fuitable artift. The following defcription from the Ayeen muft
at prefent content us ; “ Near to Jugernaut is the temple of the
** Sun, in the ereiting o f which was expended the whole reve-
nue of OrijJ'a for twelve years. No one can behold this im-
“ menfe edifice without being ftruck with amazement. The
“ wail which furrounds the whole is 'one hundred and fifty
« cubits high, and nineteen cubits thick. There are three en-
« trances to i t ; at the eaftern gate aré two very fine figures of
“ elephants, each with a man upon his trunk. To the weft
u are two furprifing figures of horfemen, completely armed,
“ and over the northern gate are carved two tygers, who hav-
“ ing kilted two elephants, are fitting upon them. In the front
« o f the gate is a pillar o f black ftone, o f an octagonal form,
« fifty cubits high : there are nine flight o f fteps, after afcend-
“ ing which you come to an extenfive enclofure, where you
« difcover a large dome, conftruited o f ftone, upon which are
« carved the fun and the ftars, and round them is a border,
o where are reprefented a variety o f human figures exprefling
« the different paflions of the mind, fome kneeling, others
« proftrated with their faces on the earth, together with min-
“ ftrels, and a number o f ffrange and wonderful anknais, fuch
« 3S never exifted but in imagination: This is faid to be a
« work of feven hundred and thirty years antiquity. Rajah
“ Nurjing Deo finiihed this building, thereby ereiting for him-
“ felf a lafting monument of fame. There are twenty-eight
« other temples belonging to this Pagoda, fix before the nor-
“ them gate, and twenty-two without the enclofure, and they
“ are all reported to have done miracles.”
A l l this country is filled with game, deer, antelopes, and
birds, terreftrial and aquatic, in numbers incredible; the fea and
river fwarm with fifties. The wonder ceafes when we confider
the ftriil refpeél paid by the Hindoos to the Pythagorean doctrine
; they will not eat o f any animal food, they will neither
deftroy any animal, or fuffer to be deftroyed any thing in which
is life.
Parcite mortales dapibus temerare nefandis
Corpora. Sunt fruges j funt deducentia ramos
Pondéré poma fuo, tumidæque in vitibus uvæ ;
Sunt herbæ dülces j funt quæ mitefcere flamma
Mollirique queant. Nec vobis laiteus humor,
Eripitur, nec mella thymi redolentia florem,
Prodiga divitias alimentaque mitia tellus
Suggerit, atq. epulas fine cæde et fanguine præbet
Carne feræ fedant jejunia.
They never drink wine. Like the followers o f Pythagoras they
never eat o f any thing that had life ; like them they firmly believe
in the tranfmigration o f fouls ; they hold the elements of
water and fire in the utmoft veneration ; the water o f the Ganges
is thought peculiarly facred. A cow is moft particularly re-
fpeéted. They are monogamifts, have their deities, idols of the
wildeft and moft horrible forms, have wonderful legends of
their aitions and moft myftic tales. The Pagodas are the temples,
many o f extravagant magnificence in ftrange and vaft