a6a T H E L I F E OF
able, that only one out o f the feven periihed, though after they
got on Ihore, but few o f them had the ufe of their limbs for
many days.
In the year 1759, Sir William returned to his native country.
The Haß India Company prefented him with a handfome elegant
gold-hilted fword, with a complimentary motto, expreffive
o f their fenfe o f his gallant fervices. Soon afterwards he was
chofen a director, and continued a member o f that refpeitable
body more than twenty years; in which time he had filled both
the chairs. He was fifteen years deputy m after of the corporation
o f ‘Trinity Houfe-, a governor of Greenwich hofpital; ferved
two fefiions in parliament for WeßLooe-, and on the 25th of July
1778, the King was pleafed to create him a baronet.
He planned the reduction o f Pondicherry during the American
war, and received a rich fervice o f plate from the India
Company, as a teftimony o f their fenfe of his Ikill and judgment
in that affair.
On the 16th December, 1783, Sir William died, aged 62. In
the year following, a handfome building was erected on hiseftate
in Kent, near the top of Shooter's H ill; it is built in the ftyle of
a caftle, with three fides, and commands a moil extenfive view.
The loweft room is adorned with weapons peculiar to the different
countries o f the Eaft. The room above has different views
of naval aitions and enterprizes painted on the ceiling, m which
Sir William had been a confiderable aitor. The top of the building
is finiihed with battlements about fixty feet from the bafe.
The top o f the battlements are four hundred and eighty feet
abpve the level o f Shooter's Hill, and more than a hundred and
S IR W I L L I A M J AME S , B a r o n e t . 263
forty feet higher than the top of St. Paul's cupola.— On a
tablet over the entrance door is this infcription :
This Building was ereiled M.DCC.LXXXIV .
by the Reprefentative o f the late
Sir W i l l i a m J a me s , Bart,
to commemorate that gallant Officer’s Atchievements in the Eajl Indies,
during his Command of the Company’s Marine Forces in thofe Seas j
and in a particular Manner to record the Conqueft of
the Caftle of Severndroog, on the Coaft of Malabar,
which fell to his fuperior Valour and able Conduit
on the 2d Day of April M .DCC.LV .
Of Sir William, it is faid, by a perfon who knew him intimately
near thirty years, and was well acquainted with his pro-
feflional abilities ; That as a thorough practical feaman, he
was almoft without an equal:— As an officer, he was brave,
vigilant, prompt, and refolute ; patient in difficulty, with a prefence
of mind that feemed to grow from danger.
E N D O F T H E F I R S T V O L U M E .