveral kinds of cotton manufactures.
H er e is a Pagoda to the Indian Priapus, their god Gopalfami.
T h e obfcene deity is reprefented both in fculpture and painting
in the moft filthy manner, and figures o f males and females
are reprefented in every variety of indecency. The fame fpe-
cies o f Pagoda, the fame dilgufting fculpture, and the fame reverence
is paid to Gopalfama in places innumerable along this
coaft; he is often carried in proceffion followed by troops of
virgins and married women, who worlhip and kifs the infignia
of the god to deprecate fterility. Thefe are comparatively barbarians.
What ihall we fay to the Roman matrons, who performed
the ffelf-fame ceremonies, or what ihall we fay to the
proftitution of the fine arts, which could exhauft their ikill in
the grolieft reprefentations o f the objedts. of worlhip belonging
to the filthy deity.
T he great Cbilka lake bounds the Circars on the north; it Chjlka Lake.
feems formed like that of Pullicate, by an overwhelming of the
fea, and like that it has its ifles. It affords a moft agreeable
profpedt, diverfified with woods, iilands, and mountains, and
fmall veffels perpetually in motion: it is the divifion between
the Circars and the province o f Cattack, the moft fouthern in
the kingdom o f Orixa. Here begins the wildeft part o f the
vaft forefts which fpread along the back o f the Circar mountains,
and the unknown parts of Berar, \
Now commences the once great kingdom o f Orixa, the feat K ingdom of
o f the Gangaridce Calingce, difcovered in the time o f Pliny. In ° RII£A'
lib. vi. ‘c. 19, he fays it was alfo called Parthalis, and the king
was a moft potent monarch ; he could bring into the field feven
ty thoufand foot, a thoufand horfe, and five hundred elephants
; his numerous fubjedts followed different occupations;
fome cultivated the ground, others were manufacturers, and
V o l . II. S f others.