gallivats, full of men. With the Guardian, Bombay grab, and
Drake bomb ketch, he engaged the enemy, and kept them
in clofe a£tion, whilft his fleet got fafe into Celtic berry. In this
co n f lic t he funk one o f the enemies largeft gallivats, and obliged
the reft to feek for fafety in Gberiab and Severndroog.
A bout the beginning o f the year 1751, Sir William was appointed
commander in chief of the Baft India Company’s marine
forces, and hoifted his broad pendant on board the Pro-
lee lor, a fine ihip of 44 gams. On April 2d, I7S5> Ae was fent
with the ProteBor, Guardian, Bombay grab, and Drake bomb,
with fome gallivats, to attempt fuch of the ports belonging
to Angria which lie to the northward of Gberiab, his principal
fortrefs, and capital.
T h e chief o f thefe fortrefles was Severndroog, where Angria's,
veflels refitted, and took ihelter when they could not reach Gberiab.
It was weH defended by batteries along the ihore, and the
entrance of the harbour was fecured by a ftrong caftle, on which
were mounted feventy pieces of cannon. Angria's people con-
fidered Severndroog as their ftrongeft hold next to Gberiab. Sir
William, having reconnoitred the place, and informed himfelf
of its ftrength, brought his Ihips with a leading wind clofe to
the caftle-walls, and by a fteady well-diretfted fire (whilft the
D ra k ethrew in her bombs) foon brought on a parley, and in
lefs than three hours the governor furrendered the caftle, and
the veflels in the harbour; from hence Sir William went to
Port ViStoria, which quickly followed the fate o f Severndroog;
and the next day four other forts were numbered in his con-
quefts: all thefe falling, was a fevere blow to Angria, who
+ hatl
S IR W I L L I A M J AME S , Ba r o n e t . 259
had a ihort time before attacked a fleet o f Dutch ihips, under
the proteftion o f a 50 gun Ihip and a frigate : T he Dutch fleet
was difperfed, and the 50 gun ihip, and fome o f the merchantmen,
were brought in great triumph to Gberiab.
W hen Sir William returned with his victorious fleet to Bombay,
he found Admiral Watfon there, with three line-of-battle
ihips, and fome frigates, Sec. The government of Bombay confuted
with the Admiral about means to deftroy the powers of
Angria, and the Mabratta ftates joined in the confederacy, for
they had fuffered by his depredations.
Si r William was fent with his little fquadron to reconnoitre
Gberiab, a place reprefented to be almoft impregnable from the
fea. He judicioufly flood clofe in to the walls, under the cover
o f night, and with his boat founded and examined the channels
leading to the harbour, and outer road; in the day-time he
flood in within gun-ihot of the walls; and having in two days
made himfelf perfectly matter of the enemy’s ftrength, he returned
to Bombay. This piece of fervice he performed with fo
much promptnefs and ikill, that he received the thanks of the
Governor and Admiral; and they were fo well perfuaded, from
his report, o f the practicability o f the enterprize, that no time
was loft in equipping the ihips, and embarking the troops.
T he fquadron formed off Gberiab the 10th February, 1756.
Sir William, in the Protestor, led the fquadron to the attack in
one divifion, whilft another divifion o f frigates led the bomb-
ketches in another line; a heavy and tremendous fire began on
our part from the ihips o f the line, whilft the ihells were thrown
with great fuccefs from the bombs into the harbour, where all
Angria's ihips were hawled for fafety; thefe were foon fet on
L i s fire