^ T ^ H E S E Two Volumes are compofed from the XlVth
X and XVth of my O u t l i n e s o f t h e G l o b e . I had
many folieitations from private friends, and a few wiihes
from perfons unknown delivered in the public prints, to
commit to the prefs a part, in the form in which the poft-
humous volumes might hereafter make their appearance. I
might have pleaded the imprudence of the attempt, at my
time of life, of beginning fo arduous an undertaking in my
71ft year. I happily, till very lately, had fcarcely any admonition
of the advanced feafon. I plunged into the fea o f
troubles, and with my papers in one hand, made my way
through the waves with the other, and brought them fecure
to land. This, alas ! is fenile boafting. I muft fubmit to the
judgment of the public, and learn from thence how far I
am to be cenfured for fo grievous an offence againft the
maxim of Ariftotle, who fixes the decline of .human abilities
to the 49th year. I ought to ihudder when I confider
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